Chapter 1309. It doesn't know me

Jian Xiaomo didn't say anything. Today, she was going to visit her mother. When she saw long Chenjue out of the Manor, Jian Xiaomo wanted to leave, but she suddenly thought of long Lu and long Xuan.

Today, long Lu and long Xuan had a day off from school. She wanted to see if long Lu and long Xuan would go with her.

When she walked to the door of the study room, she heard Long Lu sigh and say, "brother, why do you think these English letters don't know me? "

As she spoke, she let out a long sigh.

From Jian Xiaomo's point of view, Long Lu was lazily leaning on the table. While yawning, she was weak and had a pained expression on her face. She was holding the book so tightly that it was crooked.

Jian Xiaomo looked at it and sighed.

Then she heard long Xuan's cold voice, "if you read English seriously every day, I don't believe that it won't recognize you. "

As she spoke, she picked up the book again and started to read.

Long Lu was still lazily looking.

Jian Xiaomo sighed and walked inside. She said, "Long Lu, long Xuan. "

Long Lu saw her and immediately jumped down from the chair. She ran to Jian Xiaomo with a smile and said, "Mommy. "

Long Xuan glanced at Jian Xiaomo indifferently and continued to read.

Jian Xiaomo looked at long Lu who raised her little face and said, "I'm going to visit your grandma. Are you going? " As she spoke, she glanced at long Xuan.

Long Xuan was already reading the book, but the expression on his face didn't change.

However, Long Lu jumped up happily and said, "okay, okay. Let's go see grandma. I finally don't have to read those difficult English letters anymore. "

As she said that, she threw the book aside.

Jian Xiaomo was a little speechless. She had two children, and long Xuan showed an ordinary love for reading. At night, he would lie in bed and read, while Long Lu, on the other hand, was the exact opposite of long Xuan. When she saw the book, she would be listless. She was not sighing there.. Even when she hugged the book and fell asleep, Jian Xiaomo was speechless.

Long Lu immediately wanted to go with Jian Xiaomo, but Jian xiaomo glanced at long Xuan and said, "Long Xuan, are you coming with us? "

Long Xuan didn't even look at her and said firmly, "I'm not going. I still want to read. "

However, Jian Xiaomo noticed that his hand that was holding the book moved a little.

Jian Xiaomo's eyes flashed with a strange look. At this time, Long Lu let go of Jian Xiaomo and suddenly ran to long Xuan. She snatched the book from Long Xuan's hand, and this action made long Xuan's face look even worse.

However, Long Lu did not care about it. She directly held long Xuan's hand and said, "go, go, why not go? Look at your young age, you're almost becoming an old pedant. "

As she said this, she held long Xuan's hand and directly walked out.

Although long Xuan was a little unwilling, he still followed Long Lu outside.

Jian Xiaomo smiled at the two of them. When they reached the room, Jian Xiaomo changed herself into a gray plaid skirt and a green bubble skirt for long Lu. When she walked out, Long Xuan had already put on a tie for herself His face was tense.

Jian Xiaomo couldn't help but be stunned. As her son, she had always paid attention to her appearance since she was young. She would never run out with her clothes disheveled.

Soon, they got into a car and went to Jian Jingtian's villa.

The car drove for an hour before they arrived at Jian Jingtian's villa.

Seeing Jian Xiaomo, the gatekeeper was stunned. Then he recognized Jian Xiaomo and immediately said respectfully, "Miss Jian, let me take you in. "