Chapter 79: Did you think I would let you go home?

She really didn't feel that someone had repaired the elevator and rescued them. Why was she rescued now, and in Huangfu Qiye's manor?

Just as she was feeling surprised, the bathroom door in the bedroom was opened. A pale-faced Huangfu Qiye walked out wearing only a bathrobe.

When he came out, he saw that she had woken up and was staring at him in surprise.

His voice was a little hoarse as he walked towards her. "You're awake?"

"When were we rescued? Why didn't you wake me up and let me go back to my own home? Instead, you brought me to your home?' 'She could not accept the situation and questioned him.

"We were rescued at dawn. As for why I didn't wake you up, it was because I was also asleep at that time. The person who opened the elevator naturally did not dare to wake me up, so they sent us to the manor together," Huangfu Qiye explained with a deliberately gloomy face.

This made it even more obvious that he was telling the truth. There was no need for him to lie.

Naturally, Tang Xiaowei could not tell that he was lying. Although she was still a little confused, she had no choice but to believe him.

Because that was indeed the reality that she understood. She believed that others would not dare to wake him up so easily.

"I see. Then I can leave now." She got off the bed and was ready to leave.

"You didn't finish your work yesterday, right?" Huangfu Qiye's gaze suddenly stared at her. His tone was harsh and could not be rejected. "You didn't finish your work yesterday. You still have a lot of work today. Do you think I will let you go home?"

"But I have to go back and take a shower and change my clothes. After I shower and change my clothes, I'll immediately go to work at the company." Tang Xiaowei also remembered that she hadn't finished her work yet, but now she really wanted to leave his manor. She wanted to go back and shower and change her clothes even more.

"Cough, cough, cough... It's very easy to take a shower and change your clothes. There's still your clothes here. Wouldn't it be easier if you went to your previous room to take a shower and change your clothes? Also, you're now my secretary. I have a cold and don't want to go to the company today, so I have to do all my work in the study. You also have to go to the study to work." Huangfu Qiye lightly coughed a few times. He spoke in a serious tone.

Tang Xiaowei froze on the spot when she heard that. She was still unable to recover for a moment.

However, Huangfu Qiye had already walked to the door of the cloakroom and pulled off his bathrobe with his back to her. He was prepared to go in and change his clothes, so he didn't say anything more to her.

She was afraid that she would see his body after he pulled off his bathrobe, so she hurriedly withdrew her gaze from him just now.

However, there was a deer in her heart that was beating wildly, making it impossible for her to calm down.

He actually...

He actually couldn't leave. Moreover, he had to stay here and stay in the study alone with him.

If it was before, if he forced her to do this, she could argue with him and run away.

But now, he didn't force her, just because she had a cold, and because of work, he kept her, and his attitude toward her was very cold.

She was stunned for a while, and finally gritted her teeth, and then walked out of his bedroom, toward the guest room where she had stayed for a while before.

Forget it, today was her bad luck. She would took a shower here and change her clothes, and then finish all the work in his study today, and his cold should be better tomorrow, so tomorrow she should be able to go to the company.

But speaking of his cold, she suddenly remembered that last night, it was him who took off his coat to cover them, and that made her feel warm.

Then he must have caught a cold because he took off his coat. In her heart, she suddenly felt a little uncomfortable about his cold.

But she didn't want to have too much to do with him, so she didn't think too much, and didn't allow herself to dwell on it. She shook her head and then walked to the guest room that she had stayed in before.

On the way, no one stopped her, and there was no one at the door of the guest room. She walked over and pushed the door, but it was unlocked and easily pushed open.

After entering, the layout, decorations, and furnishings inside were exactly the same as before she left. She walked to the wardrobe and opened it to choose a set of clothes that was suitable for work.

However, when Huangfu Qiye asked someone to buy clothes for her, he only prepared all kinds of beautiful, cute, and even sexy clothes for her. However, he did not prepare any clothes that were suitable for work.

She chose for a while and had no choice but to randomly take out a white dress.

This was the most plain dress in the wardrobe, and it was the only one that was more suitable for work.

After taking a shower and changing into the white dress, Tang Xiaowei walked out. Because the heater was turned on in every room in the manor, she didn't feel cold even in winter, so she didn't put on a coat.

She dried her hair before leaving the guest room. But just as she opened the door, she saw two familiar-looking people standing at the door of the guest room. They were the two maids who had guarded her back then.

At that moment, they all had a gentle look on their faces. "Miss Tang, young master said that after you take a shower and change your clothes, you will go to the dining room to have breakfast. You will start working in half an hour."

"Okay, okay." Tang Xiaowei did not refuse. She nodded and followed the maid downstairs.

She was very satisfied that Huangfu Qiye only treated her as his secretary and only talked to her about work. Therefore, she did not refuse to meet him. After all, it was impossible for her to avoid him within these three years. In that case, when he stopped pestering her and only treated her as his secretary, she naturally would not make any more noise.

Moreover, not eating breakfast was not good for her body. Of course, she would not do something like refuse to eat breakfast with him.

She went downstairs and the maid led her to the dining room. Through the glass, she saw Huangfu Qiye already sitting at the dining table and eating elegantly.

He did not wait for her to come before eating together, which meant that he did not care about her. She immediately heaved a sigh of relief and her expression became much more natural.

When they arrived at the dining room, the chef from the kitchen was waiting respectfully. He walked over respectfully and asked, "Miss Tang, may I ask what breakfast you would like?"

Tang Xiaowei was slightly surprised. In the past, when she ate breakfast here, Huangfu Qiye would always get someone to prepare breakfast for her. She could eat it as soon as she arrived.

However, because of this, the breakfast that he prepared might not necessarily be what she liked to eat. That was why she used to hate it when he asked someone to prepare breakfast for her directly. However, he was so domineering that she never mentioned this small matter.

Now, he didn't care about her anymore. She could order whatever she wanted for breakfast. She thought it was pretty good.

"Give me a serving of egg fried rice with spicy food." She looked at the chef with a smile.

The chef's face stiffened. It seemed that he didn't expect Tang Xiaowei to say that she wanted to eat this kind of food. However, before the chef could say anything, a deep and dignified male voice came from the side. "You are not allowed to eat such greasy food for breakfast. Just prepare a light porridge for her."