Seeing that XI WAN was about to fall to the ground, Li Zhan, who was on the other side of the room, quickly stepped forward and grabbed one girl and one XI WAN in his hands.

At the same time, Gu Cheng also took two steps at the same time and ran forward to help.

But... ...

Li Yan was originally pulled by Xi Wan. When Li Zhan grabbed both of them, Li Yan was stable. In addition, Gu Cheng also stepped forward to help, so she was fine.

On Xi Wan's side, it was probably because Xi Wan's weight and stomach were quite... ... In addition to the inertia, even if Li Zhan was quick, Xi Wan still fell straight to the ground ...

In a split second, Li Zhan directly let go of Li Yan's hand to hold Xi Wan. It was useless to hold Xi Wan with both hands. In a moment of desperation, he used his strength to flip Xi Wan, and himself became Xi Wan's human cushion.

In a split second.

"Bang! " There was a loud sound.

Xi Wan fell on Li Zhan's body.

Li Yan and Gu Cheng stood where they were, their eyes wide open.

Xi Wan held her stomach with one hand. She was stunned when she saw Li Zhan's Pale face.

"Ah Zhan... "

Li Zhan frowned slightly when he fell to the ground. Seeing that his wife had fallen on him, his heart finally relaxed.

Although his back hurt a little at this moment.

"How are you? " He asked.

Xi Wan opened her mouth and felt something flowing out of her lower body. Then, her stomach hurt a little.

Xi Wan's mind went blank. She opened her mouth unconsciously, "I think... "

"Ah, Xi Wan, your water broke! " Li Yan and his wife ran up to Xi Wan and Li Zhan and tried to help them up. However, when Li Yan got close to Xi Wan, she saw Xi Wan's white maternity dress Li Yan, who was also a pregnant woman, couldn't help but cry out in fear as there seemed to be traces of water flowing out... ...

"I think I'm going to give birth... "

Xi Wan finished her words with difficulty. She covered her lower abdomen with one hand, and then her face gradually turned pale.

Li Zhan:"..."


Gu Cheng was focused on driving in front.

Speaking of which, as an experienced driver, although Gu Cheng had been driving for more than ten years, he was one of those people who would definitely be on the list if the traffic bureau chose the best driver of the year. Normally, he had never asked for speed when driving by himself, let alone running a red light and getting a ticket. But today, because his wife had caused his sister-in-law's amniotic fluid to break, she had to give birth early. He was really worried that Li Yan would feel guilty about this Thus, they used 200% of their driving skills, only hoping that Xi Wan would be able to give birth safely.

At this moment, Xi Wan was lying in the backseat of the car, her head resting on Li Zhan's thigh.

At that time, Li Zhan's back was still burning with pain, but at this moment, he could not feel it at all. His heart was completely focused on Xi Wan.

"Does it still hurt? "

Xi Wan gritted her teeth and shook her head, but at this moment, she was also afraid that the child would be in danger.

"If it hurts, then let it out. Hubby is here, Huh? "

Xi Wan nodded. There was a faint smile on her pale face. "Okay. "

He held Xi Wan's hand tightly with one hand while his other hand was hanging in the air. He wanted to touch Xi Wan's stomach to relieve the pain, but he didn't dare. He was afraid that he would accidentally rub the child out of Xi Wan's body and give birth in the car.

Li Yan sat in the passenger seat. Her face was Pale and she kept looking back. Her Peach Blossom eyes were full of tears. "Xi Wan... are you still in pain? "


But she could not say it. She could only close her eyes and endure the pain.

Fortunately, Gu Cheng drove quickly. In less than 15 minutes, he had driven to the second military hospital. On the other side, the operating bed was ready. The doctors were waiting in the VIP corridor.

The Group of anxious people sent Xi Wan into the ward that they had made an appointment with. On the way to the obstetrics department, the doctors quickly questioned her.

Li Zhan only understood a little of the jargon that they were talking about. Then, under the doctor's instructions, Li Zhan put on sterile clothes and followed them into the delivery room.

Xi Wan, who was lying on the bed, only then felt waves of throbbing pain below her, and it was getting more and more frequent.

The doctor had originally planned to give Xi Wan a Caesarean section, but when he questioned her, he found that Xi Wan had four fingers open at the mouth of her uterus, and the throbbing pain was also frequent. After a check-up, he found that the amniotic fluid had not run out. If she wanted to give birth naturally, she could still give birth. He asked Xi Wan what she meant. If she wanted to give birth naturally, then she would give birth naturally. If it really could not be done, then she would give birth by Caesarean section.

Li Zhan stayed by Xi Wan's side, his heart thumping wildly. When he saw Xi Wan's Pale face, he touched it, and his face was covered in cold sweat. "If it hurts, bite me. "

Xi Wan laughed in pain. "You... are so stupid. Dang... I'm filming a movie... "

After she said that, she gritted her teeth and cried out in pain again.

The doctor on the other side said, "don't talk, save your strength. Let me see how many fingers you have. " As he said that, he lifted the blanket and took a look.

Xi Wan felt a little ashamed, even though the other party was also a female doctor.

After the doctor saw her, he knew what to do. Then, the nurse came in and gave Xi Wan an injection to induce labor.

Li Zhan watched from the side in fear.

Twenty minutes after the injection, Xi Wan was in so much pain that she wanted to say goodbye to the world. Back then, even when she was cut by Su Nuanyu, it did not hurt like this... ...

Giving birth was really, really painful... ...

It was too sad... ...

This kind of pain was indescribable.


Finally, the uterus was completely opened.

At that time, Li Zhan was pushed to the side by a few doctors and nurses. On the other side, the doctor had already started to ask Xi Wan to work harder.

Li Zhan simply stood at the head of Xi Wan's bed and saw that Xi Wan's face was drenched in sweat. He could not help but pick up a towel to wipe XI WAN's face. Then, he held Xi Wan's hand with one hand.

He had endless romantic words for her, but at this moment, he could not say a single word. He could only watch as she struggled to give birth to their baby. However, he stood at the side, unable to do anything.

Even if there was a hint of pain, he was willing to do it on his body.

Xi Wan bit her lips. Her Bright Red Lips were now white and had bite marks.

He could clearly feel that Xi Wan was squeezing his wrist with such force that it was as if she wanted to break his hand.

He was nervous and could not say anything. He could only hold Xi Wan's hand tightly with one hand.

The clock was hanging on the wall in front of the bed. It was ticking. In the noisy world, it could be heard clearly.

The second hand kept moving. Every time it went around, it was like a century. It was so long.

Daddy's babies, be good and come out quickly. Don't let your mother suffer.

Come on out.

Suddenly, the doctor screams in surprise, "there it is. "