Chapter 653 death was an extravagant hope for her

Then, he picked Jian Xiaomo up from under the blanket and hugged her tightly in his arms, letting the woman stay close to his body. His face was just like that, close to Jian Xiaomo's slightly cold face.

When his face was close to Jian Xiaomo's, Jian Xiaomo's face moved slightly. Long Chenjue was stunned and looked up.

His calm eyes just now suddenly became bloodthirsty and terrifying.

If Ye Yuli wasn't dead, he would have cut that woman into a thousand pieces.

That hand hit Jian Xiaomo, and he would chop the hand that Ye Yuli hit into a million pieces.

After hitting Jian Xiaomo, he would make her pay with blood.

At this moment, Jian Xiaomo moved her lips slightly. Her lips were trembling slightly, probably because she was afraid, and she made a muffled sound. Her voice was very weak, and Long Chenjue couldn't help but lower his head. Jian Xiaomo said in a weak voice, "Don't come over. If you come over, I will fight with you with my life. I will die in front of you."

Upon hearing this, Long Chenjue's body was full of hostility. His slender fingers tightly pinched Jian Xiaomo, wishing that he could squeeze Jian Xiaomo into his body.

What kind of stimulation did this woman suffer to say such words and say that she would die in front of him?

Hearing Jian Xiaomo say that she would die in front of him, Long Chenjue's body suddenly trembled.

However, his eyes were terrifyingly fierce, and the corners of his lips curled up coldly. He said word by word, "Jian Xiaomo, as long as you stay by Long Chenjue's side, no one will dare to let you die. The one who will die will not be you. Whoever dares to bully you, I'll make that person unable to even die. I'll let him have a taste. The woman who bullied my, Long Chenjue's woman, will die in vain!"

Jian Xiaomo did not know how long she had been lying there. When she woke up, she found that she was lying in an uncomfortable position. It was as if she was lying in a warm embrace. She turned her eyes and looked around. Only then did she realize that she was really lying in an embrace.

She was lying in Long Chenjue's embrace. While Long Chenjue was hugging her, he was still typing on the computer with one hand. However, his keyboard was silent, so Jian Xiaomo could not hear the sound.

Jian Xiaomo immediately wanted to sit up from Long Chenjue's embrace.

When he saw that Jian Xiaomo had woken up, Long Chenjue's gloomy face was instantly replaced by a touch of surprise. He pushed the computer away. He did not care whether the computer was broken or not. He only said nervously, "Jian Xiaomo, you are awake."

Jian Xiaomo nodded weakly. At the same time, she raised her head and looked around. Only then did she realize that this seemed to be a strange place. So, she said to Long Chenjue, "Long Chenjue, where is this place?"

"On the plane. I want to take you to a place." Long Chenjue looked at Jian Xiaomo with a doting look.

Hearing this, Jian Xiaomo was stunned. Then, she took a closer look. Sure enough, she was on Long Chenjue's private plane.

However, it was so sudden. Why did this man take her on the plane? Jian Xiaomo was about to ask, but Long Chenjue had already ordered someone to bring the tonic soup over. He said, "Give me the soup. When you're full, you'll have the strength later."

Without any explanation, he fed the soup to Jian Xiaomo.

Jian Xiaomo had been wanting to ask Long Chenjue where he would take her, but this man fed her the soup so quickly that she could only drink the soup. When she opened her mouth to speak again, the soup was finally finished. Jian Xiaomo was sweating profusely.

When she wanted to ask again, Long Chenjue picked up his coat and wrapped Jian Xiaomo in his arms. "Go to sleep."

As he spoke, he forced Jian Xiaomo to sleep.