Chapter 105: Hold Her hand

"My hands are dirty?" Huangfu Qiye had just revealed a smile, and now his face was dark. It was as if he was singing an opera.

"You touched my feet just now. Did you forget?" Tang Xiaowei didn't care whether he was angry or not. Although he touched her feet, she still felt disgusted.

"Those are your feet. It's good that I don't dislike you, but you actually dislike me." Huangfu Qiye didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He didn't expect her to say he was dirty for such a reason.

"I don't mind that you dislike me. Can you let go of me quickly?" Tang Xiaowei was so anxious that her face changed.

How could Huangfu Qiye let go of her? After he knew what she was complaining about, he immediately wrapped his arms around her waist and forcefully lifted her up, letting her sit on his lap.

"This way, I've touched your entire body. Even if I let go of you, it's useless. You might as well stay here obediently."

"Ahh! How can you be such a person!" Tang Xiaowei was on the verge of breaking down.

"Don't be noisy, or I'll think of a way to shut your mouth. What method do you want me to use?" Huangfu Qiye moved closer to her ear and chuckled.

Tang Xiaowei instantly didn't dare to make a sound.

His threats always scared her easily.

Although she was really useless like this, she really had no way to get out of it.

After that, she was very 'obedient' and 'quiet' all the way until she returned to the forest manor. The moment she got out of the car, she ignored the fact that the injury on her foot hadn't completely healed and ran into the house as if she was flying.

Huangfu Qiye followed behind her. When he saw that she was running so fast, he did not chase after her. Instead, there was a rare smile on his lips.

She had endured the entire journey for almost an hour. Now, she must go back to her room to take a shower and change her clothes.

He had also enjoyed teasing her and did not want to continue. Otherwise, if he made this little woman unhappy, his good mood would definitely be ruined!

Huangfu Qiye also returned to his room and prepared to take a shower.

His guess was right. Tang Xiaowei did not come to the bathroom in his bedroom to take a shower. She must have gone to the guest room that she stayed in previously. There were still clothes and shoes that he had prepared for her.

Before entering the bathroom to take a shower, Huangfu Qiye called Yuan Shan over and whispered a few words to her before entering the bathroom to take a shower in satisfaction.

After returning to the guest room that she had stayed in before, Tang Xiaowei took her pajamas and underwear from the closet and stormed into the bathroom.

However, when she came out of the shower, she realized that something was wrong in the room.

As she wiped the water droplets off her head, she stared at the closet that was wide open.

Previously, when she took her pajamas, the closet was filled with clothes and was very full. However, now that the closet door was wide open, there was nothing inside. It was simply too strange.

What exactly happened in the one hour she went into the bathroom to take a shower?

"Miss Tang, dinner is ready. Young master wants you to go downstairs to eat after you take a shower." Suddenly, a gentle female voice came from the door.

Tang Xiaowei stopped wiping her hair. When she saw the maid at the door, she nodded and agreed, "Okay, I got it."

Speaking of which, she had not eaten dinner today. She had planned to meet Wang Yueyue and the others before eating outside with Yuyan.

Who knew that Huangfu Qiye would come later? She had even been dragged away by Huangfu Qiye.

She had just promised to go down to eat when her stomach started to growl.

Tang Xiaowei decided to forget about the wardrobe for now. After wiping her hair for a while, she went downstairs in her pajamas and soft slippers.

Huangfu Qiye wasn't in the dining room.

There were only two maids waiting quietly at the dining table, while Yuan Shan was standing at the entrance of the dining room.

When Tang Xiaowei walked over, Yuan Shan greeted her respectfully, "Good evening, Miss Tang. Young master has something to attend to and will be here soon. He said that you should sit down and wait for him."

"I understand." Tang Xiaowei nodded and walked to the seat where she had sat before.

However, just as she sat down, there was a sudden movement at the entrance of the restaurant.

She looked up and saw Huangfu Qiye, who had changed into a bathrobe and his hair was obviously a little wet, walking into the restaurant.

He had obviously just showered.

Tang Xiaowei's gaze did not linger on him because she saw that the chef and maid who appeared behind Huangfu Qiye were holding a few trays with plates of food on them.

She was hungry at this moment and only looked at the food. She did not want to look at anything else.

Huangfu Qiye naturally saw that her gaze lingered on him for a few seconds before he shifted his gaze to the chef behind him.

Of course, he knew that she definitely was not interested in the chef. There was only one possibility for her to be like this. She must be hungry.

Therefore, he did not lose his temper. Instead, he strode to her side and sat down. He lazily instructed the chef and the maid, "Put down the food. All of you, get out!"

The chef and the maid carefully took out the plates of food one by one before putting them down. Then, they quickly left the dining room and even deliberately closed the glass door of the dining room.

Only Huangfu Qiye and Tang Xiaowei were left in there.

Huangfu Qiye looked at the dishes in front of him. He did not eat first. Instead, he stared at Tang Xiaowei and urged her, "You eat first."

Tang Xiaowei was already hungry. When she saw the food, of course, she took the chopsticks and wanted to eat. Although this was not her home and she did not want to stay here, Huangfu Qiye did not allow her to leave this place. Since she was forced to stay, she naturally could not let herself suffer. Therefore, when she was hungry, she had to eat.

She was about to start eating when she suddenly heard Huangfu Qiye's voice and stopped.

She turned around and looked at him with a hint of doubt in her eyes. "Why aren't you eating?"

He actually did not eat and even told her to eat first. Moreover, he had clearly told her to come downstairs, but he was not in the restaurant. When he came in later, there was a chef and a maid following closely behind him.

She suddenly had a bad premonition. She was worried that he had done something to the food and wanted to tease her.

After all, in the car just now, she had hugged him because he had touched her feet. Although she was quiet on the way, she did not give him a positive impression.

Could it be that he was angry because of what had happened just now and now he had someone close the restaurant door to settle the score with her?

She suddenly put down her chopsticks and stood up, looking like she wanted to escape.

Huangfu Qiye quickly reached out and grabbed her hand. He frowned slightly. "What are you doing? Sit down and let me see."

"Did you drug the food?" Tang Xiaowei asked him with an open mind.

Huangfu Qiye didn't expect her to ask him like this. He didn't react for a moment, and his face stiffened. When he came back to his senses, he immediately laughed again. "Stupid woman,. Who told you that I drugged the food?"