"But... " officer Bai seemed to have thought of something "Su Nuanyu is mixed with poison... " She and officer Cheng looked at each other, then nodded to Xi Wan, Li Zhan, and Qian Mengfei. "We have to go back to the station. If you find anything new in the future, remember to call me or officer Cheng's cell phone. "

"Ah... okay... "

"Then we'll go first. Old Cheng, let's go, hurry up. "

"But we still need Xiao Zhang to drive. I wonder if he got the medicine. "

"coming, coming. The two captains have been waiting for a long time. " Just as they finished speaking, a young man in a police uniform rushed over with a pile of medicine in his hands and shouted.

"Wow, isn't this Jiang Xiwan? Wow, I'm so lucky! " Xiao Zhang stopped in front of Xi Wan. He was about to ask Xi Wan for her autograph when officer Bai grabbed the back of his collar "Hurry back to the station and have a meeting! "

They quickly left Xi Wan's and Xi Wan's line of sight. Xi Wan and the others:"..."

Qian Mengfei smacked his lips. Looking at the car leaving, he couldn't help but say, "This guy was behind me just now. He's so handsome. I wanted to ask him for his wechat number, but I didn't dare. The Aura of a police officer is too thick, but I didn't expect him to be so funny. Xi Wan, Xi Wan, can you help me get his wechat number?"

Xi Wan:"..."

Qian Mengfei patted Xi Wan's shoulder. "Your sister's happiness depends on you. Good Luck. "

Xi Wan:"... didn't you tell me two days ago that you felt that the blind date was quite reliable?"

"I was blind. " Qian Mengfei did not hesitate to admit his mistake.

Xi Wan:"..."

"You don't know how good that blind date is. I only chatted with him on Wechat for a short while, and I realized that he is a big straight man cancer. It's simply too much. He talks about women all the time, so he should stay at home and look after his husband and children. He doesn't need to earn too much money, as long as he has enough money. The poor people in this world can't even eat. ". He even said that women looked the best when they didn't have any makeup on. It was meaningless to look at a beauty with makeup all piled up together. Moreover, there was no need to buy a lot of makeup. Even if you bought it, you wouldn't need it, especially when he said to me, 'I saw that you put a lot of lipstick on your wechat. You only have one mouth. Can you use it all? ' "

Qian Mengfei ridiculed as she imitated that person's voice "I'm really F * CKING CRAZY! I only have seven or eight lipsticks. He could have nagged at me for a long time, and then I blacklisted him. He actually called to complain to the introducer, saying that I played with his feelings. I... " PLAYED WITH HIS SISTER When she was having dinner with him, she thought that this person was more reliable than the other guys, but this guy was even more disgusting!

Xi Wan couldn't help but laugh. "It's been hard on you. "

"So my future depends on you! " Qian Mengfei's eyes sparkled again.

Xi Wan said, "If I can, I'll definitely get it for you. "

Qian Mengfei nodded, then looked at the medicine in his hand and said, "Hey, I'll go over first. Zhou Liqing's father is probably waiting anxiously. See you later. "

After Qian Mengfei left in a hurry, Xi Wan and Li Zhan walked to the parking lot.

Li Zhan said, "this friend of yours is as straightforward as ever. " The kind that would pour everything out.

Xi Wan nodded. "Okay. " This kind of friend was narrow-minded and would not worry about her stabbing you in the back. This was also why Qian Mengfei had crossed Xi Wan's bottom line several times and Xi Wan could not hate her The reason why she still treated Xi Wan as a good friend.

Suddenly, Xi Wan remembered what officer Bai and officer Cheng had said. "You told me earlier that Zhou Liqing went abroad. The exact location is in l city, right? "

Li Zhan nodded.

"So, you know Zhou Liqing's flight number? "

"Wu Yang knows. "

"I don't know if Su Nuanyu and Zhou Liqing are on the same flight. " Xi Wan frowned, and then she thought of Zhou Liqing's strange behavior of not calling her parents until now "You said that Zhou Liqing didn't call her parents, is it because of Su Nuanyu? "

Su Nuanyu was wanted by the whole nation. Earlier, Zhou Liqing might have been bold enough to hide Su Nuanyu, but later, the police kept coming to her villa to investigate. In the end, she had to take the risk and go abroad with Su Nuanyu. So she was afraid of being caught by the police, so she might as well cut off the domestic connection?

This explanation made sense, but there was still a knot in her heart. She kept feeling that something was wrong, but she couldn't put her finger on it. It was like a person's throat was itchy, but she couldn't choke out the feeling.

"maybe. " Li Zhan looked at Xi Wan and stopped to ask her, "Wan Wan, I found that you pay a lot of attention to Su Nuanyu. "

Xi Wan was stunned and actually found that she didn't know what to say.

Li Zhan looked at her stunned look and finally had to pat her head, "No matter what, I'm always by your side. "

Xi Wan saw that Li Zhan suddenly said this and was momentarily at a loss. She could only mutter, "I just... hate her very much. I hope that she will be brought to justice soon! "

"Yes, I know. " Li Zhan nodded. "I hate her too. " Vicious and sinister, like an ugly poisonous snake, it made people shudder.

"Ah Ha ~ " when Xi wan heard Li Zhan say that he also hated her, she could not help but smile and narrow her eyes. She teased, "Ah Zhan, I thought that you only liked and didn't care. "

Li Zhan corrected her, "there's love, but there's also hatred. "

Xi Wan instantly blushed and hugged his arm. "This is the first time I realized that my husband is good at flirting. But I'm so happy. Mwah. "

Li Zhan stopped and smiled. "Mwah is like this. " After saying that, he kissed Xi Wan and then kissed Xi Wan.

Xi Wan's face blushed again and pushed him. "Hey, we're outside. " There were quite a lot of people coming and going. What if they were recognized.


The sound of a photo was heard. The two of them turned around and saw a Paparazzi waving at them not far away. It was Gou Zai.

They had been secretly photographed again. Oh, this military second hospital was really full of Paparazzi.

W Xi Wan was embarrassed. She didn't bother with the Paparazzi and left with Li Zhan. As expected, the next day's report.. It was full of reports that said, "Jiang Xiwan and Li Zhan are so loving and envious. The streets near the parking lot of the hospital occasionally touch and kiss. ".

When Xi Wan saw the headlines that day, she was as red as a cooked shrimp. Especially Li Yan, who had just given birth not long ago. She laughed wildly as she lost weight.

"Xi Wan, Oh Xi Wan, look at you and my brother. Your face is full of abstinence. I didn't expect you to be able to... "