Chapter 706 must capture her

On the screen, there was a woman with a good figure. She was wearing a layer of transparent tulle, and the light of spring was faintly revealed. The woman was obviously drugged. She was performing all sorts of unsightly actions on the stage, and her mouth was emitting an unbearably seductive voice. The purer and more innocent her face was, the more seductive it was.

Chu Moxuan sneered when he saw this. It turned out that the taste the man liked had never changed.

He liked this kind of pure appearance, but with the medicine, she would reveal a seductive look.

Thinking of this, Chu Moxuan's lips curled into a cold smile.

The entire auction venue became unprecedentedly lively. As the auctioneer announced that the price would start at one million, the increase in price continued to rise.

The price soared to 50 million.

Hearing 50 million, Hai Wei's expression was no longer calm. With a shocked tone, she said to Chu Moxuan, "Young Master Chu!"

Chu Moxuan stretched out a finger and signaled Hai Wei to shut up. His eyes were still fixed on the big screen. His bright red lips were still drinking.

Seeing Chu Moxuan's gesture, Hai Wei no longer dared to speak. She could only look at the big screen.

At this moment, the price had already risen to 85 million. Following the auctioneer's shout. "85,000,000 going once, 85,000,000 going twice."

Chu Moxuan threw the wine cup in his hand out. He leaned forward slightly and said to the loudspeaker, "100 million!"

Immediately, the auctioneer was stunned. Everyone present was stunned. Everyone looked at the private room in disbelief. What kind of big shot would bid such a high price?

100 million for a woman? Was he crazy?

85 million. It was already the end. There was still someone who bid 100 million.

Hai Wei was also shocked. Chu Moxuan stood up and said to the shocked Hai Wei, "Take care of everything. Bring people to see me!"

The person was naturally the woman who had been auctioned off.

As he spoke, a satisfied smile appeared on his face. He walked out of the special passageway.

Hai Wei was stunned. She pursed her lips and walked out of the private room to go through all the procedures.

Jian Xiaomo was in the manor. She could not take her eyes off the staff who were carrying the Angel Home things.

Jian Xiaomo was extremely shocked. She had been to the Angel Home some time ago. They were all selling the most advanced infant products in the world. Could it be that the things these people were carrying were for the baby in her belly?

It could not be. The baby in her belly was still an embryo. Long Chenjue had actually bought the entire Angel Home?

Jian Xiaomo was shocked as she watched the staff carry the things up and down. She grabbed Ba Luo's hand and voiced out the question in her heart.

She didn't expect Ba Luo to directly say, "Yes, Young Madam. Young Master has already arranged all of this. Moreover, the outside world has already started to build a children's paradise for the baby in Young Madam's belly."

Hearing this, Jian Xiaomo glanced at Ba Luo in shock and then quickly walked towards the garden.

Sure enough, there was the buzzing sound of machines starting work. A very large lawn was cleared out and many workers were busy there.

Just as Jian Xiaomo was looking in shock, a pair of slender arms suddenly pulled her into an embrace from behind.

Jian Xiaomo was shocked and her body stiffened. She looked up and saw Long Chenjue's handsome face.