"I'm sorry, I forgot my lines"

"I'm sorry, I laughed. I didn't mean to laugh. The staff member just ate the egg tarts like a puppy, so I couldn't help it... "

"I'm sorry, I forgot to be ferocious. Please forgive me, Xi Wan... "

"I'm sorry, everyone, I seem to be in a bit of a bad mood today. "

The continuous ngs made the entire production team unable to stand it. After all, everyone had been used to high-efficiency filming since the beginning of "romance of the Heaven" .

One-shot scenes were everywhere. three-shot scenes were considered bad. However, when it came to this crew, be it Jiang Xiwan, Li Yan, or Xiao Cong, these main actors might look young, but their acting skills were not weaker than those of the capable ones Most of the scenes were also one-shot scenes. The only exception was that they had to act with other actors a little more.

However, under their leadership, the other actors also got into character very quickly. Even if Tang Tang, who was publicly acknowledged as not capable, had four-shot scenes in this movie, it was the first time she had experienced such a situation. After all, this scene.. It was really not difficult!

He Min and Zhen Yue saw Chen Xinyi's expression of "I did it on purpose, you can't do anything to me" , but she still said "I didn't do it on purpose" , "I'm really not in a good state" , and "then who caused me to get ngs? " They wished they could pour a cup of sulfuric acid on her.

Everyone was also silent for a while.

Xi Wan was still wiping her face with a towel as usual. Ah Xi went forward and adjusted Xi Wan's hairstyle.

Chen Ke left the set with a dark expression.

At that time, the director, Chen Ping, asked Chen Xinyi with a smile, "are you still not familiar with this part of the script and the positioning? "

Chen Xinyi saw that the director was smiling and easy to talk to, and her heart dropped a lot. It seemed that the director was not very angry. It was true. It was normal for actors to have bad takes. If the director lost his temper because the actors had too many bad takes, he would definitely not be a good director.

"Yes, I'm really sorry, director. I don't know what happened today. Maybe I haven't found the feeling yet. "

Chen Ping smiled and nodded. "Yes, I understand. You're a newcomer. No matter what, you and Xi Wan's debuting time is more than eight months apart. "

Chen Ping's words made everyone look down on Chen Xinyi.

Yes, she claimed to be a newcomer in the production team and asked everyone to take care of her. But the truth was that she was only seven or eight months behind Xi Wan in her debut. Regardless of whether it was her acting or her achievements, the difference was too great It was as if they were separated by a galaxy.

Those behind-the-scenes staff who had a good first impression of her gradually began to dislike her.

As expected, the saying 'time reveals the heart' was right.

When Chen Xinyi heard Chen Ping's words, her heart skipped a beat.

When she saw the gazes of others looking at her, her heart also took on a tinge of color.

"Director... "

Chen Ping continued to smile. "But since you haven't found the right state yet, then it's easy. Let Xi Wan help you find the right state. "

"Ah? " Chen Xinyi didn't understand what the director meant at first, but when she spoke, she instantly understood --

Chen Ping wanted Jiang Xiwan to splash water on her face!

"I don't... "

The word "want" was still on the tip of her tongue when Chen Xinyi was forced back by Chen Ping's gaze and was rendered speechless.

Chen Ping instructed calmly, "go get six cups of orange juice. "

Six Cups? ! !


What the F * CK!

Was Chen Ping asking Jiang Xiwan to splash orange juice on Chen Xinyi's face six times? ! !

In an instant, the eyes of everyone present lit up.

ESPECIALLY HE MIN She wished she could buy seventeen to eighteen heaven monkeys!

Director Chen was mighty!

Meanwhile, Chen Xinyi, who was standing on the spot, had a small face that instantly turned white, red, purple, purple, green, and white

Her eyes were wide open, and her eyes were lifeless. For a moment, it was obvious that she could not accept Chen Ping's orders.

How could this be? ! !

"Director? I... " Chen Xinyi opened her mouth.

Chen Ping continued to smile, and his tone was gentle "Don't worry, Xi Wan's acting is very good. You can learn it as you see fit. If you can't learn it after six times, then twelve times. If you can't learn it after twelve times, then twenty-four times until you learn it. I'm not busy today, I can still bring out this little bit of effort. "

Chen Ping's words made Chen Xinyi's expression even uglier.

In an instant, she felt like everyone was laughing at her.

Especially when she raised her head and saw Jin Xin, who had been lingering around the production team to watch.

Chen Xinyi felt even more embarrassed. "I... "

"little junior sister, don't 'I I I I' me. Do your best. Learn from Xiwan and find your form. By the way, I can also watch and learn from senior brother. "

Chen Xinyi pursed her lips and swept her gaze across the crowd. Most of them were gloating. Then, she looked at Jiang Xiwan. Her expression was still as calm as ever, as if she did not take it to heart at all.

This made Chen Xinyi even more unhappy!


It was this expression that made her extremely unhappy!

Who Did she, Jiang Xiwan, think she was? She was just a slut who relied on her body to get to the top!

Without Li Zhan, would the people here dare to treat her like this? ! !

And this damn director, Chen Ping!

He actually wanted her to be splashed with orange juice six times by Jiang Xiwan!

On what basis? ! !

Didn't she just get a few ngs? ! !

Which production team's director would be as annoying as him!

Chen Xinyi was unwilling to accept this!

"Ah, Xinyi, hurry up. The earlier you finish learning, the earlier you can finish filming this segment. Otherwise, it'll be late, " a second male lead said lightly.

"That's right. The director is doing this for you. You have to work hard! "

At that time, the director's assistant very considerately sent over 12 glasses of orange juice. Then, he smiled and said to Chen Xinyi, "Don't worry. The director bought two boxes of oranges and placed them there. You can take your time to learn. We can squeeze out another 12 glasses of your learning props at any time. "

Chen Xinyi bit her lip. In the end, she only smiled dryly. "hehe. "

Chen Xinyi looked at Xi Wan. "then... Xi Wan, let's continue. "

"Are we done? " Xi Wan smiled faintly.

Chen Xinyi nodded.

"Oh. "

Thus, Xi Wan went into acting mode, causing Chen Xinyi to be unable to react in time. However, Chen Xinyi quickly realized that her role had now switched with Jiang Xiwan.

The malicious colleague in front of her who had always disliked her was now looking at her with such a mean and vicious look that made people want to avoid her.


Yellow orange juice splashed onto midsummer's face.

"Midsummer? Ha! Don't think that I don't know that you, little b * Tch, have always wanted to seduce the manager! "


"It seems that you haven't learned it yet, " director Chen Ping said, interrupting Chen Xinyi, who was immersed in fear. "Xi Wan, continue. Don't stop. Use up all the orange juice here. "

The Assistant:"..."Director, I'm just making sure to serve twelve cups just in case. Do you really intend to serve twelve cups Alright Then I'll serve twelve more cups!

Xi Wan:"..."