Chapter 238: She knew he was coming

However, it was also because she did not have a good rest last night that she was enjoying herself on the soft bed.

She got up, washed, and did not open the door immediately. Instead, she pushed open the floor-to-ceiling window and walked to the balcony.

She found that the scenery here was really very beautiful.

Her mood was also much better because of the scenery outside.

Outside, there was a low green forest and a large sea of flowers. The sea of flowers belonged to the garden within the castle, and it was especially large. Most importantly, there were all kinds of roses growing inside.

She didn't pay much attention at first, but after noticing it, she was stunned.

Then, she remembered that her mother, Shangguan Yuyu, liked roses the most, which was why she was named Rose.

Since this castle belonged to Ling Shitian, then these flowers must have been planted by him.

She didn't expect Uncle Tian to be so affectionate towards her mother.

Tang Xiaowei sighed.

At that moment, there was a knock on the door behind her.

Tang Xiaowei returned to her room and opened the door.

Outside the door stood a Chinese woman around 30 years old. She was fat and had a gentle smile. Behind her were about 10 English girls in maid uniforms.

At that moment, the door opened. The woman standing in front of her smiled and said in Chinese, "Miss, master asked me to bring you the clothes you are going to wear for tonight's banquet. He also asked me to put on your makeup. My name is Louann, and I will serve miss exclusively from now on."

"There's a banquet tonight?" Tang Xiaowei nodded to Louann and asked in surprise.

Louann smiled happily. "Yes, this was prepared by master at the last minute, but it is still very luxurious. Master wants to introduce you to all the aristocrats and celebrities tonight."

"So this banquet is prepared for me?" Tang Xiaowei was stunned when she heard that.

Louann nodded hurriedly. "Yes, it is."

Tang Xiaowei didn't want to attend at first and wanted to refuse.

But after thinking for a while, she agreed.

"Come in." She opened the door a little and let Louann and the other maids in.

The maids were each holding a box in their hands. Each box was full of things. Upon closer inspection, she found that each box contained a skirt and a set of diamonds and jewelry that matched the skirt.

As for the coat, although it was still cold in this season, it was very warm inside the castle, so it was not cold without a coat.

Tang Xiaowei picked a black short-sleeved, one-piece long skirt.

The style was a bit mature and cold. In the past, she did not like this color, but people always changed.

In the past, Ling Yijue did not like black either, but now he wore black almost every day.

Tang Xiaowei was not in the mood to wear red, green, and blue now, so black was the most suitable color.

After she chose a dress, she let the others go down, and then she went to the cloakroom to change into the dress. Only then did she let down her long, smooth black hair.

Louann saw that after she changed into a long dress, she wore her hair long again. Her hair was slightly curly because she had just slept. It looked sweet and sexy, especially when paired with her pure and beautiful face. She was so beautiful that it could not be described with words.

"Miss, you are so beautiful," Louann praised sincerely.

Tang Xiaowei was not in a good mood. She said lightly, "Being beautiful can't be used as food. Louann, quickly help me put on makeup."

Louann then put away her infatuated state and began to put on makeup for Tang Xiaowei seriously.

Louann was very talented. She could do many things, and she was especially good at it. That was why she was sent to take care of Tang Xiaowei.

Therefore, in less than ten minutes, she had already put on delicate makeup for Tang Xiaowei. It was beautiful and pure.

Tang Xiaowei did not expect Louann to be a makeup expert. If it were herself from the past, she would definitely be very interested in learning from Louann. However, now she only wanted to strengthen herself and then take revenge, so she put on makeup without much thought. It was better to talk about it in the future.

She stood up and looked at herself in the mirror. She smiled at Louann with satisfaction and said, "Louann, your skills are pretty good."

"Not at all. It's your good looks that are the most important. Otherwise, no matter how good my skills are, it's useless," Louann said carefully.

Tang Xiaowei actually didn't like being complimented by others. However, when she thought about how fierce Uncle Tian was, the people around him would definitely be afraid of him, so they would definitely be afraid of her. It wasn't strange for Louann to be so careful.

She wasn't in the mood to care about it, so she didn't say anything more. Instead, she asked, "Oh right, it's not time for the banquet to start yet. Tell me who is invited tonight."

"Okay," Louann started to say.

Tang Xiaowei walked to the sofa and sat down. She took out her phone and played with it as if she wasn't listening to what Louann was saying. However, Louann still didn't dare to stop and told her everything she knew.

Actually, Tang Xiaowei didn't seem to be listening on the surface, but she heard everything Louann said.

She agreed to attend the dinner party today because she wanted to see if there were any big shots that she could get to know. If there were, she would take advantage of the dinner party organized by Uncle Tian to get to know those big shots. This would be helpful for her to take revenge or do other things in the future. She needed some friends, some 'not ordinary' friends.

So, she listened carefully.

However, because she didn't know much about the upper class and the aristocracy in Britain in the past, she didn't have any impression after Louann said many foreign names.

Until she heard a certain name and her eyes immediately turned cold.

"Stop." She suddenly said, asking Louann to stop.

Louann could only stop and looked at her carefully. "Miss, what's wrong?"

"What's the name of the person you mentioned just now?" Tang Xiaowei frowned slightly.

Louann vaguely felt that the calm-looking miss seemed to be angry all of a sudden. She was a little afraid that the master would teach her a lesson if she got angry.

"The gentleman I mentioned just now is Huangfu Qiye, the young master of the Huangfu family, which is the largest wealthy family in China. He is also invited by the master."

"Huangfu Qiye?" Tang Xiaowei stood up and snorted, "Why did you invite him?''

She didn't want to see this person at all. Why did Uncle Tian Invite this person?

Louann didn't know who was invited to tonight's dinner party and why. Therefore, she could only shake her head.

Tang Xiaowei didn't want to expose her identity to Huangfu Qiye.