Chapter 193: Falling Into the Bathtub

He could already take care of her, care for her, protect her, and comfort her.

This was the first time that Tao Yuyan was touched by him.

She did not push him away. Instead, she started to cry silently in front of his chest. Her tears wet his pajamas.

She realized that she no longer hated him.

Even if he had suddenly kissed her that day, she could forgive him.

She stayed in his room for a long time, so long that she came back to her senses. Then, she felt that it was too embarrassing to be hugged by him and cry in his arms.

Then, she withdrew from his arms and looked at him with red eyes. "Ah Xian, I really thank you this time. If it weren't for you, I would only be worried about Wei, but I wouldn't be able to take good care of her."

"Don't cry." He reached out to wipe away her tears. When he saw her red eyes, his heart ached even more. "You don't have to thank me. Although I did this for you, I never wanted your thanks."

Tao Yuyan was stunned. She didn't understand and blinked at him.

Tao Xian felt that if he did not send her away, he would not be able to resist eating this innocent and gentle sister of his.

Hence, he could only forcefully suppress the greed in his heart.

He hugged her shoulders and planted a kiss on her forehead.

"Go back. Leave the matter of avenging Tang Xiaowei to me. Don't worry."

"Ah Xian, you..." Tao Yuyan did not pay much attention to whether she and Tao Xian were too close or too intimate because she was in a low mood. However, now that Tao Xian suddenly kissed her forehead, she came back to her senses.

Moreover, she even thought of the day he suddenly kissed her lips.

That day, he was particularly eager, rude, and overbearing.

But today, he was incomparably gentle.

She could feel the difference between the two kisses, and they were in different places, so her ability to accept it was much better.

She realized that she actually didn't hate this kiss.

"Don't you want to go back now?" He saw that she called his name but didn't continue to speak. He was especially worried that she would suddenly ignore him for a long time like the last time, and even avoid him, so he began to be nervous.

However, he did not regret kissing her just now.

Although it was just her forehead, it was something he had been looking forward to for a long time. How could he regret it?

If she wanted to be angry, he was willing to bear it.

However, he thought that she would treat him coldly with disdain, or scold him angrily, or cry in fear. None of these scenes happened.

She only thought for a moment, and then deliberately ignored the kiss just now. She said, "Ah Xian, my English is not very good. Now Xiaowei and I don't really want to rest. Can you help me order some food up?"

Tao Xian stared at her in surprise, unable to believe what he had just heard.

She was actually not angry, and even took the initiative to ask him to help her order food.

Could he have heard wrong?

There was no other way. A man who had been hit by a blow all this time was suddenly being taken care of. He was really flattered.

Tao Yuyan saw that he seemed to be distracted, so she reached out to touch his forehead in worry. "Ah Xian, why aren't you saying anything? Your face is quite pale. Are you sick because you rushed here?"

Tao Xian heard that she was worried about him, and his heart was even happier.

He held her hand behind his back and suddenly pulled her into his arms. He whispered excitedly, "Yuyan, I'm not sick. I'm just too happy."

"Too happy? Why?" Tao Yuyan didn't understand why he was so happy. Did anything good happen just now that made people feel happy?

Tao Xian didn't want to explain, because once he explained it clearly, he decided to scare her away.

He excitedly took out the menu and pulled her to sit on the sofa. He looked at her body and the menu, back and forth. "What are you thinking about? I'll order it for you now."

Tao Yuyan did not notice his particularly happy expression because she did not keep looking at him. When she heard what he said, she began to order the food.

Hence, half an hour later.

Tao Xian sent her back and brought a lot of food that the waiter brought over.

Tao Xian knew that he could not stay to accompany her, so he quickly left.

After he left, Tao Yuyan waited for Tang Xiaowei in the room. She wanted to eat and worry with her when she came out.

At that moment, in the bathroom.

Tang Xiaowei was almost done showering, but as soon as she put on her pajamas, her body began to hurt uncontrollably.

She lost her balance and slipped and fell into the bathtub.

Her arm hit the bathtub and was immediately bruised.

However, this bruised arm from the collision was not as painful as the stabbing pain in the depths of her body.

She closed her eyes in pain and cursed Huangfu Qiye and Huangfu Yuner repeatedly in her heart. In the end, she endured the pain and sweated all over her body. Only after 20 minutes did she manage to endure the pain.

However, she had just endured the pain and did not have the strength to get up. She could only continue lying in the bathtub when she heard a knock on the bathroom door.

Tao Yuyan's worried voice came from outside. "Xiaowei, are you done washing up? Did something happen? You've been in the bathroom for more than an hour. If you don't come out now, I'll have to come in and take a look."

Tang Xiaowei heard this and knew that her good friend was worried about her. She did not want her good friend to be especially worried, so she hurriedly replied, "I'm fine. I'll be fine in a while."

Outside, Tao Yuyan heard Tang Xiaowei's reply and heaved a sigh of relief. She sat back down in front of the sofa.

Tang Xiaowei's body slowly recovered its strength before she walked out of the bathtub.

Her pajamas were wet, so she had to wear the hotel bathrobe and wrap her hair.

However, when she stood in front of the mirror and wrapped her hair, she realized that her face was unusually pale, and her forehead was actually starting to show fine wrinkles.

She was suddenly scared and didn't know what to do.

She was only 19 years old.

She used to look at her face in the mirror, because she had to put on face cream or something.

But she never found that she actually had wrinkles.

But now, she had them.

What on earth was going on?

Could it be a side effect of the poison?

So, if she didn't have an antidote to get rid of the poison in her body,. She would not only worry about dying for the next two years, but also suffer from the increasing pain, and would gradually grow old?

What kind of medicine was this?

What kind of pervert invented this?

Tang Xiaowei was extremely shocked. She knew her own body the best.

Those fine wrinkles just now were not from before, nor was it because she was seeing things. They were completely out of the blue.

Her heart became even more terrified.

Could she really live on and find a chance to take revenge?