Was Chapter 139 wrong

That night, Dongfang Mo returned very late, but when Uncle Liu pushed his wheelchair into the hall, he saw everyone sitting in the main hall. It was obvious that everyone was waiting for him.

His cap was pressed down very low. He wore a suit and a scarf, and he wore a white cotton mask and white gloves, almost completely wrapping himself up.

"Second Uncle, Aunt Gu, what's wrong?" Dongfang Mo asked them. "Why aren't you resting at this late hour? Are you waiting for the outcome of my negotiation with Rodger?"

"Ah Mo, we aren't really interested in that. We can talk about what happened between you and Rodger tomorrow or the day after tomorrow," Dongfang Yingwu said. He sighed softly and looked at Dongfang Mo. "We waited for you to tell you that First Young Madam, also known as Xi Muru, is pregnant!"

"What?" Dongfang Mo asked. His voice was obviously filled with shock. "How is that possible? Are you guys mistaken?"

"How could we be mistaken?" Dongfang Mei answered. She rolled her eyes at Dongfang Mo and unhappily said, "Liu Hao confirmed it after he checked her blood. If it wasn't for Liu Hao—"

"Why did Liu Hao check her blood?" Dongfang Mo asked. "Wasn't she supposed to be locked up in the basement? What's going on?"

"Big Brother, it's like this..." Dongfang Jun quickly came forward to explain. He told him about how he carried Mu Ru out of the basement. "Second Brother and I were anxious about her health. After all, she had a high fever. However, we didn't expect...We didn't think she was pregnant."

Dongfang Mo glanced around. "What about Ah Yu?"

"Ah Yu and Xi Muxue had a fight. He told Xi Muxue to go back to the Xi family, but Xi Muxue wouldn't have any of it. Ah Yu got angry, and he drove away again," Dongfang Mei answered. Dongfang Yingwu then shook his head and said, "Ah Yu's personality still hasn't changed. He still gets angry so easily. Back then, I didn't agree when he said that he wanted to marry Xi Muxue. He insisted on it. Now, he doesn't want Xi Muxue anymore. He's treating marriage as a child's game."

Dongfang Yingwu continued, "Ah Yu...this child is indeed a little undisciplined. Even though he and Xi Muxue didn't have a wedding reception or banquet, our family has paid two hundred million for it. Now, he suddenly says he doesn't want to be with her. It's like flushing two hundred million down the drain."

Dongfang Jun sighed and shook his head. "If Second Brother goes on like this, he will end up squandering away the business sooner or later." He was indeed extremely disappointed with Dongfang Yu.

"What could be his reason for wanting Xi Muxue to go back to her family?" Dongfang Mo asked.

"He has many reasons," Dongfang Mei answered. "He even stated some of the rules of the Dongfang family. He said that women who can't have children can't stay in the Dongfang family. He also said that Mu Xue won't be able to bear any children because she has lost an ovary. However, that can be fixed by doctors. She can still have children. It might be difficult for her to conceive naturally, but don't we already have artificial insemination these days?"

Dongfang Yingwu interrupted Dongfang Mei. He said, "I think Ah Yu is the least of our concerns now. We should discuss what to do about First Young Madam." He looked at Dongfang Mo and said, "First Young Master, now that she is pregnant, what do you think we should do?"