Chapter 100: I want to teach her a lesson

Because she lowered her head, she could only see the man's long legs and smell the faint perfume on his body. It was somewhat familiar, just like...Huangfu Qiye.

She lifted her head and saw Huangfu Qiye standing in front of her. He had originally said that he wouldn't accompany her, but now he was standing in front of her.

She was surprised and her lips opened slightly, as if she was completely frightened.

"What? Did seeing me scare you so much? Look at you, you're so scared." Huangfu Qiye reached out and gently caressed her face. His voice was as gentle as water.

She remembered that he had said that he wouldn't come, so she stuttered and asked him, "Didn't you say that you wouldn't come?"

"I saw that you hadn't returned after I finished my business, so I came to pick you up." Huangfu Qiye gently pulled her into his arms.

She was completely unable to resist being pulled into his arms, and everyone around them suddenly let out a series of gasps of surprise.

Everyone was trying to guess who this handsome man was who had suddenly appeared. Moreover, his clothes and bearing, as well as the food and wine served by the waiters who had followed him in, all indicated that this man must be very rich. Moreover, he was not just ordinary rich.

Most importantly, this man and Tang Xiaowei seemed to be very close, as if they were boyfriend and girlfriend.

But wasn't Tang Xiaowei's boyfriend Ling Yijue?

"My wallet..." Tang Xiaowei was shocked by Huangfu Qiye's appearance at this moment, and because the money just now had saved her, she wanted to thank the person who had stuffed the money into her wallet, so she couldn't help but ask him again.

When Huangfu Qiye heard this, his tone became much lighter, as if he was very happy. "You found out?"

As expected, he was the one who stuffed the money in her wallet.

After Tang Xiaowei found out the truth, she really didn't find it annoying at all. In the deepest part of her heart, only a faint trace of sweetness was fermenting.

"These are your classmates, right? I didn't come with you just now, so all of your expenses tonight are on me." Although Huangfu Qiye was speaking to Tang Xiaowei, his gaze was domineering as he looked at the people in the private room.

Tang Xiaowei bit her lip. In fact, she really wanted to tell him that she didn't have a good relationship with these classmates, so he didn't have to treat them so well.

But before she could say anything, Wang Yueyue began to speak. Because she found it difficult to sit and talk to a tall and handsome man like Huangfu Qiye, she could only stand up. She mustered up her courage and deliberately said in a difficult manner, "You're Tang Xiaowei's friend, right? Do you know that this is the Royal Court? The prices here are very high. A bottle of wine costs at least tens of thousands of yuan. Your Tang Xiaowei is about to leave. If you don't want to be dragged down by her, don't talk big."

Although Wang Yueyue was also stunned by Huangfu Qiye's handsome appearance and bearing, she didn't know Huangfu Qiye after all. Moreover, she liked Ling Yijue, so she was stunned by Huangfu Qiye's appearance just now. Yet now, she began to suspect that this man who suddenly appeared and doted on Tang Xiaowei could be Tang Xiaowei's rented boyfriend or something.

After all, she had repeatedly asked Tang Xiaowei about her boyfriend, and Ling Yijue was not by Tang Xiaowei's side. If Tang Xiaowei did not want to be ridiculed by others, she would definitely find a man to replace her.

Therefore, it was possible that this man who looked as handsome and charming as Ling Yijue was a fake boyfriend that Tang Xiaowei spent money to find.

"Oh, so the wine here costs at least tens of thousands of yuan? Are you worried that I can't afford it?" Huangfu Qiye laughed as if he had heard a joke.

Tang Xiaowei almost laughed out loud after hearing Wang Yueyue's words. When she heard Huangfu Qiye's laughter again, she thought that what Wang Yueyue said just now might be the funniest joke that Huangfu Qiye had heard for the first time.

Because she also thought that it was really funny.

Tao Yuyan and Tao Xian, who were beside her, did not speak. They just stood quietly at the side. Although Tao Yuyan had never met Huangfu Qiye, she had heard from Tang Xiaowei about what had happened between her and Huangfu Qiye. Therefore, Tao Yuyan was certain that this overbearing and handsome man in front of her was definitely Huangfu Qiye.

This hotel belonged to Huangfu court, which was under Huangfu Qiye's banner. Naturally, it belonged to Huangfu Qiye as well.

Tao Yuyan thought about what Wang Yueyue had said just now and found it funny. She felt embarrassed for Wang Yueyue.

Would a person like Huangfu Qiye feel that Tang Xiaowei was dragging him down because he couldn't afford the drinks in his own hotel?

The answer was: impossible!

Wang Yueyue didn't know why after she said those words, Tang Xiaowei and the men beside her were all laughing. Tao Yuyan was also laughing.

She suddenly felt a little angry and uncomfortable.

She couldn't help but get angry. "What are you laughing at? I'm just reminding you with good intentions. Don't be ungrateful. If you don't have money, why do you come to such a place to pretend? This is the imperial court, not an ordinary hotel."

"Oh, you also know this is the imperial court." Huangfu Qiye put away the smile on his face and stared coldly at Wang Yueyue's face like a knife.

Then, without waiting for Wang Yueyue to speak, he withdrew his gaze and lowered his head to look at Tang Xiaowei gently As if asking, he said, "I just wanted to accompany you to attend your classmate's birthday party. But now it seems that your classmate doesn't have a good relationship with you. I shouldn't have forced you to attend yesterday. However, she bullied you and even spoke rudely to me. I want to teach her a lesson. Will you stop me?"

"I think this is the first time I agree with your actions." Tang Xiaowei already disliked Wang Yueyue because of what had happened just now.

Now that she heard Huangfu Qiye's words, he definitely wanted to teach Wang Yueyue a lesson, and Tang Xiaowei wouldn't stop him.

An arrogant person like Wang Yueyue indeed needed to be taught a lesson.

Their conversation was clearly heard by the people around them.

Especially the person involved, Wang Yueyue. When she heard Huangfu Qiye and Tang Xiaowei talking arrogantly about wanting to teach her a lesson, she felt that the two of them were crazy.

She pulled her boyfriend's hand and said arrogantly, "The two of you, don't talk about teaching others a lesson. Who do you think you are?"

Tao Yuyan subconsciously glanced at Wang Yueyue and thought to herself, this Wang Yueyue is done for.

Tang Xiaowei had the same thought. She felt that Huangfu Qiye's body suddenly tensed up after hearing Wang Yueyue's words. The hand he held hers in slowly tightened as well.

He was really angry.

He did not like people talking about him like that.