Chapter 787 pregnant women have strange temperaments

At this moment, the man undid the quilt and a familiar voice sounded. "Jian Xiaomo."

Jian Xiaomo was shocked. This voice was so familiar. She immediately opened her eyes and saw Long Chenjue's black obsidian-like pupils staring at Jian Xiaomo.

Jian Xiaomo looked at Long Chenjue in disbelief. It turned out that the footsteps just now were made by this man. Jian Xiaomo said in shock and anger, "Long Chenjue, are you crazy?"

He came to scare her in the middle of the night and she was almost scared to death.

As she said that, her body struggled in Long Chenjue's arms.

Long Chenjue hugged Jian Xiaomo forcefully and tyrannically, and said in a low voice, "I'm here to accompany you."

In the manor, this woman was most afraid of the thunder-like weather.

It turned out that this man appeared here in the middle of the night because he was worried about her.

Jian Xiaomo sniffed and forced herself to say, "I don't need you to accompany me."

"You don't need me to accompany you? You were so scared just now." As expected, a woman liked to say things that went against her heart.

Long Chenjue took off his shoes without any explanation. Then, he went to bed and directly hugged Jian Xiaomo in his arms.

Judging from this man's actions, he intended to stay here tonight. Jian Xiaomo could not help but say anxiously, "Long Chenjue, you're not going back?"

Long Chenjue said in a low voice, "Yes." He hugged Jian Xiaomo from behind and said, "Sleep, Jian Xiaomo!"

He had not had a good sleep in the past two days without this woman. Now that he smelled the familiar smell of this woman, his sleepiness swept up.

Jian Xiaomo looked at Long Chenjue in shock. Did this man really intend to sleep here?

Seeing Jian Xiaomo staring at him like that, Long Chenjue closed his eyes and said in a magnetic voice, "Jian Xiaomo, if you don't want to sleep, let's do some exercises on the bed."

As he said that, his body moved.

Jian Xiaomo was so scared that she immediately looked away. She knew that this man was a man of action. He was a man of his word. And now that she had two babies in her belly, she naturally could not do that kind of thing.

She glared at Long Chenjue. She would let him stay here temporarily for the day. Anyway, it was already so late at night. She was not used to letting him drive home alone, so she closed her eyes and started to sleep.

Long Chenjue heard the woman's uniform breathing. The corners of his lips could not help but curve up. Then, he hugged Jian Xiaomo even tighter and fell into a deep sleep.

The next day, Jian Xiaomo woke up very early because she had to go to work. After washing up, she went into the kitchen to prepare breakfast for herself.

When Long Chenjue woke up, he stretched out his hand to touch the bed. He found that the bed was empty and instantly lost all sleepiness. When he heard the noise in the living room, he instantly got up.

When Jian Xiaomo brought the breakfast to the table, she saw Long Chenjue coming from the bedroom in a handsome manner. He stared at the plate in her hand without moving his eyes.

Jian Xiaomo immediately understood what this man meant. She rolled her eyes and directly put the food in front of her.

Then she began to eat porridge and vegetables.

Long Chenjue sat down and said in a magnetic voice, "Where are my porridge and vegetables?" Why did this woman only serve a bowl of porridge? His porridge was there.

Jian Xiaomo did not answer him. She continued to eat her own food.

Long Chenjue glared at Jian Xiaomo. Then he stood up reluctantly and walked towards the kitchen. If this woman did not serve him porridge, he would serve himself porridge.

Pregnant women had strange temperaments. He had offended them.

Long Chenjue took a big step and walked towards the kitchen.