Chapter 1212: Do One thing for me

"I'm sorry. I've let you and your mother down. " Ba Luo's voice was filled with regret.

Princess Yu did not even look at Ba Luo. She kept staring at her mother. After a long while, she suddenly shouted at the island Lord, "since you hate him so much and say that he's dead, why do you have to tell me now? Isn't it better to let him die forever? "

When Princess Yu said this.. Her voice was Hoarse as she said, "you once portrayed him as a hero in my heart. You said that he went out to sea and died to save others. That's why you brought me here. You said that this is the place closest to my father. We can look at him from here. "

Princess Yu became more and more agitated as she said this.

The more Princess Yu said, the more guilty the island owner looked.

"And you are telling me now. " Princess Yu suddenly pointed at Ba Luo Her voice was very loud as she said, "you are telling me that he is still alive. He is living as a heartless man. How am I supposed to accept him? How am I supposed to accept such an inhumane man? "

Princess Yu's tone was very heavy.

Furthermore, the words she said were very unpleasant. Jian Xiaomo frowned when she heard it. No matter what, Ba Luo could be considered Princess Yu's father. Logically speaking, Princess Yu should not have said it so mercilessly. Furthermore, Ba Luo still had some unspeakable things to hide Besides, Ba Luo had been looking for them. For the sake of the island owner, he had been single for so many years.

If Ba Luo had said that he was muddled, Jian Xiaomo also thought that Ba Luo's stance was not firm, but the punishment for so many years was enough.

Jian Xiaomo saw that Ba Luo had been trembling. In a weak voice, she said, "for the rest of my life, I am willing to be your mother and daughter's slave. "

As soon as Ba Luo said this, the island owner looked at Ba Luo in shock.

Ba Luo's head was still lowered.

Princess Yu's body stiffened for a moment before she suddenly smiled and said to Ba Luo, "didn't you say that you were willing to work hard for both mother and daughter? "

As she spoke, she looked at Ba Luo with a cold smile.

Ba Luo looked at Princess Yu with a kind expression and said with guilt in his voice, "yes. "

"I have something that I want you to do right now. I don't know if you are willing to do it or not? " Princess Yu continued to look at Ba Luo coldly.

Ba Luo looked at Princess Yu with a stunned expression. The island owner also looked at her daughter, not knowing what her daughter was going to say.

"Aren't you on good terms with that Jian Xiaomo? " Princess Yu said arrogantly, "now you will let Jian Xiaomo leave this island alone, and then you will convince Ah long to marry me? "

As she spoke, she looked at Ba Luo from above.

Where was Ba Luo's complete shock.

When the island owner heard this, she looked at Ba Luo without saying a word.

This request should not be difficult. She wanted to see Ba Luo's attitude. Ba Luo's attitude towards her daughter was also a test.

"If you let Jian Xiaomo leave and let ah long marry me, I will consider letting you stay on this island and take care of you when you are old, " Princess Yu said coldly. The way she looked at Ba Luo was completely a stranger's gaze.

Meanwhile, the island owner was also staring at Ba Luo at this moment. She wanted to see how ba Luo would deal with him.

Jian Xiaomo, who was on the other side, could not help but clench her fists tightly when she heard Princess Yu's words. Princess Yu actually dared to ask Ba Luo for this. However, Princess Yu was Ba Luo's daughter, and Princess Yu had always wanted long chenjue to marry her and made this request It was only a matter of time.