Chapter 710: What's the relationship between you and her

The woman stared at Long Chenjue. Her eyes were filled with Long Chenjue. With surprise and shock, she grabbed Long Chenjue and stared at him. Jian Xiaomo noticed that the woman's body was slightly trembling.

Jian Xiaomo could not help but feel shocked. Who was this woman? Why was she looking at Long Chenjue like that? Did she know Long Chenjue?

Jian Xiaomo also looked at Long Chenjue with deep questions. However, she found that the man was also standing there in shock. His deep face had a hint of coldness. His deep eyes were even deeper than before. His entire body was stiff.

Jian Xiaomo's heart sank. This man had never been close to women. However, he stopped because of this woman in front of him.

So, what was the relationship between this woman and Long Chenjue?

What kind of relationship did they have when they looked at each other like this?

Jian Xiaomo instantly felt that she had become an unnecessary person under the gaze of the two people.

Suddenly, Jian Xiaomo felt an inexplicable emotion in her heart. She pushed Long Chenjue away and directly said to Long Chenjue in a mocking tone, "Long Chenjue, do you know her?"

Her voice was sharp and strange.

Long Chenjue reacted in an instant, and the woman also reacted in an instant. Only then did she look at Jian Xiaomo with her beautiful eyes. The moment she saw Jian Xiaomo, the light in the woman's eyes disappeared in an instant, and turned into all the bitterness. Her face became even paler.

Jian Xiaomo looked at the woman expressionlessly, and then the two women looked at Long Chenjue as well.

Long Chenjue withdrew his gaze, and then said indifferently, "I don't know her!"

Then, he put his arm around Jian Xiaomo's shoulder and quickly walked toward the building.

The woman seemed to want to follow him, but she heard Long Chenjue say to the security guard standing beside him, "Don't let random people enter the Long Corporation!"

"Yes, President!" An Bao said respectfully, and then blocked the woman outside the door.

Jian Xiaomo was held by Long Chenjue and walked directly to the president's private elevator. However, Jian Xiaomo did not believe Long Chenjue's words at all. The two of them had looked at each other for a long time. In the past, Long Chenjue would not even look at any woman. He and the woman had looked at each other for so long. She would not believe him if he said that there was no relationship between them.

However, it was a public place now. She could not ask too many questions. If she wanted to ask, she had to go to the office. She did not want to embarrass anyone.

However, she did not believe that the two of them had no relationship. Jian Xiaomo endured it until her face turned red.

Soon, the elevator reached the top floor. When the two of them got off the elevator, the secretaries all said respectfully, "Good morning, President. Good morning, Madam President."

Long Chenjue walked in front with a cold face and strode toward the president's office.

Jian Xiaomo was holding back her anger. She reluctantly nodded at the secretary and said with a smile, "Okay."

Then, she followed long Chenjue into the president's office.

With a bang, Jian Xiaomo closed the door of the president's office and walked straight toward Long Chenjue.

She tried to speak as calmly as possible. "Long Chenjue, who was that woman just now?"

Long Chenjue must know this woman, and their relationship must be extraordinary. Otherwise, Long Chenjue wouldn't have been so tense just now.

There must be some kind of relationship between the two of them. Jian Xiaomo looked at Long Chenjue with her eyes tightly.

Long Chenjue had just sat down on the huge massage chair. Hearing this, he immediately looked over with his sharp eyes.