Chapter 82: Tang Xiaowei, come back!

Damn it!

He could not help but treat her well again.

However, she did not notice it at all. Moreover, she was full of resistance toward him. His mood suddenly became bad.

He put down the work at hand, stood up, and walked to the French window. Outside the French window was a large garden. The garden was surrounded by a high wall, and outside the wall was a forest.

Huangfu Qiye's gaze was fixed on the forest, and no one knew what he was thinking.

On the other side.

Tang Xiaowei left the study room and saw Yuan Qi and Yuan Shan at the door.

She asked Yuan Shan directly, "Yuan Shan, your young master asked me to make tea. Do you know which maid knows how to make tea? Take me to learn it."

Hearing this, Yuan Shan did not doubt her and nodded, "Okay, Miss Tang."

With Yuan Shan's help, Tang Xiaowei quickly found the maid who was the best at making tea in the forest manor. Then, she learned from the maid for about ten minutes before she began to make tea for Huangfu Qiye.

Although it was impossible to make good tea in just a few minutes, Huangfu Qiye only gave her half an hour. She really didn't have any extra time to learn.

Half an hour later, she carried a tray with a small pot of tea and a teacup on it.

When she reached the door of the study room, Yuan Qi respectfully opened the door for her. She walked in with the tray and the door behind her was gradually closed by the people outside.

In the study room, Huangfu Qiye was still standing in front of the French window.

After she entered, it was very quiet inside because the floor was covered with carpets. She didn't even make a sound when she walked.

However, just as she placed the tray on his desk, Huangfu Qiye, who was standing by the French window, had already turned around.

"Are you done brewing?" He walked to the desk and looked at the small pot of tea.

Tang Xiaowei nodded. "Yes, president, do you need me to pour you some tea?"

She always remembered that he caught a cold because he took off his coat last night. At that time, she received warmth from him, so at this moment, she sincerely wanted to take care of him and care for him. However, she only subconsciously moved and asked him. She did not realize it at all.

When Huangfu Qiye heard this, although he was satisfied with how well-behaved she was at the moment, he did not see her expression clearly because she had her head lowered.

However, based on his understanding of her in the past, she was definitely unhappy and especially angry when he forced her to do things.

He suddenly lost his good mood and good tone.

His face was gloomy. "Of course, you're the one to pour it for me. Do you want me to pour it for myself?"

His tone was arrogant and domineering. Tang Xiaowei originally wanted to show him some concern, but now that he was so insatiable and his words were especially unpleasant, her face instantly turned ugly.

However, she didn't say anything. She only secretly gritted her teeth and poured him a cup of tea with a cold expression.

Pushing the teacup in front of him, she was ready to return to her seat.

However, just as she turned around, her arm was suddenly grabbed by a big hand. She was startled and turned around, glaring at him angrily. "I've already brewed the tea and poured it for you. Why are you still holding me back?"

Huangfu Qiye saw that she was so angry that she wanted to get angry, but he had no choice but to endure it. In the past, he would think that she was a little happy because he had teased her and she was talking to him.

However, at this moment, he felt that even though he had done so much for her, she was still treating him coldly. Naturally, his mood became bad.

He tightened his grip on her arm even more and said in a deep voice, "Don't leave yet. Wait for me to try this tea. If it doesn't taste good, you can go and brew it again."

"I'm a newbie. It's normal if it doesn't taste good. If you want me to brew it again, then it will taste bad even if I brew it for an entire day." She knew that he wanted to prank her, so she retorted angrily.

"Tang Xiaowei, other than the ability to make me angry, what else do you know?" He immediately let go of her arm, and his face darkened.

Immediately after, the tea that she had just brewed was swept away by his hand. The tray and the teapot and cups in the tray were swept onto the carpet.

The tea stained the white carpet.

Tang Xiaowei did not expect him to suddenly get angry. She suddenly remembered that he had gotten angry and asked someone to throw her into the freezer. She immediately shrank her shoulders in fear and lowered her head, not daring to say anything else.

"Get out!" Huangfu Qiye did not even look at her. His tone was full of anger.

Although she did not know how she had angered him, she was quite afraid of him when he was angry, so when he asked her to get out, she did not think much of it. She immediately took her bag and ran to the door of the study.

"President, I'm going to get off work first." She didn't miss this place at all. Instead, after she said that, she turned around and smiled lightly to herself.

Unfortunately, Huangfu Qiye happened to see her smile, and his anger quickly burned.

"Tang Xiaowei, come back!" However, before she could walk out, Huangfu Qiye suddenly walked toward the door, and his voice was a few degrees higher than before.

Tang Xiaowei's back was originally facing him. Now that he was close, she reached out her hand to grab her. Her body was instantly grabbed by him, and her back hit his chest.

She jumped in fright and angrily pushed his hand away. "What are you doing? Didn't you tell me to go out? Why are you not allowing me to go out again?"

She felt that he had finally become normal for a period of time, and now he was starting to become neurotic again.

Hearing her words, Huangfu Qiye had already held her in his arms, but he suddenly woke up.

That's right. He had clearly said that he would let her go out, so why was he unable to control himself after she really wanted to go out? Why was he not allowed to let her go?

His obsession with her had already reached such a deep level?

His gentleness receded. His eyes and face were filled with gloom.

He could no longer bear to continue treating her well, but she did not buy it.

He turned her body around to face him. The previous gentleness and pampering on his gloomy face had disappeared. His little bit of patience had been slowly worn away by her.

"Tang Xiaowei, don't you really know why I would let a freshman who has not graduated become my secretary?"

Her face turned pale and she didn't know what to do.

She thought he had given up.

But now, he started to talk about that matter again.

It could be imagined that he didn't want to end that matter at all.

From the moment she entered his company, signed the agreement and had to work in his company for three years, and inexplicably became his secretary, she had been set up by him.