Zheng Mingri said, "I'm serious. Your assistant is calling for you. "

Her assistant was indeed calling for her not far away.

Liu Shiya pursed her lips and looked at Xi Wan again. "Then I'll go over for a while. See you later. "

Ming Ri looked at Xi Wan and still only smiled. "Don't mind it. She and I. . . " He paused. "I think she's okay. "

Xi Wan nodded. "That's good. "

However, Xi Wan felt that Ming Ri's desire to find a girlfriend was too strange. However, Xi Wan couldn't tell what was wrong.

Xiao Yinzheng looked at Ming Ri and Xi Wan. In the end, he shook his head and thought to himself, "the word 'love' hurts too much. Fortunately, he has already stopped. ". It was a pity that his brother couldn't get out of this.

On the other side, Liu Shiya came back very quickly with a hint of excitement on her face.

The banquet was filled with lights, wine, and beautiful clothes. Most of the people present were beauties or handsome men. No matter how bad they were, they were still elites in the industry. Therefore, everyone danced on the dance floor and it was very pleasing to the eyes.

It was about time. The main creators and a group of people broke the ice on the stage together. They also wished for the box office to be able to create a miracle in the Chinese film industry.

Xi Wan was pregnant, so she didn't eat much. She couldn't even smell some of the food, so when she smelled it, she felt bad and lost her appetite. It had to be said that the child in her stomach was really mischievous.

Most of the artistes also used this time to get in touch with investors, producers, and directors. They didn't have much time to eat these delicacies. Even if they had time, they wouldn't eat at this time.

Therefore, after a meal, other than the assistants and staff who had eaten their fill, most people didn't eat much. As a result, the buffet table was full of delicious food.


The next day, the sky was clear, but the temperature was still a little low.

After Xi Wan woke up, she saw Li Zhanchen running back.

He was dressed in a clean and refreshing manner, and his face was covered in sweat. He looked very much like a university student. Xi Wan felt that he looked particularly delicious.

"Good morning, my Wan Wan. "

"Good Morning. " Xi Wan smiled and stretched out her arm.

Soon, a warm embrace seeped into her heart.

They hugged each other for a long time before they went to the restaurant for breakfast. At that time, the Auntie at home had already prepared a sumptuous breakfast.

GRANDPA Li was already sitting at the dining table, reading the newspaper with one hand while holding a fried dough stick in the other. When he saw the couple coming over, he couldn't help but smile and greet them. "They're all here. "

"Good Morning, GRANDPA. "

Xi Wan was pregnant. Her breakfast was prepared by her Auntie. The family members all had a typical Chinese breakfast. Xi Wan was the only one who had a variety of different meals just to replenish her nutrition.

Li Yan came back last night. At this moment, she went downstairs and entered the restaurant. When she saw Xi Wan already sitting at the table, she sat beside her. "Xi Wan, you went to the banquet yesterday, right? "

"Yes. "

"I don't know who took the photo of you vomiting and said you seemed to be pregnant. "

Xi Wan: " ... " He Min really expected it. Han Zi really couldn't wait to spread the news of her "pregnancy" .

Xi Wan had a headache.

Li Yan took out her phone and logged into Weibo. She wanted to look at the news about Xi Wan's pregnancy again, but she couldn't find it.

"Eh? I saw the news about your pregnancy in the room just now. Why isn't it there now? Is TIANYING'S PR involved? " When did TIANYING'S PR become so awesome Li Yan expressed her shock.

Xi Wan nodded "yesterday, Han Zi saw me vomiting. In fact, she wasn't sure if I was pregnant or not, but based on her dislike of my personality, even if I wasn't, she had to make it up as if I was. So she must have spent money to buy a troll army to spread the news of my pregnancy everywhere on the Internet. Yesterday, He min had already guessed that it was possible. She contacted sister Lisa early in the morning."

Li Yan nodded, then continued to tap on her phone "But I found that although these people's Weibo searches are blocked, I can still see the news of them saying that you're pregnant when I enter their home page. "Fortunately, the people who say these things are basically spammers. I believe that the attention on this matter will not be very high. "


On the other side, Han Zi, who had spent money to buy a spammer, did not see the result that she was satisfied with. She could only sulk at the side and silently curse at scum for being shameless. He only knew how to do things for money and had no moral integrity.

However, she also knew that the situation was better than the person. Jiang Xiwan was a newcomer that Sky Shadow company strongly promoted. Sky Shadow company would definitely spend a lot of money on Jiang Xiwan's public relations. Therefore, even if she spent money to buy a spammer to defame her, it would be useless In a fit of anger, she posted a Weibo Post.

Han Zi v: At yesterday's Banquet, I saw that someone was about to give birth to a baby and become a mother. I'm so envious I also want to give birth to a baby as soon as possible. After all, young people recover quickly.

Then, I deleted it in seconds.

Originally, there wasn't much of a problem with the Weibo Post. However, because of the act of deleting it in seconds, it attracted the attention of the majority of netizens.

Many netizens were guessing what kind of banquet was yesterday's banquet. Then, someone revealed that yesterday's banquet was a celebration party where the box office of the first week of "Romance of Heaven" broke 1 billion.

Then, some netizens were speculating about which one of them was pregnant.

Then, someone fixed their eyes on the word "young" and started to automatically filter out who the young girl who attended the Celebration Party of "Romance of Heaven" was.

Some people had seen photos of Xi Wan vomiting when they were looking at Weibo on the square. They couldn't help but comment below, "is it Jiang Xiwan? "

However, fortunately, Tianying's public relations were blocked in time. Many people didn't have time to see it, so many people guessed that it was Huang can, Li Xing, and even more people guessed that it was Chen Xueer. After all, although Chen Xueer was still active in the Chinese language film industry.. But two years ago, she had already married an m citizen.

At this time, the spammers that Han Zi had spent money to buy started to post comments with pictures. "It must be Jiang Xiwan. I have a photo of her vomiting last night. "

It was probably because the time when the Internet had been slandering Jiang Xiwan was over. Now that there was dirt about Jiang Xiwan, most people chose to ignore it because no one wanted their face to be slapped often.

Another netizen retorted, "are you stupid? Han Zi and Jiang Xiwan are not on good terms? So do you think Han Zi will post on her Weibo that is envious of Jiang Xiwan's pregnancy? "

Han Zi had been staring at the computer screen. Even though she had posted such a suggestive Weibo Post and the Internet trolls she had paid for had also led the way in the comments, the effect was minimal. Moreover, she did not even know who the female celebrity that many people had guessed was Such a person did not need her to say anything on her Weibo!