Chapter 244: Stab Him with scissors

However, before he could finish his sentence, she started to struggle because he suddenly hugged her. The scissors in her hands started to stab at his body like crazy. "Let go of me, or I'll kill you."

He actually had the nerve to mention the murderer. Weren't the murderers him and Huangfu Yuner?

He suddenly appeared now. What was he pretending for? What was his purpose?

Huangfu Qiye did not push her away, nor did he dodge. He allowed her to stab him.

He hugged her tightly, as if he was holding a rare treasure.

In his eyes, she was indeed a rare treasure, and a treasure that had been lost and recovered.

So as long as it could calm her down, she could hurt him however she wanted.

Tang Xiaowei hated him so much that she wanted him to die. So when he refused to let go of her and hugged her tightly, the scissors in her hands stabbed him again and again without any hesitation.

She was panicking, in pain, afraid, and resentful. All she wanted was to push him away.

Every time Huangfu Qiye was stabbed by her, even if the pain made his face pale, he would only frown slightly and let out a muffled groan. However, he did not dare to relax his grip and continued to hug her tightly.

At that moment, there was a knock on the door.

Then, the door was opened and a group of people walked in.

The people who came were Ling Shitian and a group of bodyguards.

Ling Shitian had just heard a report and seemed to have heard the lady's cry for help, so he immediately brought people over.

At that moment, seeing that Tang Xiaowei was being held in the arms of Huangfu Qiye, who had come to cause trouble earlier, Tang Xiaowei pushed him frantically, but he held her tightly

He hugged her tightly and refused to let go.

Although he was curious about how Huangfu Qiye came to Tang Xiaowei's room, it was obviously not the time to ask about this matter.

And where the two of them were standing, the white carpet was dyed red with a lot of blood. Ling Shitian thought that Tang Xiaowei was injured and his eyes were red with anger.

He angrily ordered, "Go and pull that man away, quickly!"

Immediately, a group of bodyguards came up, wanting to pull Huangfu Qiye away.

Huangfu Qiye had been stabbed in many places by Tang Xiaowei, and he could no longer stand steadily. Once he was pulled away, he suddenly did not have the strength to carry Tang Xiaowei anymore.

He stumbled and fell to the ground, but his gaze was still affectionate as he looked at Tang Xiaowei, wanting to struggle up and hug her. "Xiaowei, listen to me, you really misunderstood me..."

Tang Xiaowei was almost scared silly.

She had just stabbed him in a state of madness, and she had stabbed him more than once.

At that moment, the two of them were pulled apart. She saw that he was covered in blood, and his face was pale as he fell to the ground, unable to get up. The scissors in her hands could no longer be held and fell to the ground.

She trembled all over and looked at the blood on her hands in disbelief.

This blood was all his. She had already stabbed him many times with the scissors. Even if he did not die, his injuries were not light.

She did not expect that she would still attack him in the end.

But shouldn't she be happy?

She had avenged herself. Such a happy thing. Why did she feel that her heart was in so much pain that it was about to die? Her tears could not stop flowing.

She sat on the carpet in a daze, tears streaming down her face.

Ling Shitian thought that the blood on the floor was from Tang Xiaowei's injuries.

However, after pulling the two of them apart, he realized that the injured one was Huangfu Qiye and the one holding the knife was Tang Xiaowei.

Moreover, Huangfu Qiye was not angry at all after being stabbed. He even endured the pain and looked at Tang Xiaowei carefully.

As for Tang Xiaowei, she sat there in a daze, tears streaming down her face.

Although Ling Shitian had never been with the person he loved the most, he could still tell that there must be something wrong with Huangfu Qiye and his little rose.

Hence, he could only order David to send Huangfu Qiye to the doctor to treat his wounds.

"David, take Mr. Huangfu to the doctor," he said.

When David heard this, he brought two bodyguards forward, wanting to send Huangfu Qiye away.

However, Huangfu Qiye pushed away the person who was close to him. Although he was severely injured and did not have much strength left, he gritted his teeth and endured the pain in his body. He said again, "Xiaowei, are you still angry? If you're still angry, you can continue to stab me."

Tang Xiaowei heard this and looked at him in a daze.

However, because her tears kept flowing, her eyes could not see people clearly.

This feeling reminded her of the day when she had a miscarriage with the injection of the medicine. She did not seem to be able to see the person in front of her clearly, but she could roughly see him.

She began to have a trace of suspicion.

At that time, she was tricked into going to the Golden Hotel. At the beginning, when she smelled the fragrance of the flowers, she could not see her surroundings clearly, and her entire body felt weak.

All of this could have been done on purpose by Huangfu Yuner, and her motive for doing so was not only to make her feel weak and unable to control her, but also to make sure that the man standing beside her was really not Huangfu Qiye?

But his voice was very similar, and his figure was also very similar?

She immediately denied this suspicion. She shook her head vigorously. She did not want to see him get injured again, but she started to find excuses for him.

The person that day was no other than him, yet he still wanted to quibble.

"Get lost!" She yelled at him angrily.

For the first time, Huangfu Qiye had a sad and hurt look in his eyes.

He gritted his teeth and remained silent. Even when Ling Shitian's bodyguards came to take him out again, he did not struggle and did not push anyone away. Instead, he quietly followed them out.

After he was taken out.

Ling Shitian instructed the servants to come up and clean Tang Xiaowei's room.

He pulled Tang Xiaowei into the bathroom, his tone full of concern. "Xiaoqiang, wash your hands first, then change into clean clothes. Uncle Tian has something to talk to you about later."

Tang Xiaowei could only nod in a daze.

Ling Shitian then sighed and walked out.

After Ling Shitian left, Tang Xiaowei closed the bathroom door, leaving her alone.

She stood in front of the mirror and had not washed her hands yet. Both of her hands were covered in blood and her dress was black. Although it could not be seen, it was still stained with a lot of blood.

She stared at herself in the mirror in a daze.

She had actually become so cold-blooded.

She had actually stabbed him like this.

She did not know if he would die from such a wound.

She clearly hated him. Why did she still feel bad after stabbing him?

She felt that she was very cheap. He was obviously a scumbag. It was only right and proper for her to seek revenge on him. There was no need for her to feel so guilty.

With this thought, she slowly regained her calm. Then, she blankly washed her hands, took a shower, and changed her clothes before walking out of the bathroom.

The blood stains in the bedroom outside had all been removed.

There was no other smell in the air, only a faint fragrance of flowers.