Chapter 212: Tell me, where did she go?

She sat next to him and reached out to grab one side of the tablet while Tao Xian held the other side. The two of them read as if there was no one else around.

Mu Yisen, on the other hand, walked in and sat opposite them. His eyes flashed, but he did not say anything.

In the video...

The images Huangfu Qiye saw soon appeared.

Therefore, the more Tao Yuyan watched, the angrier she became. At the same time, her eyes turned red.

The events of that day seemed to reappear in front of her once again.

She was in pain because of what Xiaowei had suffered.

At the same time, Tao Xian and she understood that the man who was with Huangfu Yuner that day was indeed not Huangfu Qiye.

That man was not as good-looking as Huangfu Qiye, nor did he have the temperament that he had. He was just a person who looked a little like him.

Tao Yuyan suddenly recalled that after Xiaowei woke up, she seemed to have said that although she could not see clearly at that time, she felt that the man was Huangfu Qiye.

It was probably because Xiaowei had been drugged at that time that she could not see clearly.

She now completely believed Huangfu Qiye, who had just come to look for her, and this friend of Huangfu Qiye.

She realized that they had been deceived before.

Therefore, she immediately told them about this matter.

After she finished speaking, Tao Xian and Mu Yisen stared at her.

However, before the two of them could say anything, a sound suddenly came from the door. Then, Huangfu Qiye's voice sounded, "You're right. She must have been drugged at that time, so she misjudged the person. Now that you know the truth, you should be able to tell me her whereabouts, right?"

"I'm sorry. I misunderstood you before. Now, Xiaowei still hates you very much. You really should go and explain to her immediately and show her this video." Tao Yuyan stood up. She said excitedly, "Xiaowei is in the hospital under the name of the Moqi family in England. I'll give you the address."

Tao Yuyan immediately wrote down the address where Tang Xiaowei was staying and handed it to Huangfu Qiye.

Huangfu Qiye knew that the siblings in front of him were really good to Tang Xiaowei, so he was not angry that they had been insulting him and unwilling to tell him about Tang Xiaowei's whereabouts.

He took the note and said solemnly, "I saw the video. It was you who went there in time to save her. So, if you have any difficulties in the future, you can look for me."

After saying this, he did not wait for the Tao siblings to answer and took the lead to leave the Tao family.

Zhou Chen, who had just rushed over with him, also hurriedly chased after him.

As for Mu Yisen, he subconsciously glanced at Tao Yuyan and found a gloomy gaze staring at him. When he looked over and found that it was the man beside the girl, he immediately smiled and said, "Goodbye."

After that, he also left.

Tao Yuyan did not notice that Mu Yisen had just noticed her. She was still a little worried and subconsciously grabbed Tao Xian's hand. "Ah Xian, I'm still worried. Why don't we follow him?''

"Okay." Tao Xian could feel that she had used a lot of strength to grab his hand. This meant that she was really worried and really wanted to go to England.

So, he agreed.

So, the two of them went upstairs to hurriedly inform their parents. Without even packing their luggage, they went to the airport that very night.


One day later.

A group of uninvited guests suddenly came to the Moqi family's hospital.

The entire hospital was suddenly sealed off.

And the people who sealed off the hospital were not members of the Moqi family, nor were they other local bigwigs in England.

Instead, they were a group of eastern-faced men who had suddenly charged into the hospital with fierce expressions, especially the handsome man who was leading them. He looked especially not to be trifled with.

The old director was frightened by this scene.

He had been staying in this hospital to manage everything since the Moqi family had appeared. He had never encountered such a situation before.

Today, however, he met someone who was even more arrogant and overbearing than the Moqi family. He was pressed on the shoulders by two bodyguards and escorted to stand in front of the handsome man who had a terrifying aura.

He felt that it was strange. Why would such a terrifying person suddenly appear in the hospital?

What were these people trying to do?

Although they were temporarily suppressed today, as long as the people from the headquarters knew that something had happened here, the boss would definitely send people over. Were these people not afraid of their boss?

However, before he could figure it out, the handsome man looked at him and spoke in fluent English, "Are you the director of this place? I want to ask about someone."

It was just asking about someone. was there a need to make it so exaggerated and scary?

The old director kept complaining in his heart, but he did not dare to say it out loud.

After all, he had reached this position. Under certain circumstances, he was very clear that he could not say things casually.

He nodded and smiled, "Sir, please tell me. As long as I know, I will definitely tell you."

"A few days ago, a Chinese girl was admitted into your hospital. Her name is Tang Xiaowei. I received news that she was staying in this ward. Why didn't I see her when I just came in? Tell me, where did she go?"

At that moment, Huangfu Qiye was standing in the same ward that Tang Xiaowei had stayed in a few days ago.

This was the news that Tao Yuyan had written on the note. It should not be wrong.

However, when he first came here, he realized that there was no one in this ward. It did not look like someone had stayed here before.

He knew that Tang Xiaowei's classmate had already seen the video and would definitely not lie to him.

Therefore, there must be a problem at the hospital.

When the old hospital director heard this, he was instantly dumbfounded.

He also wanted to know where that girl had gone!

After the young master came that day and carried the unconscious girl into the VIP ward, the girl, the young master, and the young master's subordinates had all disappeared without anyone knowing.

He had not seen that girl for the past few days.

Although he really wanted to guess that the girl might have been taken away by the young master, he felt that it was impossible.

However, at this moment, a man who was even more sinister, scary, and handsome than his young master suddenly appeared. Moreover, this man had brought so many bodyguards and even said that he wanted to look for that girl. The old hospital director immediately realized that the girl's background was definitely not ordinary.

He shook his head and looked like he was in a difficult position. "Sir, I know about the girl you mentioned, but she left the hospital four days ago."

"She is no longer here? Where did she go? Speak!" Huangfu Qiye's expression became even uglier when he heard this. He went forward and grabbed the old hospital director's collar.

The old hospital director was almost scared to death.

This was the first time he had seen such a frightening and intimidating young man. Just from his gaze alone, the old hospital director did not dare to resist or lie.