Life continued every day. It was exciting and frightening. The daily updates were endless, and it was too much for the eyes to take in.

And all that had once been magnificent was crushed into dust under the wheel of time. A Gust of wind blew past, and it disappeared into this world as if it had never been here before.

Everyone gossiped and had fun. Then, they took their places.

In the blink of an eye, another week passed.

The Sky outside had just rained heavily, and a rainbow had hung up.

Xi Wan narrowed her eyes as she looked at the rainbow in the distant blue sky and white clouds. She could not help but be in a daze.


The sound of a photo being taken made her turn around. Then, she saw a pair of peach blossom eyes with a smile.

He walked towards her. "What are you thinking about? "

Xi Wan shook her head and threw herself into his arms. Her heart softened when she smelled the familiar smell.

The couple leaned against each other for a long time and could not help but kiss under the rainbow.

"Zheng Nuo is getting engaged tonight. Shall we set off now? " He asked Xi Wan as their lips parted.

Xi Wan nodded. "Okay. "

The two of them went to the styling room and went to the hotel after they were dressed. There were many guests over there. Xi Wan and Li Zhan's appearance instantly became the focus of the crowd.

A lot of people walked towards the two of them. After greeting them, the bride-to-be, Qi Yue, ran excitedly to Xi Wan. Her big eyes blinked and she had a silly smile on her face.

"Oh oh Oh oh, goddess, Goddess. "

Xi Wan smiled and sent the gift into her arms. "happy engagement. "

"Oh oh oh Oh oh, goddess, you are so polite. You actually gave me a gift when you came! " Oh Oh oh Oh oh, did you know that as long as you came, you would be my biggest gift.

As the President of Xi Wan's Fan area's support group, Qi Yue's excitement was unimaginable. If Zheng Nuo hadn't said that she couldn't disturb Xi Wan often, she would have gone to Xingyue to chat with her goddess every day.

On the other side, Zheng Nuo couldn't bear to look at his fianc��e. He facepalmed. "cousin, cousin-in-law, you're here. Hurry up and sit inside. "

Qi Yue nodded. Coincidentally, there were new customers on the other side. Zheng nuo wanted to pull Qi Yue over, so Qi Yue could only reluctantly leave.

After casually sitting down, the two of them were surrounded by people. Most of the men chatted with Li Zhan about business. Many of the ladies were Xi Wan's fans. They asked for her autograph, asked for a group photo, and asked when her three babies would be born.

Of course, there were also many fans of Ming Ri. However, after Ming Ri became a vegetable, he wanted to know more about Ming Ri from his manager's Weibo. It was unknown whether his manager had been too busy or something He did not update any news and asked Xi Wan.

Xi Wan was stunned and replied to the people who asked her about Ming Ri.

Perhaps it was because of women's nature to gossip. Even socialites were curious about the circle that they had never been in and looked down on. After the Group of people asked Xi Wan a lot of questions, they started to discuss among themselves.

"Has Su nuanyu still not been caught? "

"Yes. "

"This is too ridiculous. Do you think she found a deserted place to commit suicide? Then she deliberately made the police busy... " if that was the case, her intentions were too sinister.

"Who knows? Or she might have sneaked out. The possibility is quite high. Otherwise, why hasn't she been caught even after being wanted for so long? It's been almost two months. "

"Sigh, I really admire this woman. She's so flexible. If she put her heart into her acting, how good would it be? "


"What do you think, Xi Wan? "

At the end of their discussion, they even asked Xi Wan for her opinion.

Xi Wan only nodded. "I'm not too sure. "

Everyone replied with an "Oh" , feeling a little regretful. Then, they went back to discussing the fashion circle.


Zheng Nuo's engagement party invited many people. His father's friends, his mother's friends, his own friends, and the woman's friends and family. There were all sorts of people, and there were more than a hundred tables.

Zheng Nuo had once been XI WAN's manager. At that time, there were many people who chatted well. For example, Gu Ye. Although the two of them hated each other at the beginning, they probably shared the same feelings and lost love. As they chatted, they became good friends Gu Ye's fianc��e, Hua Fei, was Qi Yue's best friend.

Not long after, Gu Ye led his fianc��e to Xi Wan's table. However, the table was almost full, and there was no space left.

However, it did not stop Gu ye from pulling a stool from the next table and chatting with Xi Wan.

It was just another movie.

The script that Gu ye said his teacher wanted to shoot had been sent to Xi Wan's email, but so far, Xi Wan had not replied to Gu ye.

Actually, Xi Wan could not be blamed, because during this period of time, she was really too busy. Coupled with the fact that she was pregnant, she did not have the energy to read the script at all.

"I haven't read it yet. " When he found out that Xi Wan had not read the script, Gu Ye's heart turned cold.

"Yes, I will definitely read it this week. If it's good, I will reply to you immediately. "

Gu Ye waved his hand. "Alright, there's no rush, there's no rush. You can read it slowly. After all, the shoot will be next year. "

Hua Fei felt that Gu ye was too noisy and said, "you... are simply too much. Zheng Nuo and Qi Yue's engagement ceremony, and you still care about work? "

Gu Ye smiled and said, "as long as it's not my wedding ceremony, of course I have to seize the time to talk about work. "

Hua Fei only wanted to say goodbye by hand. Then, the couple sat at the next table and became affectionate.

He Min and Zheng Nuo had a good relationship back then. Since he was engaged, He min naturally came. However, He Min, who was used to arriving early at any banquet, came a little late and in a hurry today. When she entered the door, she accidentally bumped into Zheng Nuo's friend.

She lowered her head and said, "I'm sorry. " Then, she went to look for Zheng Nuo and Qi Yue. After giving the gifts to Zheng Nuo and Qi Yue, she said a few words of blessing. Then, under the guidance of Zheng Nuo and Qi Yue, she went directly to Xi Wan's side.

She had taken a long vacation earlier and stayed at home for half a month. He Min then went to the western region to travel around the mountains and rivers.

She was tanned quite a lot. Even with foundation and powder cake on her face, it could be seen that she was a few degrees darker than usual, but she still looked energetic.

It had been a long time since they last met. The Moment He Min saw Xi Wan, she gave Xi Wan a big hug. "Xi Wan, Xi Wan, I missed you so much. "

"Yeah. Why did you come today? "

"after leaving the styling room, you met Qian Mengfei and her parents at the entrance of the building? " He Min said "No, Qian Mengfei's parents don't look like that. Then, I chatted with her for a while, but she seemed to be quite busy. After chatting for a while, she said 'let's talk later' to me and then left in a hurry. Speaking of which, I noticed that there was something wrong with her condition. "