"It's quite good. " Xi Wan nodded and gave a positive opinion. "But, I didn't expect Lychee terrace to make such a concession. "

Xiao Cong said helplessly, "they had to make a concession. Let me tell you, the last contract was actually not bad. I agreed to it, but brother Qian rejected it. "

Xi Wan looked puzzled. "but didn't he ask Xiao Mei to tell you to call him if you think it's okay? Isn't it based on your opinion? "

Xiao Cong showed a rare hint of mockery "I've only seen it before. I'm not sure if brother Qian changed it. In the end, it's still because of the company. "You know, our boss, Lu Yuanshan, is dead. Now, the one in charge of idle courtyard is the boss's other cousin, Lu Yuanfeng. "This new bos is really swift and decisive. He values the movie industry as much as our vice president. Moreover, his plan for the next three years is to enter the movie industry. "

Xi Wan really didn't know what idle courtyard would be like after Lu Yuanshan's death.

"Lu Yuanfeng? "

"Yes, Lu Yuanming's biological brother. He's not really his biological brother, right? He's just an illegitimate son of the Lu family. ". Originally, Lu Yuanming wanted to take over idyllic garden, but his family didn't seem to be too happy with Lu Yuanming taking over. Then, for some reason, he ended up in Lu Yuanfeng's hands. Then, the artistes in our company, whether they were in TV dramas or movies, had all switched to the film industry. The vice president of our company kept asking me to bring new people to debut, and even thought of ways to fire the couple. I refused. In order to not be bothered by them, I chose to come to country M to develop. This was also the reason why I came to m country to film so quickly after the incident at Litchi station. "Actually, based on my foundation, I couldn't have come to m country to test the waters before I had a firm foothold in the country. "

Although there were many people in this world who wanted to learn how to run before they could walk, he was clearly not that kind of person!

After a moment of silence, Xiao Cong continued "earlier, I didn't tell you that my three-year contract was about to expire. Then, people from my company, including my manager, brother Qian, kept asking me if I wanted to renew my contract. I said that I wanted to consider it. "perhaps it was because I didn't have a firm position to say that I wanted to renew the contract. Brother Qian didn't come to m country with me, and the assistant only let Xiao Mei follow him. "And this compensation agreement that keeps changing and becoming more and more harsh on Lychee channel is probably a gift from the company to me, Hehe! "

At the end of his sentence, he sneered, his face full of disappointment and sadness.

"My first agency signed my contract with an a contract. To be honest, I'm very grateful and grateful. I just didn't expect it to disappoint me so much now. "

Xi Wan Patted Xiao Cong's shoulder. "I've said it before. If you want to change agencies, Sky Shadow will welcome you anytime, anywhere. "

Xiao Cong was indeed a rare and talented artist. With time, his achievements might not be lower than Ming Ri's. Such a handsome young man with good acting skills and values.. I believe that every company would want to take him under their wing.

Xiao Cong smiled. "okay, it's all up to you, lady boss. "


Andrew, whom she had not seen for a long time, seemed to have grown two sizes. An DELU did not recognize him for a moment when Xi Wan saw him.

An delu's gaze was obvious to Andrew.

This silent stab caused Andrew's heart and lungs to hurt.

Griffith, who was at the side, was full of smiles. "I'm so happy. All of our actors are staying at the nearby hotel. We can finally start work. I've been waiting for this 'world / peace' movie for a long time. "

At the end of her sentence, Griffith even wiped away her tears, causing Andrew, who had grown by two sizes next door, to continuously twitch the corners of his eyes. An delu's eyes were filled with tears.

Xi Wan was also embarrassed by Andrew's large body size. "What did he do? Why did he gain weight so quickly? " An delu asked

Andrew felt like he had been stabbed by XI WAN again. It hurt.

"I think I'm a little fat. I just took some diet pills, " Andrew slowly narrated, trying not to distort his expression.

Xi Wan:"..."This must be a sad story.

She looked at Andrew with sympathy in her eyes.

Andrew:"..."I want to leave. This is definitely not the female lead that I personally chose.

The location where the three of them met was very close to the filming base. After the discussion, an delu suggested Xi Wan to go over and take a look at their filming environment.

They had said earlier that the visual effects of a Hollywood blockbuster were very impressive, but in reality, it all depended on the post-production special effects technology.

Therefore, most of the time, their filming environment was just a very simple indoor studio.

Whether it was mountains, rivers, or the desert and sea, there were times when they would go to the country to film, but they only wanted the post-production special effects.

However, this also tested the acting skills of these artists, so their acting skills were getting better and better.

However, the span of "world / Peace" was a little big. Although the indoor studio only tested shooting more than 60% of the scenes, some of them still had to go for outdoor scenes. However, Xi Wan still had to spend the early filming here.

This indoor studio was very big. It was twice the size of Hongguang Film and Television Base in China, but there was nothing special about it.

After Xi Wan Walked Two rounds, Andrew and Xi Wan said, "it's big. When the time comes, I'll definitely open up a single dressing room for you. "

Xi Wan smiled and said, "then thank you. "

Acting here, no matter how high your achievements in China were, you might not necessarily be bought by the people here, especially since the M nation's exclusion of Chinese was actually quite serious. So if you weren't an elite in the industry, people might not really look up to you. But if you came with the female lead and needed a single dressing room, the rest of the filming would probably be much easier.

"By the way, there's a production crew filming next door. Do you want to take a look? There's Merlin Chell. I heard that you know him. "

Xi Wan nodded and followed him.

The production crew next door was not far from Xi Wan. They arrived after walking for two minutes.

At that time, they were filming.

When Xi Wan learned that Merlin Chell was here, she naturally looked around seriously. However, she did not find Merlin Chell.

Griffith, who was at the side, said to Xi Wan, "Merlin Chell, who plays the monster. "

Xi Wan looked up and saw Merlin chell with hideous makeup on his face."..."

"He wants to break through himself. He wants to be Oscar's best actor this year, " Griffith explained to Xi Wan.

Suddenly, Xi Wan nodded and turned her head slightly. She saw a familiar figure.