Chapter 156: She just doesn't feel safe

And even if he caught her, with his current appearance, he definitely wouldn't be able to say that he liked her.

So, he only instructed Yuan Shan to take good care of Tang Xiaowei.

Then, for the next few days, he received proper treatment, wanting to get better as soon as possible.

On the other side.

After Tang Xiaowei ran away from his ward that day, she returned to her own ward and didn't leave.

She was very angry, angry at her own initiative, and also angry at his hesitation.

Therefore, she decided not to visit him in his ward for the next few days.

Strangely enough, she did not want to visit him, and he did not send anyone to look for her again. This made her feel even more uncomfortable.

At that time, he was not willing to confess, and he did not look for her again.

So, he really did not like her, right?

The more she thought about it, the angrier she got.

If you don't like her, just say it.

Why did he pester her like this and do those actions that caused her to let her imagination run wild.

Now that he had messed up her heart, did he think it was very funny?

That night, after she let Yuan Shan go out, she lay on the hospital bed alone, holding her phone and chatting with Tao Yuyan.

Tao Yuyan was still awake at that moment. Since the New Year was coming, she had been shopping for New Year's products or buying new clothes.

It had been a long time since she had seen Tang Xiaowei, and Tao Yuyan missed her incredibly.

"Xiaowei, I haven't seen you for a long time. I didn't expect you to go to France. Is it fun there?"

"I haven't gone to enjoy myself yet. I've been spending my time in the hospital." She sighed.

"Why? Are you sick? Why don't you take good care of yourself? Is it serious? Do you want me to come over and take care of you?" Tao Yuyan heard that Tang Xiaowei was sick and began to anxiously pull at her sleeve.

Her voice was too loud. Tang Xiaowei, who was on the other end of the phone, could not stand it anymore and took her phone away a little. At that moment, Tao Xian, who was in her room, was also staring at her with some dissatisfaction.

Being stared at by Tao Xian like this, Tao Yuyan immediately felt a little uncomfortable.

She hurriedly turned around and walked to the balcony. After closing the balcony door, she continued, "Xiaowei, I was too loud just now. Now, let's continue. Are you serious or not?"

Tang Xiaowei felt very touched and sniffed. "It's not serious. It's just a small cut on my head. It's almost healed. The stitches will be removed tomorrow. Don't worry."

"Your head is fractured, and you still don't think it's serious?" Tao Yuyan was shocked.

After all, Tang Xiaowei had injured such an important part of her body. Moreover, she said it so casually. This girl was really careless. She didn't know how to take care of herself at all.

"Aiya, don't be anxious. Didn't I tell you that the stitches are going to be removed tomorrow? It's already done. It's fine. I'm calling you now because I have something else to tell you. I also have some questions to ask you." Tang Xiaowei hurriedly smiled and comforted her good friend.

Tao Yuyan usually had a gentle personality. It was just that she was too nervous just now, so Tang Xiaowei's voice was much louder.

Now, after Tang Xiaowei's comforting, she finally heaved a sigh of relief. "Okay, then tell me. Ask me."

Hearing this, Tang Xiaowei immediately sat up and covered herself with the blanket. Then, she asked uncomfortably, "Yuyan, if you like someone, but you don't know if he likes you or not, then he suddenly does something that moves you... Well, then, you impulsively confessed to him. And after you confessed, he didn't want to confess to you. Do you think this person likes you?"

"Why do I feel like you're talking in such a roundabout way?" Tao Yuyan almost didn't understand.

Tang Xiaowei said helplessly, "It's indeed a bit roundabout, but that's the truth. Hurry up and give me some ideas. I'm dying of anxiety."

"Actually, I'm not too sure about this question. After all, you know that I've never been in a relationship and have never liked anyone. It's very difficult for me to answer you like this." Tao Yuyan clearly did not know how to answer.

After she finished speaking, she seemed to have thought of something and suddenly woke up. "Tang Xiaowei, by asking this, are you in love with someone? Is it that person, Huangfu Qiye?"

"Your reaction is so slow. You should have known when I asked you just now, right?" Tang Xiaowei smiled bitterly and did not hide it.

On the other end, Tao Yuyan suddenly shouted in disbelief, "It's actually true; it's simply unbelievable!"

Her shout was too loud, causing someone to knock on the French window behind her.

Behind her, she saw Tao Xian's slightly warning gaze and he reminded her, "Open the door."

She had just come out to answer the phone. In order not to be disturbed, she had deliberately shut the door to the balcony, so it was impossible for Tao Xian to open the door from the inside.

Tao Yuyan made a gesture to him to keep quiet, then ignored him. She continued to talk to Tang Xiaowei. "Xiaowei, is what you said just now true? Did you confess to Huangfu Qiye? What did he do to you to make you feel touched and then think that you like him, so you confessed?"

"It's a long story..." Tang Xiaowei told Tao Yuyan everything about herself. Then, she sighed helplessly at the end. "I'm a big fool. I confessed to him just because I thought I was going to die. Now that I am rescued, I asked him if he liked me, but he didn't want to tell me. He only said that he would tell me on the day of the wedding. And the next week will be the wedding that he mentioned. Right now, I only feel that if he doesn't like me, I won't marry him. But I still can't forget how he looked when he was injured by those rocks in order to protect me."

"Maybe he likes you and wants to give you a surprise on the day of the wedding." Tao Yuyan felt that it was very possible.

"But saying it in advance is different from telling me about the wedding in advance. I'm very flustered now. I just want him to give me some reassurance." Tang Xiaowei lowered her head in discomfort.

She just didn't feel safe.

Why couldn't Huangfu Qiye give it to her?

She didn't have any secrets from him now. He knew about her pregnancy and her feelings for him.

However, she didn't know whether he liked her or not.

Perhaps she could guess that he was willing to risk his life to protect her because he liked her.

But under her interrogation, he wasn't willing to say that he liked her. She didn't dare to guess his heart anymore.

"Xiaowei, why don't I come over and accompany you. The New Year will not come until the end of next week. I will come over and accompany you. If he likes you and you are willing to marry him, I can also attend your wedding. If he doesn't like you, I will come back with you. You can come to my house for the New Year. You still have me without him. Don't be afraid." Tao Yuyan thought for a moment before she gently gave her suggestion.