Chapter 23: Committing suicide in front of him

Tang Xiaowei took the bottle with a smile and stopped looking at him. She put her pale lips against the bottle and took a small sip. "It's so delicious, so sweet."

Huangfu Qiye was still reminiscing about her kiss, and his heart suddenly felt very sweet.

Even though the sea breeze was blowing non-stop and he was only wearing a thin shirt, he still felt happy.

At that moment, the phone on his body suddenly rang.

He stood up. After seeing the caller ID, he frowned slightly. Then, he glanced at Tang Xiaowei. Seeing that she was sitting obediently in the same spot and drinking with a silly look on her face, he felt relieved and walked to the side to answer the phone.

After he left, Tang Xiaowei suddenly stood up and slowly approached the guardrail.

The smile on her face disappeared, and the sadness in her eyes became more and more intense.

Now, her boyfriend didn't want her, her parents didn't want her, and the only person who wanted her wasn't because he loved her.

She couldn't think of any way to borrow money to return it to Huangfu Qiye, if she didn't want to be with him.

The only way was to die.

Although she didn't want to die, now, after drinking until her mind wasn't clear, her sadness was even stronger than before.

Her tears flowed uncontrollably all down her face. She suddenly turned over and sat on the guardrail, wanting to jump down.

Below was the sea. If she died like this, Huangfu Qiye wouldn't pester her anymore, and her parents wouldn't be in a difficult position.

As for Ling Yijue, who she cared about the most, perhaps he would come back to see her after knowing that she was dead?

When she was sober, she would never suddenly think of committing suicide.

But now, the more she thought about it, the more she felt that it was difficult for her to breathe. She felt that she had been forced into a desperate situation.

"Tang Xiaowei, what are you doing?" Suddenly, an anxious and angry roar came from behind.

Tang Xiaowei turned around and saw that Huangfu Qiye, who had originally walked to the side to answer the phone, had already thrown his phone away and ran in her direction.

Moreover, the bodyguards from before had also surrounded her.

If she wanted to die, then she had to die immediately. She absolutely could not let them save her. She still wanted to escape from her current situation.

She did not continue to dawdle. Although she saw Huangfu Qiye running over with a nervous and angry face, she still jumped down without hesitation.


After she jumped into the sea, there was a very loud sound of water.

Moreover, the sea water was abnormally cold, and the sea water here was very deep.

She instantly sank into the sea water. The cold sea water kept drilling into her mouth and nose. She did not struggle and calmly accepted the arrival of death.

However, the feeling of drowning was too unbearable. After she had been in pain for a while, she suddenly heard the sound of diving in the sea.

Then, several figures quickly swam towards her.

Among them, the fastest man swam towards her with a worried expression, as if he was afraid that she would die at any moment.

Before she closed her eyes and fainted, Tang Xiaowei's hand was tightly held by him.

Then, she completely closed her eyes and did not know anything.

Huangfu Qiye saw that she had closed her eyes and was floating helplessly in the sea. With a dark face, he picked her up and quickly swam to the shore.

Damn woman, she actually jumped into the sea while he was on the phone.

When she said that she would come to the beach to drink, she must have already had this idea.

He was really incredibly angry!

There was a beach at the bottom of the rock. Huangfu Qiye directly carried her to the beach and started trying to resuscitate her.

However, she still did not wake up.

His heart suddenly became afraid for no reason.

If she died just like that, he would definitely go crazy. He did not know why, but he did not want her to die just like that.

She was his woman. Without his permission, she could not die!

He angrily picked her up and walked towards the car.

Very soon, he got into the car. He slammed the car door and ordered the driver in front, "Go to the hospital immediately. I'll give you five minutes!"

"Yes, yes, young master." The driver was so scared that he quickly drove the car.

The bodyguard car behind also quickly followed.

The seashore returned to its previous silence.

In the car, Huangfu Qiye was all wet as he hugged Tang Xiaowei, who was also wet.

Her face was very pale, and her lips were also frozen purple.

His coat had been washed away after she jumped into the sea. At this moment, she was only wearing a thin dress, and because it was wet, the dress stuck tightly to her petite body.

If it was in the past, Huangfu Qiye would definitely have been distracted after seeing her like this.

However, at this moment, he was only worried that she would die. How could he be in the mood to think about other things.

"Why aren't we at the hospital yet?" Huangfu Qiye reached out to touch her face. There was no warmth on her face at all. He was so angry that he yelled at the driver in front of him.

The driver was so scared that he shivered and hurriedly said, "Young master, please calm down. We will reach the nearest hospital in two minutes."

"Hurry up!" he growled impatiently.

The driver hurriedly nodded and then drove faster.

Huangfu Qiye was afraid that she would really die, so he quickly took a clean towel from the car to wipe her face. Then, he gave her another artificial breath.

This was the first time he had done something like this. He didn't know if it would succeed.

However, he didn't see her wake up. His entire heart was flustered and chaotic.

"Damn it!"

This reckless woman actually tried to commit suicide in front of him.

If he could save her, he would definitely let her know what would happen if she angered him!

He was really angry today!

Two minutes later.

The car stopped and the driver brought them to the nearest hospital as expected.

Yuan Qi and Yuan Shan entered the hospital before their master and arranged for a doctor and an emergency room.

After Huangfu Qiye carried Tang Xiaowei into the hospital, he was immediately sent to the emergency room. Huangfu Qiye could only wait outside.

"Bang!" He angrily kicked the chair in the corridor away. His entire being was like a flaming tyrannosaurus. No one dared to approach him.

"iImmediately pass down these orders. If she can't be saved, everyone in the hospital will be buried with her!" He impatiently instructed Yuan Qi beside him.

Yuan Qi nodded and then retreated.

Coincidentally, there were other people passing by. They heard what Huangfu Qiye had just said and saw his imposing manner at this moment. Although they felt that he was definitely someone not to be trifled with, the other party still felt that Huangfu Qiye's style was a little too exaggerated.

The other party muttered softly, "What a cocky person. In this day and age, he actually said that he would be buried with her or not. Has he watched too many television dramas?"

Huangfu Qiye was originally in a fit of anger, and his ears were very sharp. He heard everything that person said clearly.

He was already filled with anger and could not find a place to vent it.

At this moment, he immediately turned around and walked towards that person.