Yang Tiantian pointed at the next person and said, "look at that # every girl needs a lipstick # . That's only 30,000 discussions and 40 million views! " This comparison was too cruel One could imagine how much attention people paid to the drug trafficking organization!

Yang Tiantian continued, "however, of the two major events that happened today, Xiao Cong's disappearance only took up one topic. On the other hand, long FA's drug trafficking has taken up half of the hot topics! "

Xi Wan was a little embarrassed. What was there to compare about this topic. However, on second thought, she felt that it was strange.

To put it bluntly, this hot topic list was actually one of the list of things that Zha Lang paid for. If it was a major event that the entire nation paid attention to, as long as it was harmless, Zha Lang would let it go. However, if it was not in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations, or if someone offered money to let it go, Zha Lang would also take it down.

However, this topic was derived from the same thing. If no one offered money to let it go, Zha Lang would also take down a few related topics. It was impossible to leave so many at once. Most importantly, what did Huang Yu do?

She was an outsourcing propagandist!

People who did propagandists were already familiar with the SCUM WAVE PEOPLE!

Although their long FA group wasn't a particularly powerful company, it was still a listed company They should have this bit of public relations ability. How could they leave so many topics until now Moreover, the so-called skinning post, even if the evidence was irrefutable, under the circumstances where the judge and the police hadn't reached a conclusive conclusion, everything had variables. The person's company was rich and powerful. It was very likely that they would sue you for slander and slander.

Therefore, logically speaking, long FA group should not have allowed such a topic to remain on the top page of slag wave And there were so many of them all at once... ...

While Xi Wan was puzzled, Yang Tiantian slowly continued, "actually, it would not have developed so much. It was only a while ago when that clown jumped up and down. His name was Huang Yue, right? He said that CEO Li was a vampire. "

"If you ask me, Xi Wan, you don't need to pay attention to her at all. Who is she? " She was just a woman who had used drugs. Jumping up and down, she did not have any credibility at all. "If you ignore her, she'll probably jump up even more vigorously and use your thighs to climb up. "But I can't help but say that your counterattack was really beautiful! "

Xi Wan smiled and didn't say anything.

Just as Yang Tiantian said, she actually didn't need to care about Huang Yue. She was just a clown. However, when it came to Li Zhan's reputation, she couldn't be indifferent. Even if she lowered her style, she still had to give him two slaps!

"after that, didn't Huang Yue get all sorts of photos of her having a room with a man? One of the men was Huang Yu. His yellow hair was especially eye-catching! "

When Yang Tiantian mentioned Huang Yu, Xi Wan actually couldn't react in time. However, when Yang Tiantian mentioned the yellow-haired man that Huang Yue had been with, Xi Wan was really impressed.

After all, this man had had conflicts with Xiao Yinzheng and Xi Wan, and she had seen him several times. Xi Wan knew that he had also been with Zhou Liqing, so when she found out that Huang Yue was with this yellow-haired man, Xi Wan only wanted to roll her eyes.

She still remembered that time, he min had complained to her, "what kind of Shit goes with maggots? ". Huang Yue and Huang Mao were a perfect match!

Xi Wan was disgusted when she heard he min's description, but it was appropriate.

"I know this Huang Yu. In the past, the company asked their company to help with outsourcing. The quality was not good, but the fees were quite high. My manager was so angry that she stopped communicating with him. "

"Of course, the reason why we stopped communicating was not only because the quality of the products made by Huang Yu's company was poor, but more importantly, the man called Huang Yu was a pervert. He was really an old pervert "He's so ugly, and he even tried to cheat on our company's little sister who's in charge of publicity. I really don't know WHO'S DISGUSTING! " Speaking of this.. Yang Tiantian could not help but roll her eyes. If someone accidentally took a photo of her, with Yang Tiantian's physique that was constantly being hacked into hot searches, she would probably have added another "dark history" .

"It's probably Karma. He's slept with too many women, and there are a lot of them. I really don't know what to say about them. If they slept with Huang Yu, so be it. They even took a group photo and uploaded it to their own Weibo... "

"Didn't they just get exposed by the netizens? ". This idiot called Huang Yue followed an old * * * Driver, and it was such a disgusting old driver. Everyone was disgusted. Therefore, people started to skin this Huang Yu. You don't know, two days ago, this Huang Yu's popularity on the Internet was really comparable to a celebrity in the entertainment industry. "I'm not even as popular as him! "

Xi Wan:"..."

"Then, wasn't Xiao Cong kidnapped by drug dealers today? The netizens hated the artists who had used drugs even more. So, one by one, they went to the Weibo of the artists who had used drugs to curse. Huang Yue was the first to bear the brunt. In addition, she was surrounded by Huang Yu. There were also some people who went to curse Huang Yu. "

Sometimes, the netizens could derive something like this. However, one had to say that this derivation sometimes really made people have to give a thumbs up!

"Let's talk about today's matter. It was that poster who used Huang Yue and Huang Yu's influence to open a post with Huang Yu's name. "

"I just finished reading that post. I wanted to say that she was actually just a sheep hanging its head to sell dog meat. Hahahaha. ". The whole process was to lay out what kind of person long FA was. "Then, both the words and the words implied that long FA's money might not have come from the right place. "

"Yes, she must be your husband's Fan. There was one sentence that I almost spat out when I saw it. She said that if it was your husband, not to mention becoming the CEO of a public company in ten years, even if it was two years, she would believe it! "

Xi Wan:"... and then?"

"And then, and then she just dumped the photos. Tsk Tsk, I don't know who took the photos. Even though the nightclub was so dark, even if it was secretly taken, the photos were all high-definition photos. The People's faces and behavior were clearly seen! "

"among them were Zhou Liqing and Song Xian. Their expressions were obviously after taking drugs. Moreover, there were a lot of scattered pills on the table and a few women. They took off all their clothes and gave them to others... ". "...". Yang Tiantian couldn't continue After a long time, she said two words, "code. "


"But, based on these pictures, it's uncertain whether long FA group is a drug trafficking group or not. " Yang Tiantian nodded "But they are definitely drug addicts. It's just that the poster implied that their money sources are not right. "

Xi Wan nodded, "I see. "