Chapter 102: How arrogant, how foolish

"Just now, the receptionist at the imperial court promised that she would send someone over to deal with you guys very soon. If you guys don't want to go to jail now, then run for your lives. You still want to scare us." The girl who called just now had a confident, arrogant look on her face as if she was about to be saved.

Yuan Qi sneered and crossed his arms across his chest. "Oh, is that so? Then we will continue after the receptionist has sent someone over. Otherwise, you might not be satisfied."

The girl felt that Yuan Qi had other intentions in his words. However, she did not understand. She only believed that this was the imperial court.

The imperial court belonged to the Huangfu family. The powerful and overbearing Huangfu family was someone that no one dared to provoke.

In a while, the people from the imperial court would come to save them. These men in black who had suddenly appeared would definitely be arrested and sent to jail. After all, they did not know their limits when they caused a ruckus in the imperial court.

As the girl thought about this, a few seconds later, the door of the private room was indeed knocked on. A man's voice came from outside, "Open the door!"

From the sound of it, it sounded like a security guard.

When the people in the private room heard that there was indeed someone knocking on the door, they all looked as if they were immediately saved.

However, they were afraid that Yuan Qi and the others were not allowed to open the door.

However, when Yuan Qi heard someone knocking on the door, he gave a signal to the black-clothed bodyguard beside him.

That bodyguard calmly walked to the door. Against the expectations of the group of people who were trapped in the private room, he opened the door. Although these people did not know why Yuan Qi was willing to open the door so easily, they were still happy.

Moreover, after the door was opened, there were indeed four men wearing security uniforms standing outside the door.

Although there were only four of them, they were people from the imperial court. They definitely had a way to chase away these black-clothed people in the private room. Everyone thought so, even though they were beaten until they were covered in injuries.. At that moment, Wang Yueyue, who could only endure the pain and lay on the ground, also thought the same.

However, it was a pity that when the security guards outside the door saw the situation inside clearly, and when they saw Yuan Qi, the four security guards all revealed surprised expressions, and then, very quickly, revealed respectful expressions. They asked Yuan Qi carefully, "Young master Yuan, what's going on here?"

"Young Master asked me to take care of some things. What do you think?" Yuan Qi smiled coldly.

When the security guard who asked the question heard that Yuan Qi was here because of Huangfu Qiye's orders, he hurriedly said, "Since it's young master's orders, does young master Yuan still need manpower? We're willing to stay and help you."

When Yuan Qi heard this, he smiled lightly. "Help me? These people who called you here really hope that you can help them."

Yuan Qi's gloomy gaze intentionally swept across the other people in the private room.

The people in the private room who originally thought that they had called for reinforcements were also somewhat caught off guard by the current situation.

What exactly was going on?

They were clearly the ones who had called for the security guards of Huangting, but why were these security guards so respectful to the person who had just beaten them up, and even said that they wanted to help these people.

If they all stood together, wouldn't the people who were trapped be even more miserable?

The girl who had just called was so frightened that her face turned much paler She asked the security guard at the door in disbelief, "Aren't you the security guards of the imperial court? Why are you helping these people? They deliberately beat people up in the imperial court. You should send these people to jail."

"What?" The security guard frowned immediately when he heard that. He looked at the girl who was talking impatiently. "What nonsense are you talking about? Your brain must have been crushed by the door. Since the CEO ordered young master Yuan to deal with you, you must have offended the CEO. You still want me to send young master Yuan to jail. Are you crazy?"

"What? President?" The girl who asked the question was even more confused when she heard this.

The security guard was not clear about the situation here, so he said bluntly, "The young master that young master Yuan mentioned just now is the president of Huangting. You must have angered the president. How arrogant and stupid."

Hearing the security guard of Huangting say this, everyone in the private room was shocked, especially Wang Yueyue who was lying on the ground.

They did not expect that the handsome man who Yuan Qi called young master and left with Tang Xiaowei was the president of Huangting.

In that case, he was the legendary eldest young master of the Huangfu family, Huangfu Qiye!

But just now, she had even arrogantly said that Huangfu Qiye could not afford the drinks here and had even mocked Huangfu Qiye in a provocative manner.

No wonder Tang Xiaowei and the others were all laughing at what she had just said. It turned out that they were laughing at her stupidity.

Only now did Wang Yueyue realize how stupid she was.

For someone like Huangfu Qiye, not only did he own this Huangting hotel, but he also owned other companies that were named after Huangting. How could he not be able to afford such a small amount of drinks.

However, her arrogant words offended him.

Wang Yueyue was suddenly very afraid. She was afraid that the trouble she had caused today would harm her entire family.

Her fear immediately appeared. Her rich, second generation boyfriend had initially thought that he was so awesome among all the people here. However, after hearing that his girlfriend had just offended such an incredible big shot, he resented Wang Yueyue for not investigating Tang Xiaowei's situation. She had caused him to not have a good relationship with Tang Xiaowei which meant he could not now discuss business with a big shot like Huangfu Qiye.

He was even more afraid that if Wang Yueyue continued her relationship with him, Huangfu Qiye might even take care of him.

He hurriedly said, "Brothers, it was that woman called Wang Yueyue who said bad things about Miss Tang and Mr. Huangfu just now. It has nothing to do with me. Can I leave now?" He remembered that Yuan Qi had just said that If he told Yuan Qi who had bullied Tang Xiaowei, the snitch could leave safely. Therefore, he did not care about Wang Yueyue's prior relationship with him.

When Wang Yueyue heard this, she was about to go crazy from anger.

However, Yuan Qi had beaten her so badly that she could not get up to stop her boyfriend, let alone say anything. She could only stare at her rich, second-generation boyfriend with hatred.

After everyone knew what kind of big shot Wang Yueyue had just provoked, they were naturally scared to death. When they saw that Wang Yueyue's boyfriend had betrayed her, everyone started to testify. They said that Wang Yueyue was the culprit.

When Wang Yueyue saw that all her best friends and boyfriends were pointing fingers at her, she almost spat out a mouthful of blood. In a fit of anger, she actually fainted.

When everyone saw that she fainted, only the people who came with her looked at her with fear and worry.

Yuan Qi knew very well that he would not kill her. He only hit her hard to teach this arrogant person a lesson.

After listening to these people's words, he did not fully believe what they said.