Chapter 965 perverted punishment

Jian Xiaomo was shocked for a long time before she said with a trembling voice, "I didn't touch it. I only touched it once. " After she said that, she quickly shut her mouth. How could she betray Lin Mengmeng.

If this man complained to Baili Chuan, then Lin Mengmeng would be in trouble.

Long Chenjue was stunned. The people he sent out at that time did say that Jian Xiaomo didn't even move in the shop, but it was hard to get rid of this woman's crime. Long Chenjue opened his mouth again and stared at Jian Xiaomo's eyes He wanted to make her blind. "Jian Xiaomo, even if you say you didn't touch him, do you dare to say that your eyes didn't look at that man? "

And it was that kind of part. Thinking of this, long chenjue wanted to dig out this woman's eyes.

He was getting bolder and bolder. He actually dared to look at other men in that kind of place.

Hearing this, Jian Xiaomo's face immediately turned red. However, she had eyes, and there were so many male models in the shop. She couldn't not look at them, so she said with a guilty conscience, "i. . . I. . . "

Before Jian Xiaomo could finish her words, she saw long chenjue leaving quickly. He was planning to let her go. It was unbelievable. Just when Jian Xiaomo was feeling incredulous, she heard a bang, and a black thing was thrown down.

Jian Xiaomo was stunned. She looked at the ground and saw a keyboard.

Then, there was another bang, and it was a keyboard.

Bang, Bang, Bang.

One after another, the sound of banging echoed in the study. Then, Jian Xiaomo saw that the man was so angry that he threw all the keyboards on the ground. Jian Xiaomo counted them slightly, and there were dozens of them.

At this moment, long Chenjue said with a cold face, "Jian Xiaomo, stop counting. There are sixty keyboards. "

Sixty keyboards. Jian Xiaomo looked at long Chenjue in surprise. What was this man doing.

"Don't look at me. I'll gouge your eyes out if you look at me, " Long Chenjue said angrily.

Jian Xiaomo glanced at the keyboards, then looked at long chenjue again and said, "Long Chenjue, why do you buy so many keyboards? "

"I'll make you kneel on the keyboards! " Long Chenjue said with a pair of angry eyes.

In order to buy so many keyboards, he had even cleaned out all the keyboards in a stationery store.

Jian Xiaomo looked at long Chenjue in surprise. It turned out that this man had bought so many keyboards to make her kneel on the keyboard.

Jian Xiaomo:"..."

No wonder Ba Luo had asked her if she had eaten properly when he came back just now. He had even confirmed that she wanted to eat more and looked at her with pity. It turned out that this was the reason. Ba Luo must have known that long Chenjue had bought so many keyboards to punish him.

Seeing that Jian Xiaomo was standing there without moving, long chenjue displayed his ability to threaten Jian Xiaomo to the maximum. He sneered and said, "Jian Xiaomo, you can stop kneeling on the keyboard, or you don't have to see Dabao anymore. "

Jian Xiaomo raised her head in surprise. This man had actually used Dabao to threaten her.

"You can either kneel on the keyboard or not see Dabao. Jian Xiaomo, you can decide for yourself! " As Long Chenjue said that, he actually sat down on the massage chair. Then, his deep eyes stared at Jian Xiaomo arrogantly.

Jian Xiaomo was struggling in her heart. If she had to choose, she would definitely choose to kneel on the keyboard. It was impossible for her to not see da Bao. Da Bao was her heart and soul. However, looking at the keyboard on the ground, if she knelt down one by one, her knees would definitely be crippled.

Thinking of this, she glared at Long Chenjue. This detestable man could actually think of such a perverted idea.