Chapter 179: drugged

Yuan Shan handed the car over to the valet and led the way for Tang Xiaowei. "Miss Tang, please, I'll lead the way for you. Young master is in room 505 on the fifth floor."

Tang Xiaowei followed Yuan Shan into the hotel.

However, she was now filled with excitement and joy because she thought of seeing Huangfu Qiye.

However, when she and Yuan Shan walked into the elevator and the door closed, Yuan Shan, who was standing in front of her, still had her back to her. She was very silent and indifferent. She began to feel that something was wrong.

However, she could not tell what exactly was wrong.

Yuan Shan and Yuan Qi were Huangfu Qiye's most powerful and loyal bodyguards.

Yuan Qi and Huangfu Qiye left together.

Yuan Shan was left behind to protect her. At this moment, Yuan Shan told her that Huangfu Qiye was in this hotel. Tang Xiaowei would not suspect anything.

Therefore, she tried her best to suppress the uneasiness in her heart. After the elevator opened, she followed Yuan Shan into room 505.

When they reached the door, Yuan Shan took out a room card. She swiped it and the door opened.

Yuan Shan stood at the door and did not go in. Instead, she made room for Tang Xiaowei.

"Miss Tang, you can go in now. Young master is inside."

"Okay." Tang Xiaowei no longer had any uneasiness in her heart. She trusted Yuan Shan, so she walked in.

When she remembered that Huangfu Qiye was inside, she suddenly felt a little embarrassed.

Why did he ask her to meet him at the hotel as soon as he came back?

Why didn't he go back to the forest manor?

Could it be that he liked this kind of atmosphere in the hotel?

The more she thought about it, the redder her face became.

After she entered, the door behind her was closed by Yuan Shan.

And because her back was facing Yuan Shan, she didn't see Yuan Shan raise her head after closing the door. Her eyes were listless, like a puppet.

After Tang Xiaowei walked into the room, she realized that this was the presidential suite, so there were many rooms, the living room, the bar counter, and two bedrooms.

However, she had walked through all these rooms, so why didn't she see Huangfu Qiye?

Didn't Yuan Shan say that Huangfu Qiye was in this room?

She walked around the room, but she didn't find anything. She only smelled a very strong floral fragrance in the room.

She couldn't tell what the floral fragrance was, but she felt that it was very fragrant. She thought that it was from the hotel and intended to make the room smell better, so she didn't pay much attention to it.

It wasn't until she inhaled a lot of the floral fragrance that her whole body started to go soft and her eyes became hazy that she started to feel that something was wrong.

She suddenly felt that there must be something wrong with this room. Moreover, the fragrance of the flowers could not be smelled for too long. Right now, it was as if all her strength had been taken away.

She slumped down on the sofa and sat down. She rubbed her eyes, but she still could not see clearly. She only felt that the world in front of her was hazy.

Why did this happen?

She knew that Yuan Shan would not lie to her. Then, could it be that Huangfu Qiye suddenly wanted to play a game with her?

However, Huangfu Qiye knew that she was pregnant, so he wouldn't play such a crazy game.

She felt that she must have been knocked out by the fragrance of the flowers. Those flowers weren't good things. It was as if she had been poisoned. She couldn't see the world in front of her clearly. She only felt that everything in front of her was chaotic, and her entire body couldn't muster any strength.

"Huangfu Qiye..." She started to call his name, wanting to ask him why he was doing this.

This was not good for the child in her stomach. What was he thinking?

However, after she called his name, the bathroom door that was originally empty was suddenly opened.

A tall man and a woman walked out together.

The two of them were extremely satisfied when they saw Tang Xiaowei's appearance, which was obviously drugged.

"Why are you here?" The man walked in front of Tang Xiaowei and looked down at her, his voice cold and emotionless.

Tang Xiaowei heard a familiar male voice and raised her head with difficulty. Although she could only see a hazy scene, she still saw who the man in front of her was. It was Huangfu Qiye.

She looked at him with some confusion. Thinking of his question and his indifference, she looked to the side and saw that Huangfu Yuner was standing beside him.

Moreover, both of them were only wearing bathrobes, and their hair seemed to be wet.

She looked behind them and saw that there seemed to be a bathroom behind them.

Therefore, the two of them had just come out of the bathroom together.

Then, they were not related by blood, and they were a young man and woman. What else could they do if they stayed in the bathroom to take a shower together?

Tang Xiaowei felt her heart clench in pain. She held back her tears and said, "Huangfu Qiye, what do you mean? Did you ask me to come here so that I could see you and Huangfu Yuner together?"

"I haven't played with you enough. Why would I tell you? How did you come here?" Huangfu Qiye snorted.

Tang Xiaowei did not expect him to answer like this, and her heart hurt even more.

By saying this, he had admitted that he had never loved her and only wanted to play with her.

She could not believe that he had actually treated her like this.

Huangfu Yuner, who was beside her, suddenly spoke. She then sent her entire body into Huangfu Qiye's arms. "Brother Ye, I was the one who asked Yuan Shan to call this woman over. You've always protected this woman, and she's very jealous. That's why she wanted to come over and take a look. You and I are the real couple, and we're the true love. She's just a plaything that you got into an argument with to anger me."

"Yuner, I'm sorry. Brother Ye was really too angry before. Who asked you to look at another man twice? Otherwise, brother Ye wouldn't be jealous and quarrel with you. That's why he suddenly found such a woman to anger you. Now that you know the truth, don't be angry. Baby, get rid of this woman. I don't want anyone to disturb our interaction."

Huangfu Qiye hugged Huangfu Yuner with a heartache. After saying that, he kissed Huangfu Yuner's lips.

Huangfu Yuner's heart was extremely sweet after being kissed. She shyly pushed Huangfu Qiye away. She said coquettishly, "Brother Ye, don't be anxious. Yuner will give you whatever you want later. In any case, Yuner is already yours. Let's chase this woman away first, okay?"

"Yes, I'll do as you say." Huangfu Qiye nodded, his voice full of affection.

Tang Xiaowei felt as if she had been struck by lightning. She could not believe what she had just heard.

Huangfu Qiye had actually flirted with Huangfu Yuner in front of her. He had even bluntly said that he had suddenly asked her to marry him because he had quarreled with Huangfu Yuner.