The recording of the program was very smooth at the beginning. After all, they were only talking about the interesting things that happened on the set, and the host asked everyone to "reveal" some inside information about the filming.

These were all carefully designed segments in the script, and they were all for everyone to see. Even if there was an unexpected situation in the middle -- for example, the host took the initiative and asked a sharp question.. There were also artistes'managers who went up on stage and said to stop recording and then rerecord.

Although Wen Qiqi and Song Zhiqiang were the big brothers and sisters of channel B, they were still local channels and could not compare to the hosts of the fruit channel of satellite TV. Their words were sharp and they were not afraid of offending others. Therefore, when they asked questions, they could be considered to have followed the rules and recorded half of the program It could also be considered as the guests having a good time.

However, when it was time for the second half of the recording, Wen Qiqi looked at Xi Wan and Su Nuanyu with a smile "The two beauties really have a very nice temper. However, I've heard rumors on the Internet that the two of you are not on good terms, so what do you think of these voices? "

Wen Qiqi's words made Song Zhiqiang, who was her partner, sweat. After all, on this SOFA, the two of them had deliberately separated from Li Zhengnan.

At that time, Xi wan still had an elegant smile on her face, but Su Nuanyu stood awkwardly at the side. She was about to say something, but Zhu Qiu quickly stopped her.

With this stop, the staff looked at each other, but they were already certain that Jiang Xiwan's relationship with Su Nuanyu was indeed not good, and the rumors were not groundless.

Wen Qiqi was rolled her eyes by the director of the program team. She was looking for trouble However, she still felt a little regretful that the recording was not successful. This meant that there was one less explosive point.

Although Wen Qiqi was embarrassed, she quickly regained her composure. She apologized to the few of them. She was the one who had delayed everyone and continued recording.

Then, she started to ask Tang Tang, "if I remember correctly, your new movie is also a collaboration with Xi Wan, right? How do you feel? "

Tang Tang said, "she's very powerful. I also hope to become an artist as powerful as her one day. "

"Hehe, our junior sister Tang Tang is just so modest. She has already debuted for eight or nine years, yet she still has to learn from Xi Wan, who has only debuted for two years, " Su nuanyu interrupted with a smile.

The entire scene was awkward.

Zhu Qiu once again called for an end.

Tang Tang was so angry that her face was a little pale. Then, she stood up and asked her assistant to give her a glass of water to drink.

At that time, Zhu Qiu was lecturing Su nuanyu backstage. "Nuanyu, what's wrong with you today? You don't even have the most basic Eq? " Fortunately, this was a recording program and not a live broadcast program. Otherwise, if it were to be released... ...

Zhu Qiu bit her lip. Actually, her popularity had already fallen to the bottom. Could it be that she was throwing caution to the wind?

Su nuanyu pursed her lips and drank some water.

She was holding a ball of fire in her heart.

Before she came, she had been holding a ball of fire because of Jiang Xiwan. At that time, she had to do a lot of psychological work to suppress her anger. However, after she came and saw Jiang Xiwan, this ball of fire appeared again. After that, that B * Tch Tang repeatedly provoked her, causing her anger to be even more intense now. Her rationality was already on the verge of breaking down, yet this emcee still asked such a question without even batting an eyelid!

Zhu Qiu was still rambling in front of her, making her so angry that she directly said, "at worst, I won't record anymore! Whoever wants to do it will do it! "

Zhu Qiu was a little speechless. "Su Nuanyu, you're 31 years old, not 13 years old! How can you not be so childish? "

Su Nuanyu continued pursing her lips and took a few deep breaths to calm herself down. "Zhu Qiu, I originally asked you to bring another artist because I was making cocoa, but you took in two. Forget about Chen Xinyi, but I don't like Tang Tang. "

Zhu Qiu felt that today was really not a suitable day for a trip. Who was Tang Tang The artiste that boss Lin Xi had sent over, how could she say that she would not bring them?

Zhu Qiu still wanted to say something, but Su Nuanyu said, "didn't you only bring Xi Wan alone in the past? Now that you've brought two, the company won't have any objections. "

Zhu Qiu only wanted to laugh. Do you think your value is comparable to Xi Wan A single endorsement from Guangxi Wan is your annual income, okay Such an Artiste, let alone a manager, it wouldn't be a problem for the entire company's resources to be thrown at her, okay? ! !

However, Zhu Qiu was already powerless to explain. She could only say, "you'll have to discuss this with the company. "

The staff of the television station was already tactfully urging her. Zhu Qiu had no choice but to speak to Su nuanyu politely "I always thought that you were an exquisite person and that it wouldn't take much effort for me to bring you along. However, I seem to have misjudged you. "You'd better calm down now and go over and beautifully record this promotional program for me. Don't forget that this movie is your transformation and comeback "Our company has already spent a lot of money and manpower to support you again. Don't let everyone down! "

Actually, what Zhu Qiu wanted to say more was, "Su Nuanyu, you only won a best actress award, not a Grand Slam. Don't flatter yourself so much. If you're embarrassed, everyone will be embarrassed too. ".

Su nuanyu looked at Zhu Qiu and finally said, "okay. "

Tang Tang, who had gone to the bathroom, naturally heard the conversation between Su Nuanyu and Zhu Qiu. She looked unhappy, but at the same time, she was shouting in her heart, "Su Nuanyu, if you have the ability, tell Lin Xi! I want to see if Lin Xi is on your side or mine! "

Finally, the recording began again. Su Nuanyu smiled and apologized to everyone, saying that she was not feeling well today and was not in her best condition. The director and the others still gave her face and nodded, saying that it was fine.

Thus, the program continued to record.

Wen Qiqi did not dare to cause any more trouble. However, there had to be something interesting to watch when promoting an interview, so she asked, "The movie 'Twin Heroes' has become popular before it was broadcast on the Internet. The one who left the deepest impression on me was a netizen who said that looking at the introduction, this movie could also be interpreted as a two-way crush that ended with a regretful ending. Then, did everyone have a crush in real life Or, did they have any feelings that ended in regret I'm very curious. Everyone, don't avoid it. Hahaha, I believe that the viewers and your fans in front of the television are all very curious."

This question was present in the script, but it was only brought up depending on the recording process. However, the recording had already been interrupted a few times earlier. Now, they still had to give face to this question, so everyone continued recording.

Director Yu Fei said, "regarding this question, I'll go first. "

"Okay. "

"My wife and I have a two-way crush that has come true. Yes, we were university classmates and our first love was mutual, so we were quite happy, so I really didn't have any regrets. "

"Wow" the audience below gasped in envy.