Chapter 1190 -- The people who were captured were about to escape

Jian Xiaomo, Ba Luo, and the others were locked up in a small wooden house.

There were guards outside.

The captain had a bitter expression on his face. He was sighing when he suddenly saw Ba Luo and the two bodyguards stand up. They could already see the unbound rope in their hands.

"You guys... " the captain was about to speak.

Ba Luo hurriedly made a shushing gesture. Then, he walked to the two bodyguards and whispered something to them. One of the bodyguards walked to the captain and the other to the door. They were probably going to open the wooden door.

Ba Luo walked to Jian Xiaomo. Jian Xiaomo was not too surprised because she knew Ba Luo's ability. It was nothing for Ba Luo and the bodyguards to just untie the rope in their hands.

The rope in her hand was quickly untied. Ba Luo gave her a look that said, "Young Madam, are you alright? "?

Jian Xiaomo immediately responded. By the time they untied the rope, the bodyguards who went to open the door had already opened the door by some unknown means.

However, this kind of simple wooden door should be able to be kicked open with just a kick, but they were just afraid of causing a commotion.

Seeing that the door had already opened, Ba Luo protected Jian Xiaomo, and the captain followed behind them. The two bodyguards had already rushed to the front.

There were two guards at the door, but they did not hear any movements from inside. Just as they were standing upright, the two bodyguards went over, one against the other. Very quickly, the two of them nimbly knocked down the two guards without making a single movement.

Ba Luo immediately covered Jian Xiaomo and ran forward. The captain also ran forward with trembling legs.

When they had just run out a few steps, they suddenly saw a large group of people in front of a fire. There was something burning on the fire. Jian Xiaomo glanced at it and found that there was a person burning on the fire.

Jian Xiaomo did not know whether it was because of the stimulation or something else, but she immediately wanted to vomit. Fortunately, she quickly covered her mouth with her hand. Ba Luo immediately held Jian Xiaomo and ran forward.

As for the captain, he had never seen this kind of burning of people's face. Moreover, he was being roasted by a group of beautiful women wearing gauze skirts. The captain's face instantly turned pale, and his legs began to tremble. Suddenly, he did not see the ground He was tripped by a piece of wood and fell to the ground.

Jian Xiaomo and Ba Luo's faces immediately turned Pale. Then, in the next moment, Jian Xiaomo turned around to help the captain.

Ba Luo could only turn around. The two bodyguards could only stop.

Just as Jian Xiaomo and ba Luo were helping the captain up, suddenly, the group of people heard the sound and immediately turned around. Then, the group of people was stunned Someone immediately reacted and said, "the person who was captured is going to run away. We don't have any dinner. "

This sentence immediately made the others furious. Then, Jian Xiaomo saw the group of people chasing after them.

"What should we do? " Jian Xiaomo was worried.

Ba Luo gritted his teeth and said, "I'll carry the captain. "

"No need, no need. " The captain wanted to stand up, but he realized that his legs were weak.

At this time, Ba Luo had already gritted his teeth and carried the captain.

The two bodyguards wanted to speak, but ba Luo immediately ordered, "protect the young Madam, go. "

As he said this, Ba Luo carried the captain and ran forward with great effort.

Jian Xiaomo's heart ached when she saw this. Ba Luo was so old, and it was very difficult to carry a person. However, Ba Luo had already decided, and no one could change it.

A few people ran in front, and the people chasing behind them were getting closer and closer.