Chapter 206: find out that she went to a classmate's house

However, he could not find any trace of her.

Huangfu Qiye was extremely furious. He had not rested since the day he woke up. Because of his grandmother's death and Tang Xiaowei's sudden disappearance, he had been tormented for the past two days.

However, he still insisted on looking for Tang Xiaowei. He was not willing to go back to rest.

He was still wearing the same clothes that he had worn on his return to China.

Yuan Qi and all his bodyguards had accompanied him for two days and watched him go crazy for two days.

However, Yuan Qi could not help it in the end. He could not persuade Huangfu Qiye, so he could only call Huangfu Qiye's two friends.

Under the night sky, the sky that had been raining a few days ago finally cleared up for a while.

The usually bustling seaside was unusually quiet at this moment because someone had arranged for it to be handled.

Huangfu Qiye leaned against the front of the car and was drinking non-stop.

Because there had been no news and Tang Xiaowei was nowhere to be found, he was like a fire dragon that could erupt at any moment.

Yuan Qi and two bodyguards were the only ones around him. The rest of the people were sent to look for Tang Xiaowei.

Yuan Qi had just tried to talk him out of it and was beaten until his nose was bleeding.

Therefore, even though everyone thought that he was drinking too much and that it was not good for his health, no one dared to go up and talk him out of it.

At that moment, two cars suddenly drove over from the dark road in the distance. The lights instantly lit up the darkness on this side.

Yuan Qi and the two bodyguards immediately became alert. They carefully protected Huangfu Qiye, who was still drinking and had yet to discover the situation, within the encirclement.

However, soon after the two cars approached, the person in the car jumped out of the car. Yuan Qi heaved a sigh of relief.

These people were none other than his young master's friends. They were also two very impressive young men in this city.

After Zhou Chen and Mu Yisen got out of the car, they strode over to Huangfu Qiye's side.

Yuan Qi and the bodyguards pushed them aside. After Yuan Qi greeted them, he said worriedly, "Young master Zhou, young master Mu, you're finally here. My young master has been going crazy for the past two days."

"Bang!" The wine bottle in Huangfu Qiye's hand was violently thrown to the ground and smashed into pieces.

Although he looked like he was going crazy from the pain and suffering, he still knew the situation around him, so his anger was ignited.

After throwing the wine bottle, he glared at Yuan Qi.

Needless to say, Yuan Qi must have called Zhou Chen and Mu Yisen here on his own.

Although Huangfu Qiye had asked these two friends to help him find Tang Xiaowei, he did not want to meet them at this moment, so he was dissatisfied with Yuan Qi's decision.

Yuan Qi knew that his young master was angry, so he did not dare to stay any longer. He quickly retreated to the side and lowered his head.

Zhou Chen and Mu Yisen rushed forward. When they saw Huangfu Qiye's sorry state, they were both surprised.

Zhou Chen's expression was gentle. "Big brother, don't worry about sister-in-law Xiaowei. We'll definitely find her."

Mu Yisen said seriously, "That's right. It's useless for you to torture yourself like this. What will you do when you fall ill?"

"You're both free?" Huangfu Qiye didn't even look at them. He just stared coldly at the seawater in front of him. "Have you finished the task I asked you to do?"

"We have a lead." Mu Yisen's tone was more serious than before.

Initially, Huangfu Qiye did not want to pay attention to these two people. After all, he was in a particularly bad mood right now. The only person he wanted to see was Tang Xiaowei.

He did not want to see anyone else, no matter who they were.

Moreover, he had instructed these two good friends to do something.

However, when he heard that Mu Yisen had a lead, Huangfu Qiye's drunken expression instantly became clear-headed.

He threw away the wine bottle that he had just obtained and grabbed Mu Yisen's collar. "Really? Where is she? Bring me there immediately."

"Brother, don't be anxious." Mu Yisen did not expect Huangfu Qiye to be so upset because Tang Xiaowei had disappeared. Now that he saw that he was even more anxious, Mu Yisen felt terrified.

It seemed that big brother really fell in love with that Tang Xiaowei this time.

But why did that woman run away?

"Speak!" How could Huangfu Qiye not be anxious?

He had not seen Tang Xiaowei for more than a month.

Moreover, he had just lost his grandmother, and he was already upset. After he returned, the little woman who was pregnant with his child had also disappeared.

How could he not be anxious.

Mu Yisen saw that Huangfu Qiye still refused to let go of his collar, and he also knew that Huangfu Qiye could not be provoked at this moment.

He could only tell the truth, "Brother, we investigated for two days and finally found a problem. It seems that sister-in-law Xiaowei went to her classmate's house for the New Year. And sister-in-law Xiaowei seemed to have disappeared after the New Year."

"Her classmate's house? Which classmate?" Huangfu Qiye was even more anxious when he heard that there was really news.

Therefore, Mu Yisen's collar was pulled tighter by him.

Mu Yisen almost couldn't breathe.

At that time, Zhou Chen rushed forward and extended his hand to save Mu Yisen. He said, "big brother, let go of Yisen first. He can't even speak."

Huangfu Qiye then let go of Mu Yisen's collar, but he said impatiently, "Get in the car first and go directly to her classmate's home. On the way, you can tell me the situation in detail."

After he said that, he immediately turned around and got into the car.

Mu Yisen and Zhou Chen also followed him into the car.

The cars that they drove, because there was a driver in the car, immediately sped away from the seaside.

More than an hour later.

A few luxurious cars stopped at the entrance of Tao Yuyan's neighborhood under the night sky.

The security guards of the neighborhood were initially shocked when they saw so many good cars appear, but after checking and discovering that the owners of these cars were not from the neighborhood, they did not open the door for them.

However, when the two bodyguards in black got out of the car and took out guns and pressed them against the back of the security guards, the security guards opened the door in fear.

Therefore, almost in an instant, all the cars sped into the residential area.

Soon, a few minutes later, all the cars stopped on the road below Tao Yuyan's villa.

Because of the arrogance of these cars, the sound they made attracted the attention of the people around them.

Tao Xian and Tao Baba were not at home at the moment, only Tao Yuyan, Tao Mama, and the servants at home.

After Huangfu Qiye and the others got out of the car, they pushed open the iron door of the villa and walked in arrogantly.

The Tao family's servants realized that someone had barged in. They loudly told Tao Yuyan and Tao Mama, who were watching TV in the living room, while they called Tao Baba and Tao Xian at the family company. They then prepared to call the police at the police station.