Chapter 1206 what could happen to an old man

Upon hearing this, Long Chenjue said angrily, "from now on, Jian Xiaomo, don't let your mind wander in front of me! "

Long Chenjue's words were very sharp.

Jian Xiaomo pursed her lips and didn't say anything.

"If you want to think about it, you should also think about your man, " long Chenjue said coldly again.

Was this woman's mind too empty? Even her man couldn't think about it, yet she still had the energy to think about other people.

Long Chenjue grabbed Jian Xiaomo's hand coldly and walked toward a room.

This time, they were not locked up. Instead, they were locked up in a courtyard. In this courtyard, as long as they did not go out, they could move freely.

After coming back to talk, Ba Luo was lost in his thoughts. He sat alone in a corner. Jian Xiaomo wanted to comfort Ba Luo, but when long Chenjue saw her approaching Ba Luo, he forcefully pulled her back.

Jian Xiaomo was speechless. This man had not seen her for six years. He was even more jealous than before.

She could only sit very far away and wanted to talk to Ba Luo.

However, before she could speak, long Chenjue had already turned her face straight and asked her about the two babies.

She had repeated it many times, and she knew that long Chenjue had done it on purpose so that she would not talk to Ba Luo.

So, she talked to long Chenjue absent-mindedly, her eyes fixed on Ba Luo.

Ba Luo was sitting in a chair, his eyes staring straight ahead without focus. He did not say a word, nor did he eat or drink.

"Long Chenjue, do you think Ba Luo will be okay? " Jian Xiaomo asked anxiously. She had never seen Ba Luo like this before.

Long Chenjue was listening to Jian Xiaomo talk about the two babies, and there was a smile on his face. Seeing Jian Xiaomo suddenly change the topic, long Chenjue's face turned pale He said in a bad tone, "what could happen? An old man is not as handsome as me. What could happen to him? "

Long Chenjue's tone was filled with disdain.

Jian Xiaomo was speechless again when she heard this. Could this person still speak properly.

She quickly looked at Ba Luo. It was as if ba Luo did not hear what long Chenjue said. He was still sitting there in a daze.

At that moment, a series of footsteps suddenly came from outside. Jian Xiaomo raised her head and saw a woman in a green gauze dress and a white gauze dress walking over. The two women walked directly to Ba Luo.

They said very respectfully, "Ba Luo, the island master wants to see you. "

Ba Luo was stunned. Then, with a hint of excitement on his face, he directly walked outside.

However, he had only taken a few steps when he suddenly thought of something. He hurriedly bowed to long Chenjue and said, "young master, I'm going out for a while. "

Long Chenjue looked at him indifferently and said, "you can go. " He used to be a big light bulb, but now this light bulb was even brighter. Jian Xiaomo had been watching him the whole time. It was just right for him to leave. Jian Xiaomo had no one to look at, so she could only look at him.

Thinking of this, the corners of long chenjue's mouth curled into a happy smile.

Ba Luo and the two women quickly walked out.

Jian Xiaomo finally recovered from her daze. It seemed that long Chenjue was right. There must be something between Ba Luo and the island owner. Otherwise, why would the island owner meet Ba Luo? Moreover, the two women were suddenly so respectful to Ba Luo. They must have known something.

Jian Xiaomo watched in a daze. Soon, the food was brought in. Jian Xiaomo was even more shocked. In the past, when she was locked up here, although there were people delivering food, it was not as sumptuous as this. Moreover, these people who delivered food were very respectful to them.