Chapter 468: Applying medicine to special places

Long Chenjue gnashed his teeth and said, "How dare you!"

Long Siyue shouted at Long Chenjue, "I'm your sister!"

"If you dare to touch Jian Xiaomo, I'll make you pay the same price." Long Chenjue pointed at Long Siyue and warned, "Long Siyue, you'd better behave yourself and don't provoke Jian Xiaomo. Otherwise, you won't be able to bear the consequences of provoking Jian Xiaomo!"

Long Siyue covered her face and suddenly laughed. She laughed so hard that tears were flowing out. Then, she quickly stepped back and was about to run out.

If Long Siyue ran out like this, something bad would definitely happen. Jian Xiaomo hurriedly pushed Long Chenjue and asked Long Chenjue to chase after Long Siyue.

Long Chenjue was obviously angry. He just stood there and did not move.

Jian Xiaomo was anxious. She quickly asked the bodyguard to chase after Long Siyue. The bodyguard immediately obeyed and quickly chased after Long Siyue.

Jian Xiaomo's eyes were anxious as she watched the bodyguard chase after her. She wanted to chase after him, but Long Chenjue fiercely pulled her hand and she could not move.

At this moment, Long Chenjue's anger had already dissipated. He said to Ba Luo in a low voice, "Ba Luo."

Ba Luo immediately ran over and greeted respectfully, "Young Master."

"Send her back to the old mansion after he's caught up with her! " Long Chenjue narrowed his eyes.

Ba Luo was stunned. He quickly nodded and chased after him.

Jian Xiaomo was stunned. However, she thought that sending Long Siyue back would be good as well. She didn't want Long Siyue to continue pestering Jun Muqian. Who knows what might happen in the future?

At this moment, Long Chenjue's recovered eyes looked at Jian Xiaomo. He asked in a low voice, "Does it hurt?" His tone was apologetic.

Jian Xiaomo only realized that her butt hurt after Long Chenjue's reminder. She gritted her teeth and nodded.

As soon as she finished speaking, Long Chenjue suddenly hugged her and directly put her head down and her butt up.

Jian Xiaomo also knew that Long Chenjue was holding her like this because he was afraid of hurting her butt. However, this posture was too embarrassing, and she was not that delicate. She immediately said, "Long Chenjue, put me down. I can walk."

However, the man did not answer at all. He directly carried Jian Xiaomo and walked to the car.

The car sped all the way to the manor. Ba Luo had not returned yet. He was probably going to take care of Long Siyue's matters. Long Chenjue said to a bodyguard beside him, "Go and call the doctor!"

"Yes, Young Master Long." The bodyguard turned around and was about to leave.

Long Chenjue suddenly changed his mind. His deep eyes stared at the spot where Jian Xiaomo was injured. His eyes darkened a little. Then, he said to the bodyguard again, "Go and get the ointment."

The bodyguard was stunned. Then, he said, "Young Master, do we still need to call the doctor?"

Long Chenjue shot a cold glare at the bodyguard. The bodyguard was so scared that his body was trembling. He quickly said, "Young Master, I understand."

He ran out hurriedly.

Back in the bedroom, Long Chenjue gently placed Jian Xiaomo on the bed. As soon as Jian Xiaomo was put down, she was about to turn over. Long Chenjue directly stretched out his hand and pressed on Jian Xiaomo's back. He said in a domineering voice, "Don't move!"

As he said that, he glared at Jian Xiaomo and said, "If you don't want your butt, then move around!"

Jian Xiaomo was stunned. So this was the reason why this man wanted her to lie down. However, her butt was injured so badly. Just as she was about to turn over again, Long Chenjue pressed down on her even more domineeringly. He said in a low voice, "Jian Xiaomo, you're moving around randomly. Do you believe that I'll spank your buttocks?"

Jian Xiaomo was embarrassed.

At this moment, the bodyguard pushed the door open and walked in with a bottle of ointment in his hand. Then, he walked to Long Chenjue respectfully and handed the ointment to Long Chenjue. He said respectfully, "Young Master, this is your medicine."