"How did you lose weight so quickly? " With her current weight loss trend, when would she be able to return to the set? The most detestable thing was that Damn Gu Cheng. He even said that her voluptuous figure was the most beautiful figure He even forbade her to lose weight. Apart from that, he also invited a few chefs to stay at home and took turns seducing her with all kinds of delicacies... ...

His heart was so tired that he couldn't love her anymore.

Xi Wan looked at Li Yan. She was actually not fat. She was 1.65 meters tall, and after giving birth, she was only a few hundred kilograms. Her * * * * Cup had upgraded from C to D. her originally gorgeous figure had become even more voluptuous. At this moment, every frown and smile was filled with a beautiful aura She was like a shy rose that suddenly bloomed and looked beautiful.

"Haven't you lost a lot of weight? "

"But I'm an actress. " In Life, of course, she belonged to the category of being thin. However, as an actress, was her weight going to dominate the screen? / / / ~ ~

"... you make me speechless."

Li Yan:"..."

"Oh right, you went to take a makeup photo today, right? The one of Gu Ye's teacher, Wu Tianming. I heard from Gu ye that his teacher is a very strict director. Moreover, Gu Ye said that even if you're a genius actress, his teacher will still scold you. Do you feel any pressure? "

Her brother-in-law was very respectful of his teacher. A few days ago, he had even mentioned the director's deeds in her ear.

"Do you think I'm the type of person who feels pressure? "

Li Yan:"... Li Yan doesn't want to talk to you, and she threw two bastards at you."

Xi Wan:"..."


The morning breeze brought a hint of coldness to her heart.

After breakfast, those who were supposed to go to work, such as Li Zhan, Gu Cheng, and Li Yuwei, drove to the company while Xi Wan and Li Yan went to the hospital to visit Ming Ri. As for the four babies, the two old men and three aunties took care of them.

When they arrived at the hospital, Xiao Ai and his assistant were there. One of them was holding a computer, and on the page was "Zheng Mingri v"'s Weibo, writing a new draft of the agency notice.

The other was standing by Ming Ri's side, talking to Ming Ri.

When Xiao Ai saw XI WAN and Li Yan coming over, he smiled and stood up. "Xi Wan, Li Yan, you're here. The babies didn't come today. "

The two of them nodded.

"Has Ming Ri's finger moved recently? " Xi Wan asked Xiao Ai. Because earlier, Xiao Ai had already seen Ming Ri's finger move three times, but Ming Ri didn't wake up completely every time. It could only be said that the script they were acting in was the script after all.

Xiao Ai shook his head, feeling a little down. He couldn't help but look down at Ming Ri lying on the other side. "There's nothing else. "

Ming Ri, who was lying on the bed, was getting more and more sallow despite the constant infusion of nutrient fluids, drips, and oxygen. His face had lost all traces of blood. He didn't have the demeanor of Ming Ri from before. Just looking at him really made one's heart ache.

Xi Wan was silent for a moment. She walked up to Ming Ri's side and said, "tomorrow, Xiao Yan and I came to see you today. "

"Yes, prince charming. Xi Wan and I came to see you today. When are you going to wake up and continue talking to us? Look, my babies and XI WAN's babies have already been born. Do you want to give our babies some greeting gifts? "

While the two of them were chatting, the assistant made two cups of hot tea for them.

The tea leaves floated up and down in the boiling water and stretched. The color of the tea turned yellow and green. The Curling Water Vapor and the faint fragrance of the tea were dense and dense.

Xi Wan only took a glance and felt sad. "tomorrow, don't you usually love Ming Ri's Longjing? This year's new tea has just been released. If you don't wake up, you won't be able to drink the latest tea. You'll have to talk about it for a long time. "

Li Yan put the tea aside. "Yes, prince charming, wake up quickly. I'll send you a tea garden later. "

Xiao AI laughed. "Yes, brother Ming Ri, wake up quickly. We can still make a lot of money. "

As the three of them spoke, it started to drizzle outside. As it drizzled, the temperature in the entire ward instantly dropped by a lot.

"There's a lot of rain this year. Tell me, is someone crying? " Xi Wan couldn't help but sigh. The moment she lowered her head, she happened to see Ming Ri's finger. It moved again. Xi Wan was a little surprised. She held Li Yan's hand with one hand One finger pointed at Ming Ri's finger that was moving. "Ming Ri moved his finger. It really moved! "

Li Yan was also surprised. "Yes, yes, yes, I saw it! "

Xiao Ai was very excited and called Qin Zijun over. The assistant at the side was even more excited and posted a Weibo Post.

Zheng Mingri's Studio v: I really saw brother Ming Ri's finger move. Maybe in the near future, our brother Ming Ri will return to our sight Brother Ming Ri, you better wake up!

Qin Zijun soon arrived, followed by a series of nurses.

When he arrived, Ming Ri's finger was still moving. Qin Zijun touched Ming Ri's finger, then measured his pulse, heartbeat, and looked at the other data on the instrument "This phenomenon is very good. It means that the patient is awake now. You can talk to him and stimulate his mind to open his eyes. "

To be honest, it was the most difficult thing for a vegetable to open his eyes. After many vegetable people woke up, they would describe the period of time they were lying on the bed. They would often say, "I know you are talking to me and I want to wake up, but no matter how hard I try... '' I could not lift my eyelids. I was also very uncomfortable, so I kept trying. I kept trying, but there was always some power that bound me, making it impossible for me to get rid of its shackles, so I had to work harder, harder... ...

Because I knew that my family and friends were waiting for me to go back and reunite with them!

Not long after the assistant's Weibo was posted, all of Ming Ri's friends in Yi Liu's circle came to the hospital. They hoped that their words and expectations could bring some strength to Ming Ri when he woke up.

The hospital ward was packed to the Brim, but after Ming Ri moved his hands a few times, there was gradually no more movement.

Although the people who came were disappointed, they still hoped that Ming Ri would wake up soon, so they all sat next to Ming Ri and told him about the past.

Li Yan and Xi Wan had no choice but to go back under the urging of Zheng Yinyin's phone call. However, before they left, Qian Qianqian told Wan Wan that Xiao AI wanted to inform them of the latest news.

Xiao Ai said, "of course. Don't worry. "

When the two of them went downstairs, they saw a row of doctors and nurses pushing a surgical bed and rushing to the operating theater. Behind them were a group of hurried elites.

The Moment Xi Wan turned her head, she saw that the person lying on the bed was none other than Lin Xi.