As soon as the police officer finished speaking, everyone could not help but nod. If they were to make a bold guess, it would make sense. However, the crux of the problem was, who had the ability to cover the sky with a single hand.

The police officer continued, "China has a large population. No matter how strong the surveillance is, sometimes the operators under Xing Zhi will make mistakes. "

Although it was not very good to say that, it was the truth. Firstly, many employees in the system relied on their connections to get in. Sometimes, there were quite a number of people who did things carefully.

Secondly, there was the security check. The security check staff had to check so many tourists every day. Sometimes, it was possible to be careless. Especially during peak periods like holidays, when there were so many tourists coming and going that it was impossible to see them. It was definitely not realistic to check each and every one of them carefully. Therefore, it was also possible for a fish to slip through the net. Thirdly, there was the VIP passage. If someone had made an appointment in advance, the security check staff probably would not have checked it too carefully.

Thinking of this, it was very likely that Su Nuanyu had used the hands of the person behind the scenes to take the VIP passage.

Not only the person who made the conjecture thought so, but the other policemen below also thought of this possibility, and they were so frightened that they couldn't help but look grave.


On the third day of the first month, Li Yan was admitted to the hospital.

Because her due date has passed a week, there is no sign of delivery, and then "scared" after the first two days of the month, she was accompanied by her family, in the hospital, officially ready to give birth.

At that time, Xi Wan and Li Zhan two people push three big change white tender baby, come to the hospital to visit their aunt.

When Li Yan saw the three babies, her mood became even happier. She quickly thought of teasing them, but unfortunately, she couldn't find any toys that could attract the babies'attention. In the end, she could only make a face. In the end, when the nurse who was on rounds saw this scene, she felt like she was struck by lightning.

After checking a series of content while holding back her laughter, the nurse went out and ran to her Weibo to post a message.

Saving lives and helping the injured is my responsibility: today, a beautiful celebrity came to the hospital to give birth. Then, as I saw on the Internet, she was indeed a funny person. She made a face to tease her nephew and something like that. She was so cute that she could explode. I became a fan.

Because this Weibo post was life Weibo, she usually followed some of her friends in life. Because very soon, someone left a message for her.

"A beautiful celebrity waiting to give birth? Counting the days, could she be talking about Li Yan? "

The nurse immediately replied, "SHH. "

"Ah AH AH AH, did you see Jiang Xiwan and Li Zhan's son and daughter? Oh my God, can you take a picture? "

The nurse replied, "I can't, but the babies are really beautiful. So exquisite that I can't use my shallow words to describe these little angels. In short, you have to see them for yourself to feel the shock of seeing them for the first time! "

"Ah, the more you say this, the more curious I am about their babies. On the Internet, I took their facial features and used software to combine the looks of so many babies. Seriously, no matter how they are combined, they are so good to look at! "

"Haha, I can only say that these babies gather the spiritual energy of Heaven and earth. How can software spell them out? "

"Envy, jealousy, hatred. The boat of friendship has capsized. "


Their words were quickly seen by other tourists. Soon, there was a flurry of discussion. They took a screenshot and ran back to their own Weibo, asking, "Li Yan went to give birth? "

In the blink of an eye, Li Yan had only been in the hospital for two days, and everyone already knew that she was going to give birth.

Thus, many people went to the official Weibo of Li Yan, Gu Cheng, Li Zhan, Xi Wan, Zheng Yinyin, and Tian Ying. Gu Group's official Weibo, Gu Ye, Li Yan's manager, sister a, and others went to ask for answers.

Although Gu Cheng was usually very busy, he would not miss anything about Li Yan. However, he had been in the hospital for the past two days, with Li Yan and the baby about to be born in his heart. He did not have the time to care about the uproar on the Internet.

Therefore, when the secretary called to ask how to deal with it, Gu Cheng found out that many people had heard that Li Yan was going to have a baby. He could not help but sigh. Since the era of media, news spread very quickly.

He told the secretary that he knew. After he would send a message to the netizens, Li Yan started to have labor pains.

Soon, Li Yan was pushed into the delivery room. Other than Gu Cheng who followed her in, a group of people waited for Li Yan outside the door. However, during this time, everyone also knew that the labor pains had just started and that it would still be some time before the baby was born. However, everyone still waited patiently at the door.

At that time, the three babies were lying in the baby carriage with their eyes open. They did not cry or make a scene. They probably knew that they were about to have a little brother or sister.

When the people waiting saw that the three babies were also there, their anxious emotions finally eased up quite a bit.

Gu Ye directly carried Linlang and sat on the waiting seat at the side. His eyes were narrowed in satisfaction. He made a funny face to make Linlang giggle. Then, he turned to Xi Wan and said, "Xi Wan, you really know how to raise a child. I haven't seen the little princess for a month, and she has already gained so much weight. Oh Oh oh, she's even cuter and prettier. I want to bring her home even more. What should I do? "

She's so cute. I want to put the treasure in my pocket and look at it every day. I wish my sister-in-law could give birth to such a beautiful girl.

Gu Ye's father had actually wanted to hold the baby for a long time, but parents always put their children in the stroller. They were too embarrassed to say, "give me a hug. " Now that his youngest son had picked up the little girl, who was still so beautiful, his heart itched even more While saying, "the grandchildren of the in-laws are really beautiful. " He laughed and reached out his hand to Hug Linlang. "Come, GRANDPA, give me a hug? "

Gu Ye:"..."he hadn't held her for long They were here to snatch her away from him Hur Hur, don't you know how much he and the little princess hit it off?

Linlang didn't recognize strangers. Usually, her father hugged her the most at home, followed by her great-grandfather and grandfather. Now that she saw such a grandfather, she also smiled and pounced on him.

Gu Ye:"..."

That was why babies with swaddling clothes were so lethal! / / / ~

The small incident did not take long before the door opened.

Everyone stood up in unison, intending to go forward.

In the end, an operating bed was pushed out.

Gu Cheng, who was lying inside, came out.

Everyone:"... �� O �� ..."this was too useless ? ?

Zheng Yinyin: son-in-law, this is... ... Blood sickness ? Or ...

Gu Cheng's father: This isn't my son, it definitely isn't my son!

Gu Ye: Haha, you're giving me my brother's dark history just because you said so?

Xi Wan: This is awkward... ...

Li Zhan: Hehe.