What kind of sensational news could happen in the entertainment industry? Could it be as big as Jiang Xiwan giving birth? But this news was reported by the northern metropolis daily. There must be something big !

The northern metropolis daily usually didn't lie!

So, everyone rubbed their hands together, expressing their desire to know what had happened. So, the group of people began to guess desperately.

From guessing that Yang Tiantian was pregnant to Lu Jiani and Shao Ping getting back together, then guessing that Li Zhengnan might have a girlfriend, that Wang Jiayao was in a relationship, then guessing that Liu Shu might have cheated again, that Sun Kai and his wife were in love on Weibo to cover up the fact of cheating, and so on and so forth. ...

In short, everyone had guessed all the celebrities in the circle. The married netizens had guessed that they were having an affair and their legs had been snapped. The people who had been married for a long time and were infertile had guessed that they were pregnant and had gone to the hospital for a check-up Those who were not married had guessed that they were having an underground relationship or that they had hooked up with some big shot... ...

Not only that, there were even people and Paparazzi who had gone to the vicinity of the celebrities on the guessing list to check if they could get any pictures. After all, it was a Monday, and it was two days away from Wednesday. Gou Zai was not the only one who had a secret relationship.

Heh, not to mention, there were really a few underground lovers who had been caught.

All of a sudden, all the major artistes were in danger.


On the other side, there were two familiar-looking True Dragon Entertainment Paparazzi. One of them held a cell phone in his hand. The interface displayed the official Weibo page of the northern metropolis daily as he said to the Paparazzi on the side, "Aqiang, what do you think will come out of the northern metropolis daily this time? "

They were so lucky They could even come out with something big that would shock the entertainment industry?

Something big that would shock the entertainment industry, what else could it be Gou Zai could not figure it out even after thinking for a long time. After all, the two of them were two of the Best Paparazzi in True Dragon Entertainment. They were golden partners, but up until now, they had only photographed Tang Tang being pregnant out of wedlock. There should not be anything else that could shock them What else could the northern metropolis daily photograph?

Speaking of which, ever since they had tracked Tang Tang to the second military hospital for a Prenatal check-up, they had lost a lot of money. Not only did they lose more than 300,000 yuan due to a relatively big traffic accident, but they had also been waiting at the police station for half a month. After they came out, Aqiang said, this loss was a little severe. Even if they sold the footage of Tang Tang being pregnant out of wedlock, it would not be enough to cover their losses. So, for the time being, they would not report the identity of the man who had photographed Tang Tang. Then, they would play a big game. Since Tang Tang was pregnant, the man had yet to appear. It could be imagined that he was definitely Tang Tang's financier. Since he was the financier, then many of them were married rich businessmen. After all, there were many female celebrities in the industry who were willing to be external partners and give birth to illegitimate children A female celebrity as lucky as Jiang Xiwan was simply rare in the world.

Aqiang said, "how would I know? As long as it's not about Tang Tang's pregnancy, I don't care what they reveal. Wait a minute. "

After Aqiang said that, he started to hesitate again. After all, they weren't the only ones who got wind of Tang Tang's pregnancy. What if the informant that told them earlier spread the news to other media outlets in order to get more money?

If the news of Tang Tang's pregnancy was really exposed by the northern metropolis daily first, then wouldn't their efforts all this time have been in vain?

The more Aqiang thought about it, the more nervous he became. Then, he said to his partner, "Alun, do you still have the number of that informant? Call her and ask. If she's stuttering, then needless to say, this D * Mn Guy must have sold the news to the northern metropolis daily. If she's not stuttering... "

Aqiang couldn't continue. In short, he needed to confirm before he could feel at ease.

Alun nodded. "okay, I'll make a call and ask. " As he spoke, he exited the Weibo interface. At the same time, he searched for the informant's phone number and muttered "Aqiang, if this informant really sold it to the northern metropolis daily, logically speaking, with their abilities, they should have released the information long ago, right? "

Aqiang was unhappy after hearing this. After all, these words were quite damaging to his dignity. Although it was also the truth, he did not admit it. He rolled his eyes at Alun and said, "if I told you to hit me, you should have. Why are you talking so much nonsense? "

Alun stuck out his tongue and looked at the interface that had already been dialed. "Am I not calling? "

However, not long after, the robot's cold voice came from the other side.

"sorry, the user you have dialed has turned off his phone. Please try again later. ''

Alun was puzzled. He turned around and looked at Aqiang. "I can't get through. "

"You can't get through? "

Alun nodded. "Yes, his phone has been turned off. I don't know what's going on. Strange... " this number had never been turned off Because she was an informant, she had said that she would come to settle the final payment at any time. She would also ask them about the progress at any time, or provide them with new information or new gossip clues. That was why her phone was turned on 24 hours a day.

"Hey, Aqiang, that's strange. Not only did this informant turn off her phone, but she hasn't asked us about the progress so far. Does she not want the final payment? " Because they had cooperated with each other many times, this was the first time such a situation had happened.

"Is that so? " Aqiang was also stunned. "could it be that we have entered the police station and she couldn't contact us, so she simply told the northern metropolis daily about this gossip and then cooperated with them? "

No, they couldn't wait any longer. They had to quickly tell the news of Tang Tang's pregnancy to the newspaper office and discuss the price with Hua Feng through the newspaper office. Otherwise... ...

They really didn't have any income at all!

One had to know that the two of them had used up 50,000 yuan of funds for this stalking. Apart from that, they had even lost more than 300,000 yuan in psychological damages and half a month in jail!

The price was too high!


F * CK F * CK!

The two of them put away the things in their hands and hurriedly rushed back to the True Dragon Entertainment's address. At the same time, they cursed that D * Mn Blind old thing in their hearts.

It was just the entrance to the hospital, and they couldn't even walk such a short distance. They clearly knew that their car had gone out, yet they still walked towards the middle of the road. This was fine, but they were still walking slowly on the road. who was to blame for bumping into them?

This also forget it, her son son son also the lion big mouth, the first meeting to claim his 500,000 mental damage costs, as well as various kinds of missed work fees, nutrition fees, all of them almost more than 600,000, damn it, why didn't he rob Ah After the police filed an investigation, they demanded 330,000 yuan in compensation, saying that the old lady's bones had been broken, and that they had driven 30 yards in front of a hospital with a speed limit of 20 yards, speeding License Revocation, fine, detention, money loss... ...

In short, it was just one word!

If it wasn't for this old thing, I definitely wouldn't have been so miserable!