Chapter 631: Double Insurance

In order to prevent Miss Jian from escaping, the Young Master had put in a lot of effort.

At this moment, Long Chenjue gave Ba Luo a look. Ba Luo immediately understood. He respectfully sent a document to Jian Xiaomo and said, "Miss Jian, please sign this contract."

Jian Xiaomo was stunned and asked in surprise, "What contract?"

Without waiting for Ba Luo to answer, Long Chenjue directly said domineeringly, "A contract to sell one's body!"

Jian Xiaomo's eyes instantly widened and she looked at Long Chenjue in disbelief.

Long Chenjue was even more arrogant as he said, "Jian Xiaomo, as punishment for your escape, you must sign this life-long contract of selling your body. I'm warning you, as long as I, Long Chenjue, don't want to go back on my word, you can't leave my side for the rest of your life. And I want to tell you that I, Long Chenjue, am prepared to stay by my side for the rest of my life, and I don't intend to go back on my word."

Hearing this man's overbearing words, Jian Xiaomo felt a warm feeling in her heart for some reason even though his words were extremely overbearing. At this moment, a soft spot in her heart actually loosened up. Could it be that she was usually enslaved by this man?

Jian Xiaomo said reluctantly, "Long Chenjue, aren't you going to marry me? I won't be able to leave your side for the rest of my life."

Jian Xiaomo was still a little uncomfortable with this thing. After all, she was tied to Long Chenjue because of this thing in the beginning.

Unexpectedly, Long Chenjue rejected her directly and arrogantly. "Jian Xiaomo, I have to use double insurance to tie you up with the contract and marriage. I'll see where you run to."

As he spoke, he looked at Jian Xiaomo from above.

That gaze seemed to make it difficult for Jian Xiaomo to escape from his palm.

This time, it was Jian Xiaomo's turn to twitch the corner of her mouth.

Jian Xiaomo reluctantly picked up the contract in front of her. She wanted to see what was written on the contract.

She picked up the contract. The first line of the contract was written in large letters, Jian Xiaomo's contract for life.

The corner of Jian Xiaomo's mouth twitched.

Next was the buyer and seller.

Of course, she was the seller, and Long Chenjue was the superior buyer.

Then, below, if she broke the contract, all of them were the most severe punishment for her.

She would be caught without mercy, she would be subjected to the seller's whims, and she would be tortured by any means until she could not escape.

Jian Xiaomo's mouth twitched. This was clearly a contract for the sale and purchase of slaves.

At this time, Long Chenjue said directly, "Jian Xiaomo, let me tell you. The food in the kitchen is ready. If you don't sign this contract, don't think about eating, don't think about getting up, and prepare to stay in this room for the rest of your life."

At this point, Long Chenjue suddenly lowered his head and whispered into Jian Xiaomo's ear, "Jian Xiaomo, the consequence of you not wearing clothes is that it's convenient for me to rape you at any time. You should think about the consequences."

Jian Xiaomo was speechless. The corner of her mouth twitched. Could this man be any more shameless?

Since it had come to this point, it seemed that she could only sign this contract. Jian Xiaomo suddenly blinked her eyes and said, "Long Chenjue, I'll sign it." Whether she signed it or not, she would not leave this man. Rather than that, she might as well satisfy this overbearing and evil taste.

"Smart!" Long Chenjue looked at Jian Xiaomo with admiration. Jian Xiaomo, you're finally smart this time.

Then, Long Chenjue asked Ba Luo to bring a pen.

Jian Xiaomo didn't hesitate and hurriedly signed her name on the contract.