Chapter 991: I'm going to kill that B * Tch

In the detention center, Jian Xiaomo and Lin Mengmeng couldn't see Pu Shien, but Lin Mengmeng used her connections to see Pu Shien.

Pu Shien was wearing a washed white shirt. Her long hair was disheveled, and with her big belly, she looked even more haggard and Pale. When she saw Jian Xiaomo and Lin Mengmeng, she was so excited that she wanted to stand up, but she was ordered by the staff, "sit down. "

Pu Shien could only sit down.

Jian Xiaomo and Lin Mengmeng were so excited that they could only sit down on the other side of the glass.

Jian Xiaomo picked up the phone, and Pu Shien's emotional crying could be heard. "Xiaomo, Mengmeng. " She had committed a capital crime now, and her parents were no longer around. Her brother's career was more important, so they immediately drew a clear line between them. That was why Jian Xiaomo and Lin Mengmeng could come and visit her It made her excited and shocked.

"Pu Shien, you stay here. Mengmeng and I will definitely think of a way to get you out, " Jian Xiaomo said bitterly.

Hearing Jian Xiaomo's words, Lin Mengmeng immediately nodded in agreement.

Hearing this, the light in Pu Shien's eyes immediately dimmed. She had committed a capital crime, and no one could help her. However, she still sincerely thanked Jian Xiaomo and Lin Mengmeng for saying so.

Seeing Pu Shien's dimmed expression, Lin Mengmeng immediately went to the microphone and said excitedly, "Pu Shien, don't give up. Even if it's for the child, shouldn't you live? "

Hearing this, Pu Shien immediately looked down at her stomach, her eyes full of tears.

At this moment, a staff member walked over and said sternly, "visiting time is up. Pu Shien, come back with me. " Pu shien's tears immediately flowed out, and Jian Xiaomo and Lin Mengmeng's eyes also turned red.

Jian Xiaomo sobbed and said, "Pu Shien, don't worry. We will think of a way. "

Pu Shien nodded and followed the staff member in.

Jian Xiaomo and Lin Mengmeng only walked out with red eyes after watching Pu Shien walk into the door and never see her again.

The two of them walked to the door in silence. Suddenly, there was a burst of crying. Jian Xiaomo could not help but look forward and saw a middle-aged woman dressed elegantly. She was being pulled into the car by a man.

The middle-aged woman was obviously unwilling to get in the car. She opened the car door and cried, "I want to kill that slut. I want to avenge my Fang Yun. "

The one crying was Fang Yun's mother.

At this moment, the man said, "that woman is still pregnant. We can't execute her now. We can only wait for her to give birth before executing her. "

After the woman listened carefully, she was extremely excited and said, "No, I want that B * Tch Pu Shien dead now. I want you to use all your connections to bury that b * Tch with you. "

The woman's eyes revealed her viciousness.

The man frowned.

When Lin Mengmeng and Jian Xiaomo heard the woman mention Fang Yun, and then looked at the woman's appearance, they were able to imagine that the woman in front of them was Fang Yun's mother.

When she heard the woman cursing Pu Shien and found a relationship to kill Pu Shien, Lin Mengmeng was furious. She pulled Jian Xiaomo and quickly walked toward the woman.

The woman was crying and cursing when she suddenly saw the person standing in front of her. She was stunned and thought that she was just watching the show. She immediately cursed, "who are you people? Go Away. "

Lin Mengmeng was about to speak when Jian Xiaomo grabbed Lin Mengmeng and stepped forward, "you should be Fang Yun's mother, right? "

The woman was stunned again. She looked at Jian Xiaomo in surprise and asked, "how do you know I'm Fang Yun's mother? "