Chapter 1184: I will protect you

At this moment, Long Xuan suddenly walked towards Jian Xiaomo. He walked directly in front of Jian Xiaomo and reached out his hand to Hug Jian Xiaomo.

Long Xuan was already more than seven years old, and he was very tall. In addition, Jian Xiaomo's Anorexia had been getting more and more serious over the years, so her waist had become very thin. Long Xuan could easily hug her.

Jian Xiaomo's whole body suddenly stiffened.

Because her son had never been so intimate with her.

Just as Jian Xiaomo was surprised, long Xuan suddenly put on a straight face and said word by word, "Don't lie to me with such childish words in the future. I will help you to bear the responsibility. I will protect you. "

As Long Xuan spoke, he hugged Jian Xiaomo even tighter.

Jian Xiaomo's body was even stiffer than before. She could hardly believe that long Xuan had said such words because long Xuan had always been cold.

She thought that long Xuan did not want to be close to her, but it turned out that long Xuan and long chenjue looked cold on the outside but warm on the inside.

Moreover, to be able to say such words shocked Jian Xiaomo on the one hand and touched Jian Xiaomo on the other.

Seeing the two of them hugging each other tightly, long Lu also walked over and hugged Jian Xiaomo tightly from the side.

The three of them hugged each other tightly.

Then, Ba Luo walked over and saw such a warm scene.

He knew that he should not disturb the mother and son's sweet time together, but now he really had something urgent to report.

He intentionally coughed to attract the attention of the mother and son.

Jian Xiaomo raised her head and saw Ba Luo walking in. She smiled and said, "Long Xuan, take your sister out. "

Long Xuan's face flashed with embarrassment. Obviously, he did not want others to see his weakness, so he was embarrassed. But soon, long Xuan put away the embarrassment on his face, and his small face was cold again.

He wanted to compare himself to long Lu. Seeing Ba Luo come in, he curled his lips and seemed very unhappy, because the three of them rarely hugged each other like this, because long Xuan always pretended to be an adult.

Seeing the different expressions on the three of them, Ba Luo did not get angry. He just smiled and watched the two of them walk out hand in hand.

"Young Madam, the young master and young miss are becoming more and more sensible. " Ba Luo said as he looked at the backs of long Xuan and Long Lu.

Jian Xiaomo thought of what long Xuan had said just now, and the corners of her mouth curled up. She smiled and nodded, then said to Ba Luo, "Ba Luo, what's the matter? "

As she said that, she sat back on the massage chair.

Ba Luo suddenly thought of something and quickly said, "it's like this, Young Madam. There's a big deal in England right now, and we have to let someone negotiate it personally. "

Jian Xiaomo immediately understood what Ba Luo meant when she heard that. She said to Ba Luo, "Ba Luo, then help me pack my things. We'll leave tomorrow. "

"Young Madam, don't you want to think about it? " Ba Luo was still a little hesitant.

He was mainly worried about the young miss and young master.

Jian Xiaomo saw through Ba Luo's thoughts and said, "My mother will help me take care of it. "

Ba Luo nodded and then walked out.

Since she was going on a business trip tomorrow, Jian Xiaomo also started to pack her things. At this moment, the door was knocked again. Jian Xiaomo couldn't help but raise her head. When she saw the person standing at the door, she couldn't help but be stunned.

Long Shenglun, wearing a silver suit, stood at the door with a mysterious smile on his face.