Chapter 729: Young Master Long's unique method of awakening

Jian Xiaomo was pushed out. There was still a huge oxygen mask on her face. She was pushed towards the observation room. Long Chenjue was about to follow her. The doctor was about to stop him when he was kicked to the ground by Long Chenjue.

Seeing that the Young Master had to go in, Ba Luo quickly ordered the nurse to get a set of sterile clothes for Long Chenjue to put on.

Soon, Jian Xiaomo was pushed into the sterile ward.

She was carefully placed on the bed.

Long Chenjue sat next to Jian Xiaomo. He reached out his hand and tightly held Jian Xiaomo's small hand in his. Then, he pressed it against his face. The muscles on his face trembled slightly, revealing the fear in his heart and his deep eyes. He stared at Jian Xiaomo's face without blinking.

At this moment, the doctors and nurses saw that everything was done and planned to walk out.

Long Chenjue's dark eyes fixed on Jian Xiaomo's face. Suddenly, he said in a hoarse voice, "When will she wake up?"

The doctor and nurse were stunned. It took them a long time to react before they realized that it was Young Master Long who was talking to them.

However, the few of them did not answer for a long time.

Long Chenjue's patience was usually bad. Ever since Jian Xiaomo fell ill, his patience was even worse. Seeing that the doctor and nurse did not speak, he turned around and looked at the doctor and nurse with his sharp eyes.

If it were not for Jian Xiaomo, he would have already stepped forward and kicked them.

Seeing Long Chenjue's cannibalistic eyes, the doctor and nurse were so scared that their bodies trembled. The doctor was even more speechless.

The anger in Long Chenjue's eyes became even more intense.

The doctor was even more frightened and uneasy.

The nurse was a young girl. Suddenly, an idea flashed through her mind. She quickly said, "Young Master Long, you can tell the patient more about the emotional words that you often say in the past. As long as Young Madam's nerves are slightly stimulated, I believe the Young Madam will wake up very soon."

"The emotional words in the past slightly stimulate Jian Xiaomo's nerves?" Long Chenjue could not help but chew on the words.

What kind of emotional words did he say to Jian Xiaomo that could stimulate a woman?

The doctor saw that Young Master Long's attention was no longer on him, so he quickly said, "Young Master Long, we'll go out first."

Long Chenjue impatiently glared at the doctor, then said, "Get lost!"

The doctor and nurse quickly got lost!

Long Chenjue began to torture Jian Xiaomo. What kind of words could stimulate Jian Xiaomo to wake up?

His brows were tightly knitted. Suddenly, he held Jian Xiaomo's hand and said, "Jian Xiaomo, I'll give you ten minutes. Wake up quickly. If you don't wake up, I'll beat you to death!"

After saying that, his deep eyes stared at the bed.

Jian Xiaomo lay on the bed, not moving at all. He actually said sweet words to this woman, but she didn't move at all.

"Jian Xiaomo, wake up or not, answer me!" Long Chenjue said again.

Jian Xiaomo lay on the bed, not moving at all. Long Chenjue's frown deepened.

He was going to keep talking until this woman woke up. He didn't believe that this woman could not wake up. If she didn't wake up, he would stay with her.

He was going to keep talking until she woke up.

Long Chenjue stared at Jian Xiaomo and said, "Jian Xiaomo, the doctor said that you and the baby in your belly are fine. Open your eyes!"

Seeing that Jian Xiaomo still did not move, Long Chenjue thought of something again and said again, "Jian Xiaomo, are you not going to wake up? Are you not going to wake up?"

Long Chenjue suddenly thought of something and said directly, "Jian Xiaomo, if you don't wake up, I won't eat today. I won't eat for a day!"