Chapter 10: Is She a flood beast?

The doctor retracted his hand in fear and lowered his head to answer, "Young master, your injury is quite serious. It will take a few days for you to recover. I just want to apply some medicine."

"Leave the medicine behind and get out!" Huangfu Qiye immediately put on his pants and growled through gritted teeth.

The doctor hurriedly left the medicine behind and prepared to run out.

Huangfu Qiye suddenly looked at the doctor's back and said, "If what happened today gets out, you know the consequences!"

The consequences, of course, were one word: Death!

The doctor was so scared that his whole body was trembling. He hurriedly turned his head around with a serious and scared look on his face. "Young Master, please rest assured. This subordinate will never say a word. Please rest assured, young Master!"

"GET LOST!" Huangfu Qiye roared in a deep voice.

The doctor hurriedly ran out and closed the door.

Only Huangfu Qiye was left in the room.

Usually, he was cold and indifferent. He looked like he was not easy to get along with, but at least he was a mature person.

However, this was all because he had hidden his violent side.

Today, especially just now, he was roused to such a state by Tang Xiaowei. No matter how hard he tried, he could not suppress his anger. The violent side of his nature grew in his heart like a maniac, rapidly expanding.

"Tang Xiaowei, wait for me to recover. See if I won't torture you to death!"

He fiercely cursed in a low voice. He took the medicine that the doctor had left behind, took off his pants again, and applied the medicine himself.

However, although the medicine was cool and his wound was currently burning with pain, after applying the medicine, he still furrowed his good-looking brows, and fine sweat oozed out of his forehead.

... ...

After Huangfu Qiye left in anger, Tang Xiaowei sat on the carpet for nearly half an hour. The pain from the place where she had just fallen had slowly subsided.

She stood up and slowly moved her body to sit in front of the bed. She wanted to look down to see how her leg, which had fallen into the trap last night, was doing.

However, when she looked down, she saw her dirty dress on the ground, and her underwear, which had just been taken off by Huangfu Qiye, were all that was left of her.

She frowned.

Yesterday, she had been caught in Huangfu Qiye's house wearing only this dress.

Now that the dress was dirty, she knew that it was her escape that had dirtied it, so she didn't think much of it. However, the dress had been thrown to the ground by Huangfu Qiye. He seemed to have stepped on it a few times just now, and Tang Xiaowei suddenly felt that even if she were naked, she wasn't willing to wear this dress.

She gritted her teeth and looked around. She realized that this was still the room where she had escaped through the window.

The exquisite and large wardrobe was right in front of her.

There should be some clothes in there. She would take a piece to wear first, then wash and dry her dress before changing out of the Huangfu family's clothes.

This was a good idea. She immediately stood up and slowly walked towards the wardrobe.

However, when the wardrobe was opened, she was a little dumbfounded.

There were actually clothes in there, and there were a lot of them. It was autumn now, and it was about to enter winter.

The wardrobe was also filled with clothes that could be worn in both seasons. Coats, pants, sweaters, dresses, skirts, whatever she liked or disliked, there was everything imaginable. Of course, there was also underwear.

She picked up the clothes and looked at the size. It was actually the same size as her.

She looked down at her chest in shock. "Huangfu Qiye has done his homework well. He even investigated my size so clearly!"

Her face was white and red. She was angry and shy.

Then, she hurriedly picked up a new piece of underwear and a dress to put on. Then, she took the dirty clothes that she had changed out of and went to the bathroom.

Huangfu Qiye's family was indeed rich. She was only staying in the guest room. The interior decoration and all kinds of equipment were very complete and high-class.

An hour later, the clothes she threw into the washing machine were all washed and dried.

She took off the clothes that she had taken out from the wardrobe and put them on. Only then did she heave a sigh of relief.

Then, she washed and dried the clothes she had just put on and sent them back to the wardrobe

Only then did Tang Xiaowei feel that her entire body was aching. Because she had been standing, her legs were hurting even more. These pains reminded her that she had to go back and lie down to rest.

She thought that she would definitely not be able to escape now. If she wanted to leave this place, she had to first let her body recover. Therefore, she lay down on the bed.

She gradually fell asleep.

... ...

When Tang Xiaowei woke up, the sky was already gray and almost dark.

She sat up on the luxurious and soft bed. She found that the pain in her body had become much lighter after sleeping.

Her entire spirit had also recovered a little.

However, her stomach was so hungry. At that moment, it was still growling.

But she also felt that it was strange. When she had just been caught yesterday, two maids would push the door open from time to time to ask if she needed anything, and they would even send food to her on time.

But today, she felt that since she had slept in the morning until now, no one seemed to have entered this room, nor did she hear the voices of the two maids.

Did they forget about her Or did Huangfu Qiye intentionally tell them not to come in and pay attention to her?

Tang Xiaowei suddenly remembered that she had kicked Huangfu Qiye. She could still clearly remember the painful and angry look on his face at that time.

She took a deep breath.

Could it be that Huangfu Qiye was really angry because she kicked him, so he wanted to starve her to death on purpose?

Tang Xiaowei endured the pain in her leg and covered her starving stomach as she got out of bed.

After pushing the door open, she found that the corridor outside was very quiet. There was no one there.

She walked out. Even though her right leg was injured, it was not particularly difficult to walk.

The corridor was covered with a soft carpet, the color of which was pure white.

She felt as if she was walking on snow when she stepped on it. However, the carpet was not cold, but full of heat.

She walked from the third floor all the way to the hall on the first floor, but she did not see anyone on the stairs.

This was the first time she had come down from the stairs. Previously, she had walked through the window. However, the luxurious atmosphere of Huangfu Qiye's house along the way was still quite shocking but because she was hungry, she did not look closely or feel envious.

She saw two familiar faces in the hall. They were the two maids who had gone to her room to take care of her yesterday.

She subconsciously walked towards them and said, "Hi, two beautiful ladies..."

However, before she could finish her words, the two maids suddenly wore a frightened expression when they saw her. Then, they hurriedly ran away.

"Hey..." Tang Xiaowei was stunned on the spot and very surprised.

What was going on?

Was she a flood beast?

These two maids had been clinging to her yesterday. Why did they run away when they saw her now?

A middle-aged man in his 40s, dressed in a black butler's uniform, came out.