Chapter 115: Is he true to her?

Tang Xiaowei nodded, watched him leave, and closed the door.

As soon as he left, she immediately brought the cold medicine over.

She took out a few cold medicine pills and threw them on the lawn from the window. Only then did she return to the bed and drink some water from the cup. She hurriedly picked up the bowl of porridge and began to eat it in small bites.

Huangfu Qiye only went down for a while before he came up. When he returned, Tang Xiaowei had already been eating the porridge for quite a while.

He saw that the cold medicine had been touched, and it was obvious that she had eaten a portion. He walked over, and behind him, a maid carefully placed the food on the glass coffee table, then left.

"The medicine has already been taken?" He picked up the cold medicine and looked at it. It indeed looked like it had been taken, and the water in the cup next to it had been drunk from.

Moreover, the bowl that she was holding had much less porridge in it. At that moment, she was burying her head in her food, as if she was eating some top-notch delicacy.

He felt that she looked cute at this moment, but at the same time, his heart ached for her. It was just a very ordinary porridge, yet she actually liked it so much.

If she was not sick, then he could take her to eat whatever she wanted.

"Yes, I've already eaten." She did not blush at all when she said that. Moreover, because she had lowered her head to answer him, there was no need for her to feel flustered.

Huangfu Qiye did not suspect anything.

After the two of them ate dinner, Tang Xiaowei directly laid down to rest. Meanwhile, Huangfu Qiye went to the bathroom to take a shower. When he came out of the shower, he realized that Tang Xiaowei had already fallen asleep.

He felt a little helpless, but when he thought about how she had caught a cold and was not feeling well today, he did not wake her up. Instead, he carefully laid beside her and pulled her into his arms.

Today, he did not know if it was because of the cold, but he felt that she had changed a lot.

At the very least, this was the first time he felt that she showed a shy and nervous expression in front of him. He vaguely felt that she had him in her heart.

Although this feeling was very faint, as long as she had him in her heart, it was enough. He would make her more interested in him in the future.


When she woke up in the morning, Tang Xiaowei found that she was still in Huangfu Qiye's bedroom. However, she was the only one in there.

When she woke up yesterday, she was also alone. However, at that time, she had a stomach ache and went straight to the hospital.

However, today, her entire body was relaxed and she was completely fine. This proved that he did not do anything to her after she fell asleep last night.

She got up, washed up, changed her clothes, and went out. She was ready to go downstairs for breakfast.

However, after breakfast, she remembered her current identity. She did not know if she was still his secretary. After all, he had said those things the night before last. It was obvious that he had not forgotten about the matter of getting married.

So, was she his fiancee or his secretary now?

She wanted to ask him about it, so after leaving the restaurant, she asked Yuan Shan, "Where's your young master?''

Yuan Shan replied calmly, "Young master went to France at dawn."

"Went to France? Why?" She didn't expect him to go to France. She thought that he simply wasn't at home right now and might have gone to the company.

She didn't expect him to go abroad.

"Because something happened at the company in France, so young master rushed over. Before young master left, he said that he might be back in a week," Yuan Shan said calmly.

However, this news made Tang Xiaowei unable to calm down.

Huangfu Qiye had suddenly left the country, and he had gone for a week. He had not told her yet.

If she had not taken the initiative to ask, would no one have planned to tell her?

She held back the discomfort in her heart. "Okay, I understand."

Since he had gone to France, it was impossible for her to follow him to be his secretary, so she could only stay here and see what would happen in the future.

However, when she thought about how he had said that he would only be getting married in two weeks, but now he had gone to France and would only be back a week later, she would be wasting an entire week. She would not be able to get in touch with him during this week. This greatly reduced her chances of testing him.

She rubbed her head in distress.

Yuan Shan had originally thought that Tang Xiaowei had never liked her young master, so she should be very happy when she heard that her young master would not be back for a week.

However, Tang Xiaowei was clearly very distressed now. Moreover, she was even more distressed than when she did not know that Huangfu Qiye had gone to France.

Yuan Shan was a little puzzled, but she still went forward and asked with concern, "Miss Tang, are you not feeling well? Do you want me to call the family doctor over?"

Huangfu Qiye went to France in the early hours of the morning and took Yuan Qi away. Yuan Shan was left behind to take care of Tang Xiaowei, so she naturally had to take care of Tang Xiaowei carefully.

Tang Xiaowei's mood was inexplicably bad.

"There's no need to call the doctor over. I'm fine. I just feel a little stuffy. I want to go out and get some air." She originally wanted to go upstairs and stay for a while, but she kept feeling that staying here at this moment would make her feel even more stuffy and uncomfortable so she wanted to go out.

Yuan Shan shook her head and tried to stop her. "But young master has instructed that you can't go out before he comes back."

"Don't tell me that if he doesn't come back for a week, I have to be locked up here for the whole time?" Tang Xiaowei was a little angry.

Yuan Shan nodded. "Yes, but this isn't a prison. It's young master's protection for you."


Tang Xiaowei slowly calmed down. She remembered what Huangfu Qiye had said. Among the women he wanted to protect, one was her, and the other was his grandmother.

So when he wasn't in the country, he didn't allow her to go out. Perhaps he really wanted to protect her.

However, he kept saying that he cared about her. Why didn't he tell her that he was leaving for a week?

He didn't even want to tell her his whereabouts. Was he really sincere about her?

At that moment, a phone suddenly rang in the bedroom upstairs. It sounded like her cell phone.

Tang Xiaowei was stunned for a moment, then she quickly walked to the bedroom.

In the bedroom, her cell phone was still ringing, and it didn't seem to be stopping.

She walked over and picked up the cell phone. The screen showed that it was him.

She was still guessing and complaining that he didn't tell her his whereabouts, but when she saw that he called her, her heart started beating uncontrollably. She was like a deer that had lost its way and was running non-stop, looking for the way home.

Yuan Shan followed her. She saw that Tang Xiaowei was holding her phone in a daze and was even slightly trembling. She called out worriedly, "Miss Tang, are you alright?"

Tang Xiaowei came back to her senses and shook her head at Yuan Shan to indicate that she was alright. Then, she swiped the touch screen and answered the call.


"Have you finished your breakfast?" There was a hint of gentleness in his domineering tone.

She was stunned. He actually knew that she was eating breakfast just now, so someone had already told him when she had just woken up.