Chapter 172 dark cuisine 3

She immediately covered her mouth. Even though she was hungry, she did not want to eat these things.

Long Chenjue looked at Jian Xiaomo staring at the buns and did not speak. He thought that Jian Xiaomo was touched. He immediately said arrogantly, "Jian Xiaomo, are you very touched? If you are touched, I don't mind you tasting a bun first."

As he spoke, he placed a bun on Jian Xiaomo's plate.

Jian Xiaomo looked at the bun. No matter what, she could not open her mouth. She forced a smile and said, "Long Chenjue, I can't eat."

Long Chenjue was stunned and then said, "Jian Xiaomo, I don't mind you thanking me in other ways, such as on the bed."

This man not only misunderstood her meaning, but also said it so shamelessly.

He even wanted her to pay him back on the bed. It was simply a mind-numbing experience.

She wanted to knock Long Chenjue's head open and see what this man was thinking.

Jian Xiaomo glared at Long Chenjue and said in a low voice, "Ba Luo is here." He should at least be careful with his words.

Long Chenjue turned his head and glared at Ba Luo.

Ba Luo immediately had an idea and said, "Miss Jian, I didn't hear anything just now." Then he walked out of the restaurant expressionlessly and waited on them.

Jian Xiaomo was stunned.

Long Chenjue suddenly urged Jian Xiaomo again. "Jian Xiaomo, why aren't you moving your chopsticks? The bun is getting cold."

Jian Xiaomo thought of the bun in front of her again. She looked at the bun and frowned. Jian Xiaomo's eyes suddenly lit up. She blinked her eyes and said, "Long Chenjue, you've worked hard to make the bun today. Take this bun as a reward for you."

As she said that, she quietly pushed the plate with the bun in front of Long Chenjue.

She wanted to see what kind of wonderful expression Long Chenjue would have when he ate such a heavy-tasting bun.

Jian Xiaomo was looking forward to it.

Jian Xiaomo was about to laugh out loud when she thought of Long Chenjue's handsome and unreasonable face scrunched up and his pained expression.

However, before she could laugh out loud, Long Chenjue's pitch-black eyes looked over and said, "Jian Xiaomo, are you sneakily laughing?"

Jian Xiaomo instantly woke up and covered her mouth. "No, I'm not laughing."

Long Chenjue narrowed his eyes dangerously and sized up Jian Xiaomo for a long time.

Jian Xiaomo felt goosebumps all over her body and could only laugh dryly in agreement.

Long Chenjue then retracted his gaze and pushed the steamed bun in front of Jian Xiaomo. He ordered coldly, "You eat it!" His face was already displeased.

Judging from her expression, this woman was obviously not touched, but seemed to be running away. Thinking of this, Long Chenjue's handsome face was filled with anger. He stared at Jian Xiaomo with a strong aura.

Jian Xiaomo looked at Long Chenjue guiltily and thought to herself, 'Did this man discover something?'

Otherwise, why would he suddenly be angry?

After all, he had cooked a meal for her today. If she insisted on letting him eat such a terrible breakfast, wouldn't it be immoral?

Thinking of this, Jian Xiaomo finally dismissed the idea of returning the steamed bun.

She glanced at the soup not far away and immediately said with a smile, "Long Chenjue, didn't you say that I should drink soup before eating? Why don't I drink a bowl of soup first?" As she said that, she stood up and went to get the soup.

The soup was much better than the steamed bun, right?

The anger on Long Chenjue's face finally dissipated bit by bit.

Jian Xiaomo quickly scooped a bowl of soup for herself. She narrowed her eyes at Long Chenjue and said with a smile, "I'm drinking it."

Only then did Long Chenjue nod at Jian Xiaomo.