Chapter 146: Why did she suddenly mention the Child?

Only then would he be able to hug her as he wished, and she would not reject him. In fact, it was very automatic.

This time, she was very dissatisfied with how he had provoked Louis.

But at that moment, Huangfu Qiye was torturing himself. This time, Louis could be considered to have helped him, by allowing him and Tang Xiaowei to get closer.

Tang Xiaowei was scared out of her wits by him. After taking the initiative to hug him, she did not dare to move, so she did not speak.

The surroundings instantly became quiet.

But not long after, she felt a little cold.

Although she had just left, she was wearing a thick down jacket with a sweater and scarf inside.

But this was the basement after all, and it was winter now.

She slowly felt that other than the places closest to Huangfu Qiye where it was warmer, the other parts of her body seemed to be frozen stiff.

She subconsciously retracted her legs, wanting to tuck them under the long down jacket.

Huangfu Qiye noticed her movements and immediately opened his jacket, wrapping her in his embrace. "Is it very cold? Close your eyes and sleep first. When you wake up, we might be able to leave."

"Take off your clothes. Aren't you cold?" She didn't want to wear his clothes. In such a cold situation, if he did this, he would get sick.

"My clothes are big enough to wrap us all up. Don't worry." This time, Huangfu Qiye didn't have any intention of teasing her. When he wrapped his clothes around her, he didn't expose his body, so naturally, he wasn't cold.

Tang Xiaowei couldn't beat him. She felt that he was hugging her arm so hard that she couldn't push him away, so she had to give up.

"Go to sleep. With me here, you don't have to be afraid of anything." Huangfu Qiye's soothing voice sounded in her ear. It was very soft, like the whispers of a lover.

Her heart was beating uncontrollably. In order for this to not be discovered by him, she hurriedly responded, then closed her eyes and fell asleep in his arms.

Perhaps after a good night's sleep, she and he would be able to go out.

Perhaps it was because she was pregnant and lethargic, or perhaps it was because she was leaning into his warm embrace and knew that someone would come to save them 24 hours later.

So she relaxed, closed her eyes, and quickly fell asleep.

After she fell asleep, Huangfu Qiye was not sleepy.

He was still hugging her and listening to her steady breathing. His heart had never been so calm before.

Usually, she was very safe by his side. There was always noise and people around.

But today, the two of them had encountered such a dangerous situation. Yet, she was able to be so obedient and lean into his arms. Other than being happy, he was more greedy. He wanted to possess her greedily so that her obedience would always belong to him.

He lowered his head. Although he could not see her, when he stretched out his hand, he could touch her delicate and soft facial features.

His fingers caressed her facial features. When he closed his eyes, he could clearly see her appearance in his mind.

Her sweet appearance made him subconsciously hold her even tighter. He secretly decided that he would never let go of her hand again in this lifetime.


However, he had not been happy for long when he suddenly heard her scream in fear.

The next second.

Her scream sounded again.

"Don't hit me."

"Huangfu Qiye, don't hit me anymore."

"I know I'm wrong, don't hit me anymore."

"I won't hide it from you anymore. About the child, I..."

When Huangfu Qiye heard her scream, he was so nervous that he wanted to ask her what was wrong.

However, when he heard her call his name the next second, he knew that she must be dreaming again. And it was the kind of dream that he overheard the other day.

She dreamed that he hit her again.

Damn it.

Was he that cruel in her eyes?

Why did he always hit her in her dreams?

And it hurt her so much?

Although the pain was fake, he couldn't bear to let it go.

He wanted to wake her up, but just as he stretched out his hand, he heard her mention two words.


What child?

Why did she suddenly mention a child?

He was stunned for a few seconds, and several possibilities flashed through his mind. Then the last possibility flashed through his mind, and he suddenly felt overjoyed.

His hand uncontrollably shook her shoulder, preparing to wake her up.

"Tang Xiaowei, wake up. I have something to ask you."

If it was really as he had guessed, he really wanted to hit her. She actually dared to hide something like this from him.

He had to ask her clearly.

Tang Xiaowei was woken up by him.

However, she still remembered the nightmare just now. After she woke up, she was a little confused because she had just woken up from her sleep. She looked at the darkness around her, and for a moment, she didn't remember where she was.

"Is the power out? Or am I still dreaming?" She looked around, but she could not see anything.

Suddenly, a pair of big hands reached out from the darkness and held her face. A familiar male voice sounded from the other side, "Have you forgotten? We fell into Louis' trap and were locked in his basement."

"Oh, I remember now." After he mentioned it, she indeed remembered what happened before.

Then, she also remembered that she was just about to go to sleep, but after she fell asleep, she dreamed that Huangfu Qiye hit her again and asked about the child.

She pushed his hand away and stood up nervously. She temporarily forgot that she was afraid of the dark and kept stepping back.

Just now, she had a dream. Could it be that she spilled the beans and told him about the child?

There were only her and Huangfu Qiye here. If he heard it, he would know that she was pregnant.

What should she do?

At that moment, she was even more afraid that he would find out that she was pregnant. She didn't care about the dark anymore.

She kept stepping back until she could only retreat behind the wall. Then, she stopped. However, her heart was beating very fast.

"Aren't you afraid of the dark?" Huangfu Qiye also stood up, and his voice came from the other side.

Tang Xiaowei bit her lip and didn't say anything.

She only prayed that she didn't slip up just now. He didn't know about the child.

"Why aren't you talking? Are you afraid because you said something you shouldn't have just now?" Huangfu Qiye walked forward. He didn't need any light to know where she was standing.

His interrogation and his approaching figure scared Tang Xiaowei half to death.

What did he mean?

Did he really hear what she said in her dream?

What should she do?

What should she do?

She hugged her head in pain, unable to think of a good solution.

However, the man had already walked in front of her, and her hand was wrapped in his large one.

His tone sounded like he was gnashing his teeth. "You said a lot of things in your dream just now, but I heard them all. You told me not to hit you, and you even mentioned the word 'child'."