Chapter 424 is this woman secretly in love with you?

Lin Mengmeng was stunned for a moment before she said, "I just went there the day before yesterday. My brother-in-law has been going out frequently these two days. In addition, I don't want to see Tang Wei, so I don't go much."

When Lin Mengmeng said this, she changed the topic and said, "Xiaomo, why did you ask me to visit Jun Muqian?"

Jian Xiaomo bit her lips and said, "I told Muqian about our relationship. I said that we can only be friends. I also told him that the person I love is Long Chenjue."

Hearing that, Lin Mengmeng immediately interrupted and screamed, "Xiaomo, you confessed to Young Master Long?"

Jian Xiaomo instantly blushed and said in a low voice, "Yes."

Lin Mengmeng immediately said excitedly, "Then what about Young Master Long's reaction? What does it look like? Quickly learn from him." As she said that, she waited for Jian Xiaomo to speak with great anticipation.

Jian Xiaomo said with a laugh, "Alright, Mengmeng. I didn't call today to tell you this. I want you to go to the hospital to see Muqian and then tell me about his condition."

Lin Mengmeng put away her curiosity and said with a little disappointment, "Alright, as you wish, Miss Jian. I'll help you to see Jun Muqian. But how will you repay me?"

Jian Xiaomo thought for a moment and said, "How about I treat you to a meal?"

Lin Mengmeng snapped her fingers and the two of them made a deal. Jian Xiaomo then hung up the phone.

After hanging up the phone, Jian Xiaomo was about to stand up and stretch her waist. Just as she put down the phone, it rang again.

This phone seemed to be in a hurry today. It was endless!

Jian Xiaomo picked up the phone and saw that it was Long Chenjue's.

This man was really good at making calls. Just as she hung up the phone, his call came in.

After picking up the phone, before Jian Xiaomo could say anything, Long Chenjue's angry voice was heard. "Jian Xiaomo, who were you calling just now?"

Jian Xiaomo was stunned. How did this man know who she was calling?

However, when she thought of their five-minute date in the blink of an eye, she looked at her phone. It had been more than ten to five minutes. This man must have been calling her, and her phone was always busy.

That was why this man said that.

Jian Xiaomo was afraid that this man would misunderstand, so she immediately explained, "I called Mengmeng again just now."

It was hot on the phone between girlfriends. This man should not find fault with her, right?

Sure enough, after she finished speaking, there was not a single sound from Long Chenjue's side.

Just as Jian Xiaomo was about to say that if there was nothing else, she would hang up the phone. She had been so busy on the phone today that she did not even read a few words.

Long Chenjue's questioning tone came over. "Jian Xiaomo, is that Lin Mengmeng secretly in love with you?"

Jian Xiaomo was stunned at first, then shocked. Long Chenjue could actually say that Lin Mengmeng was secretly in love with her?

She really wanted to roll her eyes speechlessly. Didn't the two of them just talk on the phone for a while longer? This man could actually think wrongly.

Jian Xiaomo explained with a laugh, "Lin Mengmeng's sexual orientation has always been very normal!"

As soon as she finished her words, Long Chenjue immediately denied it. "I don't think so. This woman is clearly in love with you. Otherwise, who would be stupid enough to call someone of the same sex for such a long time!"

He had never called Baili Chuan for more than a minute.

This woman had called Jian Xiaomo for a full half an hour. If it wasn't a secret love, then what else could it be? Otherwise, why would they talk so much?

It was clear that she liked his woman and felt that his woman was outstanding, so she had a secret love.

Thinking of this, Long Chenjue's face turned dark. He ordered Jian Xiaomo, "Stay away from that Lin Mengmeng in the future!"