This time, the best actress of the Golden Flower Awards was won by Zhang Zhiyi, while the best actor was won by Zheng Mingri. As for "records of the Geisha of the Tang Dynasty" , it also won the best film editing and best new director. It could be said that the "Tang Dynasty" film crew had won many awards, so Gu ye was very satisfied. At this point, the golden flower awards also came to a successful conclusion. At the golden flower awards'celebratory banquet, many artistes still gave face and stayed behind. The Splendid Hotel, everywhere clothes fragrant hair shadow, toasting staggered. And on the makeshift table, a long crystal table with up to 10 layers of wine glasses folded into a cake shape. At the time, the head of the organizing committee, the head of the television station and the investor were holding a bottle of champagne and pouring it down from the top. Everybody Clap. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Xi Wan and the crew sat at a round table, at that time, b stage Wen Qiqi hand holding champagne came over. She changed into a low-cut tight skirt, wearing a fox fur texture of the shoulder, curl tingting came. "Xi Wan, long time no see. " Her voice as before, sweet whine. Xi Wan Leng for a moment, memory, oneself and she, seem to have no intersection. "just a year and a half have not seen, you have today's achievement, is really remarkable. " She smiled to Xi Wan Toast. Xi Wan clinked her glass with Xi Wan's and lightly touched her lips. It had been a year and a half, and she was someone the original host knew. Suddenly, Xi Wan remembered that the original host seemed to have been an intern anchor at B television station. "Not bad. " Wen Qiqi heard Xi wan speak, and the smile on her face became even more radiant "You're really modest. You only acted in the first movie, but you got the best newcomer award. That's very impressive. " Xi Wan smiled and did not say anything. "I thought you were hosting the news before, and you kept making mistakes. I didn't expect you to be more suitable for acting. As expected, your face shouldn't be in the broadcasting circle, but in the entertainment circle. " Xi Wan still smiled and did not say anything. Because she didn't know her, she made a lot of mistakes. However, Xi Wan didn't believe her when she said that the host news kept making mistakes. In her previous life, she had hosted many large-scale literary and art parties in her school and had won many awards. She was also the favorite of the teachers in the school. How could such a person, who was good at hosting, keep making mistakes In that case, this person could be considered to have come with ill intentions. It was just that Xi Wan couldn't figure out her purpose, so she only smiled and didn't say anything. She just looked at Xi Wan and continued to babble. When Wen Qiqi saw that Xi Wan didn't respond, the smile on her face became even wider, and she let out a sigh of relief in her heart. When she was at television station B, she saw that the station head had personally interviewed a newcomer. With such looks and abilities, it was very threatening to her position as the top sister of television station B, so she had secretly tormented her a lot. For example, in her press release.. She deliberately made people type A line of words wrongly, or made her serve tea and water, go to various occasions to do odd jobs, and so on... ... But she didn't expect that at the celebration banquet prepared for Jiang Xiwan by the Golden Time Prize, the Chandelier on top would actually fall down and smash a big hole in her forehead .. That day when she was covered in blood, it really scared her. After that, she stopped her internship at the television station, and when she heard that she was fine, she was relieved. She just didn't expect that she would be known again because she became an actress, and she was becoming more and more popular as a rookie actress. Now, she even won such an award... ... Such a person would definitely have more and more connections behind her back. When she remembered those past events, it would be really troublesome to send people to find fault with her ... So now that they had met at the golden flower awards, it was just the right time to ease their relationship ... So she came with champagne and first probed ... When she mentioned the past, she seemed to have forgotten the past unpleasantness. That's good, that's good ... Then she looked at Xi Wan's face for a long time "Your skin is really good. You suffered such a big wound, but there's not even a scar. I saw you get hit by the ceiling lamp earlier, and I was shocked. " "Xi Wan, you were injured? " Xiao Cong looked at XI WAN in confusion Without waiting for XI WAN TO ANSWER, wen Qiqi answered first "Yes, you've suffered a very serious injury. At that time, there was blood all over the floor. " "When did this happen? " "Oh, at that time, Hua Feng and our TV station planned to hold a celebration party for Jiang Xiwan, but the golden time award... :. "..."Wen Qiqi shrugged Everyone had prepared well, but it was really amazing that Jiang Xiwan didn't get the best actress "Speaking of which, Xi Wan was still an intern anchor at our TV station at that time. Besides, ever since you left our station B, our station head still misses you very much. " She smiled Xi Wan also smiled. "really? " If she remembered correctly, at that time, station B couldn't wait to throw away this hot potato, but now they actually changed their words. They felt all kinds of pity. It seemed that they were trying to please her ? Knowing the other party's purpose.. Xi Wan was also full of smiles "Thank You for remembering. " "Oh, right, speaking of which, you've really changed a lot from before. To be honest, when I saw you on stage just now, I couldn't recognize you. " "really? " "Yes, how should I put it? Your Aura is more powerful now, perhaps because you've become a big star. ". "mm, especially when you said those words on stage just now. Did you know that you're very much like Jiang Xiwan? MM, Jiang Xiwan, who has the same pronunciation as your name. ". Especially that look in her eyes and that tone."Wen Qiqi smiled "The thing I remember the most is the Jinshi award at that time. I asked her if you think it's possible to win the best actress award at the Jinshi Award. She also used that look and proudly said to everyone, "I'm here to win the award. " So it turned out that the host on the offstage last year.. It was her. She didn't know her, and the flashes kept coming and going. She was also looking at the surrounding audience, so she didn't have any impression at all. She didn't expect that the female host was also her "She really looks like Jiang Xiwan! " She smiled "maybe it's because your name is Jiang Xiwan too. " Wen Qiqi smiled again. "Then, I wish you the best Newcomer Award and get more best actress awards in the future. " As she said this, she raised her glass again. After Wen Qiqi said this, she smiled and left Xiao Cong nodded, then he was sad. "So it was at that time. " His Goddess had passed away at that time. When he thought of this, he was actually very sad Zheng Mingri was not far away and happened to hear this comment. He looked at Xi Wan ...