Chapter 175: This woman doesn't care about him at all

"He... kissed me." Tao Yuyan's pale face was faintly flushed pink. After saying that, she lowered her head.

"Wh... what?" Tang Xiaowei was almost beginning to wonder if there was something wrong with her ears.

Otherwise, why would she hear Tao Yuyan say that Tao Xian kissed her?

Although they were not biological siblings, in name and in law, they were siblings.

How could Tao could he kiss Tao Yuyan?

If this was true, then it could completely explain why Tao Yuyan had become so strange just now.

Also, the way Tao Xian and Tao Yuyan got along in the past was relatively warm, but they seemed to be quarreling just now.

Tang Xiaowei was almost shocked by this explosive news.

"I don't know why he became like this, but he suddenly changed. From that kiss the other day, I always avoided him, and he always blocked me. Xiaowei, I'm so scared. What do you think I should do now?" Tao Yuyan had already started to cry in a low voice.

The more she thought about it, the more scared she became. She didn't know what to do at all.

She had never thought that her relationship with Tao Xian would suddenly become so awkward.

If it was just an accident, then she could completely slowly forget about it.

However, the way Tao Xian looked at her these past few days had changed. His tone had also changed, and his attitude had also changed. She felt that she couldn't stay in this house any longer.

However, she was now the daughter of the Tao family. Other than having a good friend like Tang Xiaowei, she had nothing else.

Could it be that she had to leave the Tao family?

However, her father and mother were very good to her. How could she leave for no reason?

Tang Xiaowei was shocked by Tao Yuyan's crying and the few confessions that followed.

She never expected that Tao Xian would actually do such a thing to Tao Yuyan.

Moreover, after Tao Xian Kissed Tao Yuyan, he even stopped her every day. It was obvious that he wanted to continue taking advantage of Tao Yuyan.

What did Tao Xian mean by this?

"Yuyan, don't cry. I'll help you ask him and see what he means. If he just wants to bully you and play with you, then you should leave with me immediately. Don't stay here." Tang Xiaowei was worried about Tao Yuyan. She was afraid that Tao Yuyan would continue to be hurt, so she only thought of this method.

When Tao Yuyan heard this, she was silent for a while. She really had no way now, but...

She still shook her head and refused. "Xiaowei, I don't dare to ask him, and I don't want to ask him. Anyway, he hasn't done anything to me now. You might as well stay with me. After school starts, I'll stay at school and won't come back. At that time, I won't need to see him."

"Why didn't you ask him clearly?" Tang Xiaowei still felt a little angry at Tao Xian's behavior.

After all, Tao Xian had always been Tao Yuyan's younger brother. However, one day, this younger brother kissed Tao Yuyan, scaring Tao Yuyan into such a state. As Tao Yuyan's friend, Tang Xiaowei naturally felt angry.

"Forget it. I don't want father and mother to know about this. As long as he doesn't touch me in the future, it's fine." Tao Yuyan chose to hide and forget about this matter.

In the eyes of Tao Xian's father and mother, Tao Xian was a smart, capable, and handsome son. Tao Yuyan felt that she had been raised by the Tao family for so many years. Now, she really didn't want to make this matter known and make things difficult for Tao Xian's father and mother.

"Yuyan, don't you feel wronged by this?" Tang Xiaowei knew that Tao Yuyan was usually very gentle, but sometimes, Tao Yuyan was very stubborn.

Therefore, Tao Yuyan's tone just now sounded like she really did not want to ask Tao Xian about the kiss.

"At first, I felt wronged. We were siblings, but he did something to me that he shouldn't have done. I felt terrible, and I felt trampled by him. But now, after a few days, I'm no longer as angry as I was at the beginning. In the beginning, it was really uncomfortable for me to be alone, but after I told you about it, I feel much better." Tao Yuyan wiped away her tears. She rested her head on Tang Xiaowei's shoulder and closed her eyes. "Xiaowei, can you keep this a secret for me? Don't tell Tao Baba and mother Tao about this matter."

"Alright." Tang Xiaowei was also helpless and could only agree.

After that, the two of them stayed in the room for a very long time until mother Tao happily knocked on the door and said that dinner was ready. She told the two of them to go downstairs to eat.

In the dining room downstairs.

The dishes that Mother Tao personally cooked were all carried to the long dining table by the maids of the Tao family.

The table was full, but only the four members of the Tao family and Tang Xiaowei ate together. It was especially sumptuous.

When Tang Xiaowei and Tao Yuyan walked into the dining room, they saw that Tao Baba and Tao's mother had already sat down, and Tao Xian was also there.

However, Tao Xian was looking down at the phone in his hand and did not look anywhere else.

When Tao Baba and Tao's mother saw Tao Yuyan and Tang Xiaowei enter, they happily waved to them and told them to quickly sit down and eat.

Although Tao Yuyan had cried before, it was fortunate that she had stayed in the room for a period of time. After washing her face, there was no trace of her crying on her face.

She returned to her usual gentle and well-behaved self. After she smiled at her parents, she sat down with Tang Xiaowei and began to eat.

Tang Xiaowei greeted Tao Baba and Tao Mama. After she sat down, she also began to eat quietly.

The Tao couple also began to eat.

However, Tao Mama was very hospitable. She especially liked Tang Xiaowei and Tao Yuyan, so she kept putting food into their bowls and talking to them about many topics.

In front of her parents, Tao Yuyan was a well-behaved child. She smiled gently. While eating elegantly, she also chatted with her mother. Her voice was gentle and pleasant.

Tang Xiaowei would occasionally chat with her mother and eat with her head lowered the rest of the time.

As for Tao Baba, he did not talk much during the meal and did not speak much.

Tao Xian did not eat or speak after he appeared in the restaurant and everyone started eating. He just stared at the phone in his hand.

From an angle that no one could see, the picture on his phone was a secretly taken photo.

The person in the photo was talking to his mother gently and obediently.

Tao Xian forcefully suppressed the anger in his heart.

This woman didn't care about him at all.

Didn't she see that he didn't eat? Why didn't she care about him like before?

In the past, he didn't eat and only cared about playing with his phone. Didn't this sister in name love to scold him and care about him the most?

Why did she change now?

"Eh?" Mother Tao was originally quite happy to talk to her daughter, Yuyan. Suddenly, her gaze swept over her son and realized that there was something wrong with him today. He had been staring at his phone and hadn't touched his chopsticks at all.

She was extremely surprised. "Ah Xian, why aren't you eating?"