The boy smiled and said, "I'm sorry, but my girlfriend is in a bad mood because of the role in the movie. You have to understand. "

The Reporter: " ... Yes, okay. " The reporter who had regained his senses was a little speechless. He had no choice but to continue asking, "then I can ask again. What do you guys think of the movie, 'Twin Heroes' ? "

The girl replied again, "seeing me crying like this and still thinking about it, of course it's good to watch. " What kind of reporter was this? Why was the question so stupid.

The reporter seemed to understand the girl's expression and felt a wave of frustration.

"Ahem, can you tell us more about it? "

The girl replied seriously, "I won't do something like spoilers. If you want to know, buy a ticket and go watch it yourself. "

REPORTER:"...''&p;? #@

I really want to curse? ! !

The girl continued "AWWW, Darling, I want to watch 'Twin Heroes' again tomorrow, okay MY GODDESS REALLY MAKES MY HEART ACHE Do you think that Chen Xu's eyes aren't working properly? He left the angel, Bai Xue'er, and didn't love her, but he fell in love with an old woman, Qi Jia, who is willful and pretentious."

"Darling, Chen Xu's eyes aren't working properly. He loved Bai Xue'er at first. "

"HMPH, so it's all that Qi Jia's fault. She tried to sow discord for no reason and caused my Xue'er to be poached away by her! " It's really too hateful. I hate people like this the most. Even though I know that this pair is interested in each other, she still wants to get involved. She pretends to be a spare tire, but in reality, she's just a slut Poor me, Xue'er. It's fine if I'm a mute, but in the end... ... Sob SOB SOB SOB SOB SOB SOB .. I, Xue'er, am just too kind. I, Xue'er, am just too pitiful. Especially when they were at the seaside, when Xue'er saw Chen Xu and Qi Jia, this b * Tch and b * Tch, together from afar, with that sorrowful and lonely look in her eyes. SOB SOB SOB, it's so painful. My heart is so painful. My heart is so painful. You have to buy me a bag."

"okay, okay, okay. Buy, buy, buy. "

The two of them left together.

The reporter in the wind: WTF? ! He hasn't finished the interview yet, okay ? F * Ck, this is simply a weird couple ! !

Forget it, I don't want to interview couples anymore!

Therefore, the next target was locked --

Yo, it was actually a beautiful woman who looked to be in her forties or fifties. Her Phoenix Eyes were really good-looking, and her temperament was also great.

"Um, this sister, I'm a reporter from XX newspaper. I'm disturbing you for some time. Can I interview you? " Calling her sister was a basic accomplishment.

"Ah, you're calling me? " The beautiful woman pointed at herself and asked in confusion, but she still had a very gentle smile on her face.

The reporter nodded. Look, calling her sister, yet she was smiling so happily. This meant that women, regardless of their age, all wanted to be called younger.

"Oh, what's the matter? "

"You just finished watching the movie? "

"Yes. "

"Did you watch 'Twin Heroes' ? "

"Yes. "

"It's so late at night, and you came to watch the movie alone. "

"Oh, and I have a friend with me, but she's in the bathroom now. "

"I see. Then can I ask you, how do you feel about 'Twin Heroes' ? "

"Oh, it's a very good movie. Although it's a love story, some of the actors acted very well. The female lead might not have acted well enough, but it doesn't affect the feeling of the entire movie, right? "

"Then can I ask you, what made you come to watch the movie at this time? "

The beautiful woman smiled "Well, my friend quite likes one of the lead actors. She's a mother fan. Her husband didn't want to go crazy with her, so he pulled me over. After I finished watching this movie, I felt that this was indeed a movie worthy of recommendation. I'm used to eating big fish and big meat. It's really not bad to have a change of taste."

"sister, you were commenting on the acting skills of a few of the main actors just now. It seems that you're a movie Fan. "

The beautiful woman continued to smile "That's right. I've watched movies for more than 30 years. Basically, I'll support any newly released movie. So, I can be considered a movie Fan. Otherwise, I wouldn't have been dragged by my friends to watch the midnight show. "

"You said that the female lead's acting is more out of character. Can you tell us more about it? "

"Oh, that's the kind of feeling. I can't tell you more about it. You'll know when you see it for yourself. " On the other side, the beautiful woman's friend was calling for this beautiful woman, so she nodded at the reporter "My friend is here. I'll be leaving first. It's getting late. You guys should also pay attention to rest. "

"Uh, okay, sister. " He looked at the beautiful woman and her friend as they walked past him. At the same time.. There was also an ethereal paragraph. "Su Nuanyu played such a good role so badly. She really deserves the title of the queen of bad movies. Sigh, my Zhengnan and that little beauty deserve it. "


It was another person who ridiculed Su Nuanyu. Seeing that the crowd was gradually dispersing, the reporters seized the opportunity to interview.

The replies they received were mostly: "It's good, but Su Nuanyu is too bad. "

"It's not bad. This movie feels a little ruined by Su Nuanyu. "

"If I want to give a score, I'll give it a seven. Two points will be deducted from Su Nuanyu, and one point will be deducted from Tang Tang and Qingzishan. "

"Hehe, it's not bad. It's just a love story. It's all because of Li Zhengnan and Jiang Xiwan's faces and acting skills. "

"I think the story is a little simple. The director isn't as sharp as before, but it's an art film, so I can understand. However, the love between Li Zhengnan and Jiang Xiwan is the biggest highlight of this movie, right? "

"It's good to watch. The actors' acting skills have all caught up, and the editing is also very good. ". Actually, when I read the introduction online, I was quite worried that Su nuanyu would definitely be the female lead in this movie, while Jiang Xiwan would only be the supporting actress. It would be too much of a waste of Jiang Xiwan's acting skills. Moreover, I had always been on the fence about Su Nuanyu's acting skills. "Fortunately, the movie didn't place Su Nuanyu in the role of the female lead, nor did it waste Jiang Xiwan's acting skills. "Twin Heroes" is indeed a pair of beauties. Jiang Xiwan probably saved most of the points that Su Nuanyu lost. "In addition, although the story is quite simple, other than the director telling a love story with ups and downs in an hour and a half, he also revealed a lot of ugly facts in reality. For example, a man who is rich turns bad, has a heartless heart, and money can make people lose their direction and fall. "

Of course, other than the audience who complained about Su Nuanyu's poor acting skills, there were also some who were positive.

"This movie is Su Nuanyu's transformational work. It's quite successful, right? Compared to the previous ones, her acting skills have improved a lot. Perhaps with Li Zhengnan and Jiang Xiwan as a comparison, it's not good enough. But we still have to give her encouragement. "