Chapter 1019 breaking off ties

Lin Mengmeng soon took Yan siming on a trip.

On this day, Jian Xiaomo was taking care of the two babies when her cell phone suddenly rang. She took it out and looked at it in disbelief. She quickly picked it up and said, "brother Jingtian. "

Jian Jingtian had just gotten off the plane when she heard Jian Xiaomo's voice. She said in surprise, "Xiaomo, I've arrived at sea city. Can you come and see me? "

Jian Xiaomo had already cried out in surprise when she heard that Jian Jingtian had arrived at sea city. "Brother Jingtian, have you really arrived at sea city? "

Jian Jingtian affirmed once again, "If you don't believe me, you can come out and see me. "

Jian Xiaomo immediately agreed to come down from the city. She and Jian Jingtian hadn't seen each other for almost two years, and she didn't know if their personalities had changed.

After making an appointment to meet, Jian Xiaomo handed the two babies over to the nurturer and hurriedly packed up before leaving the house.

The place they arranged to meet was a local restaurant in sea city. Although it wasn't big, the dishes were special, so it was often crowded.

When Jian Xiaomo arrived at the restaurant, although it was already past the meal time, there were still a lot of people. Jian Xiaomo noticed Jian Jingtian at a glance.

Jian Jingtian was wearing a gray coat and sitting on the Sofa in the hall. Her long legs were crossed, giving her a manly charm compared to when she left two years ago.

A pair of dark eyes were looking at the door. When she saw Jian Xiaomo looking at her, she also noticed Jian Xiaomo. She immediately stood up and walked quickly toward Jian Xiaomo with a surprised look.

As soon as she arrived in front of Jian Xiaomo, she looked at Jian Xiaomo from head to toe in surprise.

She was about to say something.

Jian Xiaomo had already said mischievously, "are you going to say that I've lost weight again? "

Jian Jingtian lovingly hung up Jian Xiaomo's nose and said, "that's why I'm taking you to eat more. "

As they spoke, the two of them walked to the private room that Jian Jingtian had already booked.

Jian Jingtian ordered a few dishes. Jian Xiaomo almost fainted when she saw them. They were all her favorite dishes, so she added a few more dishes that Jian Jingtian liked to eat before she handed the menu to the waiter.

"I can't believe you still remember my favorite dishes. " Jian Jingtian took off her coat and hung it on the clothes rack. Then she sat on the Sofa lazily with her long arms on the back of the SOFA.

Jian Xiaomo looked at Jian Jingtian with a smile and said, "brother Jingtian, are uncle and aunt still alive? "

Jian Jingtian's smile froze as soon as Jian Xiaomo said that.

Jian Xiaomo was stunned for a moment and then said nervously, "did something happen to my uncle and aunt? " So Jian Jingtian suddenly came to sea city.

Seeing Jian Xiaomo's misunderstanding, Jian Jingtian immediately explained, "No, it's just that I've broken off my adoptive son relationship with them. "

Hearing this, Jian xiaomo looked at Jian Jingtian in surprise. She couldn't believe it, because her uncle and aunt had always loved Jian Jingtian very much and intended to give all the family business to Jian Jingtian.

Her uncle and aunt didn't have a son, so they loved Jian Jingtian as if he were their own son.

She couldn't help but ask in surprise, "why? " Why did Jian Jingtian suddenly want to break off his relationship with his uncle and aunt.

Of course, Jian Jingtian wouldn't tell her that ever since his adoptive parents didn't help Jian Xiaomo's father back then, he already had a problem with his adoptive parents. Jian Xiaomo could ignore it, but he couldn't ignore it.

Moreover, he had other reasons for severing his relationship. Of course, he wouldn't tell Jian Xiaomo.