Chapter 502: Photos with problems

Coincidentally, she met Ba Luo. At first, Ba Luo did not let her in, but when he heard that she had something in her hands, he did not dare to act on his own accord. He hurriedly went to ask Long Chenjue.

At this moment, Tang Wei looked at the photo in her hands, and a trace of a cold smile appeared in her eyes.

At this moment, Ba Luo walked over with his hands behind his back in a dignified manner. He glanced at Tang Wei and said, "Young Master is waiting in the living room."

"Thank you, butler." Tang Wei smiled and said to Ba Luo. Then, under Ba Luo's lead, she walked into the manor.

This manor looked magnificent from the outside. Unexpectedly, it was even more magnificent inside. Jian Xiaomo lived here every day. Thinking of this, a hint of jealousy flashed in Tang Wei's eyes.

At this moment, the two of them had already arrived at the door of the living room. Before Tang Wei entered the living room, a wave of hostility immediately rushed toward her.

She instantly raised her eyes and looked toward the living room. She saw the dazzling man sitting elegantly on the sofa with his legs crossed. He was holding a glass of red wine in his hand and gently swaying it.

It was just a simple action, but it was done elegantly and nobly by this man.

However, the aura surrounding this man was too powerful. It was so powerful that Tang Wei's body trembled before she even walked in front of him.

However, she still tried her best to stand calmly in front of Long Chenjue. She cursed in her heart. Jian Xiaomo really had some ability to take down such a powerful man.

While she was thinking, Long Chenjue gently swayed the wine glass and his magnetic voice sounded, "What's the matter?"

He went straight to the point and did not even look at Tang Wei.

Tang Wei was shocked and only then did she react. Tang Wei opened her mouth towards him and said nervously, "I am... I am..." She stuttered and could not speak...

Finally, Long Chenjue raised his eyes and looked at this woman who could not speak a complete sentence.

When he looked at her, Tang Wei's heart was in her throat and she was extremely nervous. She quickly said with trembling hands, "Young Master Long, Young Master Long... "

"Throw her out!" Long Chenjue said with a gloomy gaze.

An idiotic woman.

"Yes," Ba Luo answered immediately and was about to order the bodyguards.

Tang Wei finally reacted. She quickly handed the photo in her hand to Ba Luo and said, "This... This is for Young Master Long."

Ba Luo glared at Tang Wei and took the photo. After just one look, his face changed.

Seeing that Ba Luo was holding the photo and only looking at it for himself, Tang Wei was extremely excited. She quickly said, "This is for Young Master Long."

She finally spoke normally.

Ba Luo was still in a daze.

Long Chenjue saw that Ba Luo was still in a daze and immediately said with a cold face, "Bring it over!"

As he said that, he reached out his hand.

Ba Luo glared fiercely at Tang Wei and then respectfully placed the photo on the coffee table in front of Long Chenjue.

The moment the photo was placed on the table, Long Chenjue's eyes swept over the photo. When he saw the photo of the two of them kissing, his face instantly turned livid.

With a bang, the cup in his hand was smashed out. Then, he picked up the photo and quickly flipped through it. All the photos were of Jun Muqian hugging and kissing Jian Xiaomo.

Long Chenjue flipped through the photos page by page. His fingers were tightly gripping the photos, wishing that he could crush them.

Tang Wei was at the side, carefully observing Long Chenjue's expression. These were the photos of the day Jun Muqian stopped Jian Xiaomo with a car outside the manor.