Chapter 204: Miss Her, Miss the Child

"Get lost, can't you see that this is brother Ye's grandfather? You lackeys, you even dare to stop his grandfather." Huangfu Haoming was stopped. He was a little angry, but before he could speak, Huangfu Yuner, who was next to him, spoke up and helped him vent his anger.

He smiled at Huangfu Yuner in satisfaction.

He also hated that he was stopped by these bodyguards. After all, although he did not have as much power and influence as Huangfu Qiye, he was once the master of the Huangfu family and had been arrogant for so many years.

These bodyguards were like ants in his eyes. Of course, he was unhappy that he was stopped by them.

"Yuan Qi, get rid of these people immediately. Especially those b*stards who disturbed grandma just now. Break her jaw!" Huangfu Qiye suddenly flew into a rage.

Yuan Qi immediately turned around and walked in front of Huangfu Yuner without thinking. He raised his hand and gave her a few vicious slaps.

He hit her quickly and ruthlessly. Soon, Huangfu Yuner's mouth was bleeding and a few of her teeth had fallen out. What was more serious was that her nose, which had been broken by Huangfu Qiye, had just been fixed and was now broken by Yuan Qi.

She was angry and in pain. She wanted the people beside her to help her.

However, when she turned around, she realized that the four bodyguards beside Huangfu Qiye had all been beaten to death by the bodyguards beside him. Moreover, the two bodyguards had also grabbed the arms of Huangfu's grandfather, who had come with her, and dragged him out of the cemetery.

She was shocked. She did not expect Huangfu Qiye to be so daring. He actually dared to treat his grandfather in such an offensive manner.

It was obvious that he was ruthless when dealing with his grandfather. There was no need to even mention him when dealing with her.

Huangfu Yuner suddenly remembered that she had hurt Tang Xiaowei. She thought that after she hurt Tang Xiaowei, Tang Xiaowei would not come looking for her brother Ye, and at the same time, she would not have the life left in her to come looking for him.

So, with the help of Huangfu's grandfather, she should be able to marry brother Ye easily.

But now, Huangfu's grandfather was actually so unimportant in brother Ye's eyes. She suddenly felt that she had no chance of winning.

So, she also wanted to leave this place immediately and did not dare to stay any longer.

Now that brother Ye had already returned to the country, he seemed to be especially difficult to deal with. She was suddenly very afraid that brother Ye would find out about what she had done to Tang Xiaowei.

This was especially so for Tang Xiaowei and the child of Ye's brother.

After brother Ye found out about this matter, he would definitely not let her off.

She had to leave this place immediately and find a place to hide.

Hence, she hurriedly retreated. Even though she was beaten up by Yuan Qi, she was no longer as arrogant as before. Her eyes were filled with terror and she ran away in panic.

She ran faster than Huangfu Haoming.

Huangfu Haoming was dragged out by two bodyguards. He did not have time to see Huangfu Yuner, who had been beaten until her face was covered in blood as she ran out. Instead, he angrily cursed in Huangfu Qiye's direction. "Huangfu Qiye, you brat, how dare you treat your grandfather like this? You disloyal grandson, you will have your retribution. You didn't tell me about your grandmother's death, and you didn't even let me visit her. If I hadn't seen the funeral you held in America on the internet, I wouldn't have known that she had gone. Now that you don't let me visit her, could it be that her death was because of you...?"

Huangfu Qiye heard everything his grandfather said.

A cold smile appeared on his lips.

Was he disloyal to his grandfather?

He was indeed. After he gained power and authority, the first person he dealt a blow to was his grandfather. Then, he took him for granted, leaving him with nothing but an empty reputation and some pension money.

However, all of this was because his grandfather asked for it.

He hadn't cared about him since he was young, and his grandfather had been very bad to his grandmother who cared about him. Moreover, his grandfather often brought other women home, and those women always bullied his grandmother.

At that time, he was still young, and he couldn't help his grandmother at all.

Therefore, when he grew up and had power, he naturally wanted to take advantage of this damned old man.

As long as he didn't have power or influence, who would be lured back home by him?

No, even if he lured someone back home, it would be useless. Because under his forceful request, this damned grandfather was forced to divorce his grandmother, and he couldn't be considered his grandfather anymore.

At that moment, hearing this damned old man's false accusation, Huangfu Qiye ignored him.

An old man who was about to die of old age had once let down his wife. Now that he knew his wife had passed away, he actually had the nerve to come and see his wife. He was really shameless.

Moreover, from his tone, it did not seem like he had come after sincerely repenting.

"Immediately tell him to scram further and further away. In the future, send more people to guard this place. Until he dies, he is not allowed to set foot here again!" he ordered coldly.

In his grandmother's territory, there was no need for such dirty people to come because they were unwelcome.


After being disturbed by Huangfu Haoming and Huangfu Yuner, Huangfu Qiye left the cemetery after dark and prepared to return to the forest manor.

He came back overnight and had been dealing with his grandmother's funeral since then, but he never returned to the manor.

So, he never saw Tang Xiaowei.

He didn't know what she was doing at the moment.

It had been more than a month since they last met.

Because of the car accident, his phone had long fallen into the sea. He only woke up yesterday and didn't immediately apply for a new phone, so naturally, he didn't contact her phone.

But when he thought about how it was dark now and the weather was very cold because of the rain, he had to go back in a while, so he didn't look for his phone to call her to wake her up.

He leaned back in his chair and closed his eyes.

Although he had not seen her for more than a month, he still missed her very much.

Especially now that he had lost his dearest grandmother. In this world, he only had Tang Xiaowei, the person he wanted to protect and be closest to the most. At that moment, he could not wait to hug her and tell her how sad he was because of his grandmother's death.

However, the proud young master Huangfu suddenly felt that if he really did this, he would not be a man at all.

He frowned and began to think of other things.

Then he thought of their child.

It would be two months until the child is born.

Then, did her stomach begin to change?

He had lost a family member, but soon, his Xiaowei would be able to bring him another family member. The more he thought about it, the more excited he felt. His previously depressed mood was also slightly better because he was about to meet the person he loved.

However, he had never thought that when he returned, he would see such a scene.

Inside the forest manor.

Although it was still shining under the lights as usual, it was incomparably beautiful.

However, the atmosphere inside the forest manor today was incomparably gloomy and terrifying.

Huangfu Qiye sat on the sofa, his expression cold.